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[Sticky] New FFED3D builds from Ittiz & AndyJ

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I've done some testing/digging into the Journals display issue in case it was related to the crashes, and found the cause of that was a separate issue. It was being caused by the new translation routines for 2 stories that were active in your timeline. They were using 1 more instance of variable-driven text than I'd expected was likely to appear in a single story (21!) and unfortunately this blew an array that I'd missed putting an out-of-range check on. Anyway I didn't fancy scanning through 700 stories in each language to decide a new safe size, so I've reworked that bit of code to remove the array usage so that it can't happen again.

I also took the opportunity to give the story texts a drop-shadow too which makes them a little easier to read against the backgrounds, as well as fixing a little FFE bug that could let you into an unknown journal if you did a 'scroll down' action on the journal selection page.

It's also looking like the game is crashing when executing the main "event" related to missions in the later years after the commander should have died. This gets called several times after a load and on a new day, and with a variable input parameter. Not all input values cause a crash. It's a pretty complicated function that triggers other events, does calculations using the number of elapsed days since the start of the game (which seems to be exceeding max integer size in one case) and I'm not entirely sure yet what the purpose of the event function is... possibly it's generating new missions or perhaps as it creates system information it is something to do with AI for mission destinations.

That said, I've tried disabling this event completely, and have then played out the first assassination mission in your 3319 save Steve, and it still seemed to play out with the target ship arriving in system, departing to the destination - getting shot down - and a successful mission paid upon returning to the issuing system.
It looks like It'll take a bit of time & effort to figure out this function & I've been full of cold & lacking sleep all week so no ETA on when my brain will take it in! If the number of elapsed days are a problem though, getting too large, I'm not sure that'll have a solution other than turning the event off. Anisotropic turned this and several other mission-related events off in 3500, so perhaps it's not vital - there's a separate piece of code in that mod which I've also not figured out yet that "turns off hand coded missions" but again, I'm not sure what effect it has... do the hitchhiker and dreamware missions also potentially repeat with the stories I wonder?

Steve - If I add a .cfg flag to switch off the event, would you be interested in giving it a test too to see if you can spot what might not be happening when it's disabled? (and obviously - does it cure crashes or can they still occur)

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Steve - I've uploaded a beta 4 [here](

This should work with your earlier 3319 save game. I've completed one assasination and returned to Fomault to claim the reward, advanced time to get new journals & eventually upset the passenger who left complaining loudly.

The mission board there also had an entry for the Federal Military. Opening it triggered the other piece of code that I noted the Anisotropic mod disables in "FrontierMan" mode (3500).
Turns out this generates the "CLASSIFIED" high risk missions such as photographing planetary bases (protected by a defense satellite) so I've left the code enabled.
I'll be interested to hear though if they still play out OK given the disabled mission event.
And if you can keep a few saves for test cases (before accepting mission, approaching satellite, base etc as you play through each step to conclusion, that'd be helpful in case of any issues)

Hopefully there won't be any problems, but keep a safe copy of your position before playing on into 3318 just in case issues do occur.

As for the journal entries not appearing if you go back in time, well the same seems to happen if you jump forward too. FFE seems to have a buffer for all 700+ stories in the save game, and I'm not sure if its holding date ranges they should be displayed. I'm a bit surprised that advancing to the "next edition available" doesn't add a story so perhaps it's not that straight-forward. It's not really something that I would want to spend time investigating to be honest, I think the time travel in BUFFET was really intended to help meet mission deadlines rather than jump forward/backwards years/decades in game time!

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STEVE i know what you ment with "computers....!"
> "I really hate this damn machine, I wish that they would sell it. It never does just what I want, But only what I tell it."
i guess this describes your problem with computers well

>! quotes = {
>! "Ill play with it first and tell you what it is later. MILES DAVIS",
>! "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted. HASSAN I SABBAH",
>! "Dont let your mouth write no check that your tail cant cash. BO DIDDLEY",
>! "The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth. NIELS BOHR",
>! "Just because everything is different doesnt mean anything has changed. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ORACLE",
>! "The most merciful thing in the world ... is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. H P LOVECRAFT",
>! "Take what you can use and let the rest go by. KEN KESEY",
>! "Its not the size of the ship, its the size of the waves. LITTLE RICHARD",
>! "I never loved another person the way I loved myself. MAE WEST",
>! "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. SIGMUND FREUD",
>! "When choosing between two evils I always like to take the one I've never tried before. MAE WEST",
>! "Honest Officer, had I known my health stood in jeprody I would never had lit one.",
>! "It is a rather pleasent experience to be alone in a bank at night. WILLIE SUTTON",
>! "Never invest your money in anything that eats or needs painting. BILLY ROSE",
>! "The rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs. KARL MARX",
>! "If Karl, instead of writing a lot about capital, had made a lot of it ... it would have been much better. KARL MARX'S MOTHER",
>! "When I sell liquor, its called bootlegging; when my patrons serve it on Lake Shore Drive, its called hospitality. AL CAPONE",
>! "Anything anybody can say about America is true. EMMETT GROGAN",
>! "Tip the world over on its side and everything loose will land in Los Angeles. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT",
>! "If you've seen one city slum, you've seen them all. SPIRO AGNEW",
>! "If you've seen one redwood, you've seen them all. RONALD REAGAN",
>! "Use it up ... Wear it out. Make it do ... Or do without. US WORLD WAR II MESSAGE",
>! "You cant underestimate the power of fear. TRICIA NIXON",
>! "The whole earth is in jail and we're plotting this incredible jailbreak. WAVY GRAVY",
>! "The end move in politics is always to pick up a gun. BUCKMINSTER FULLER",
>! "Things are more like they are now than they ever were before. DWIGHT D EISENHOWER",
>! "You smash it - and Ill build around it. JOHN LENNON",
>! "College isnt the place to go for ideas. HELLEN KELLER",
>! "Politicians should read science fiction, not westerns and detective stories. ARTHUR C CLARKE",
>! "America, how can a write a holy litany in your silly mood? ALLEN GINSBERG",
>! "It is necessary for me to establish a winner image. Therefore, I have to beat somebody. RICHARD M NIXON",
>! "Any smoothly functioning technology will have the appearence of magic. ARTHUR C CLARKE",
>! "Justice is incedental to law and order. J EDGAR HOOVER",
>! "Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms. GROUCHO MARX",
>! "The first duty of a revolutionary is to get away with it. ABBIE HOFFMAN",
>! "Stay out of the road, if you want to grow old. PINK FLOYD",
>! "Here I am, fifty-eight, and I still dont know what I want to be when I grow up. PETER DRUCKER",
>! "How can you be two places at once when youre not anywhere at all? FIRESIGN THEATER",
>! "I think that God in creating man somewhat overestimated his ability. OSCAR WILDE",
>! "We are what we pretend to be. KURT VONNEGUT, JR",
>! "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. OSCAR WILDE",
>! "The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong - but thats the way to bet. DAMON RUNYON",
>! "I could prove God statistically. GEORGE GALLUP",
>! "Real wealth can only increase. R BUCKMINSTER FULLER",
>! "Anyone can hate. it costs to love. JOHN WILLIAMSON",
>! "In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true either is true or becomes true. JOHN LILLY",
>! "Time is an illusion perpetrated by the manufacturers of space. GRAFFITI",
>! "The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible. ALBERT EINSTEIN",
>! "Nobody can be exactly like me. Even I have trouble doing it. TALLULAH BANKHEAD",
>! "A physicist is an atoms way of knowing about atoms. GEORGE WALD",
>! "Dont lose Your head To gain a minute You need your head Your brains are in it. BURMA SHAVE",
>! "It was always thus; and even if 'twere not, 'twould inevitably have been always thus. DEAN LATTIMER",
>! "Burnt Sienna. Thats the best thing that ever happened to Crayolas. KEN WEAVER",
>! "We dont know who discovered water, but we are certain it wasnt a fish. JOHN CULKIN",
>! "Try to be the best of what you are, even if what you are is no good. ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT",
>! "I waited and waited, and when no message came, I knew it must have been from you. ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT",
>! "Please dont lie to me, unless youre absolutely sure Ill never find out the truth. ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT",
>! "Please dont ask me what the score is, Im not even sure what the game is. ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT",
>! "I either want less corruption, or more chance to participate in it. ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT",
>! "If you cant learn to do it well, learn to enjoy doing it badly. ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT",
>! "I dont have any solution, but I certainly admire the problem. ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT",
>! "Maybe Im lucky to be going so slowly, because I may be going in the wrong direction. ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT",
>! "By doing just a little every day, I can gradually let the task completely overwhelm me. ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT",
>! "To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first, and call whatever you hit the target. ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT",
>! "America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. OSCAR WILDE",
>! "The flush toilet is the basis of Western civilization. ALAN COULT",
>! "If the aborigine drafted an IQ test, all of Western civilization would presumably flunk it. STANLEY GARN",
>! "The world looks as if it has been left in the custody of trolls. FATHER ROBERT F CAPON",
>! "Sure there are dishonest men in local government. But there are dishonest men in national government too. RICHARD M NIXON",
>! "We are going to have peace even if we have to fight for it. DWIGHT D EISENHOWER",
>! "If we make peaceful revolution impossible, we make violent revolution inevitiable. JOHN F KENNEDY",
>! "'Contrariwise', continued Tweedledee, 'If it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isnt, it aint. Thats logic.' LEWIS CARROLL",
>! "It takes a long time to understand nothing. EDWARD DAHLBERG",
>! "To know the world one must construct it. CESARE PAVESE",
>! "Eeny Meeny, Jelly Beanie, the spirits are about to speak. BULLWINKLE MOOSE",
>! "The mistake you make is in trying to figure it out. TENESSEE WILLIAMS",
>! "An object never serves the same function as its image- or its name. RENE MAGRITTE",
>! "All I kin say is when you finds yo' self wanderin' in a peach orchard, ya dont go lookin' for rutabagas. KINGFISH",
>! "He who wonders discovers that this in itself is wonder. M C ESCHER",
>! "Law of Computability Applied to Social Sciences: If at first you don't suceed, transform your data set.",
>! "When more and more people are thrown out of work, unemployment results. CALVIN COOLIDGE",
>! "The first rule of intelligent tinkering is to save all the parts. PAUL ERLICH",
>! "Sex is hereditary. If your parents never had it, chances are you wont either. JOSEPH FISCHER",
>! "Fourth Law of Thermodymanics: If the probability of success is not almost one, then it is damn near zero. DAVID ELLIS",
>! "Frouds Law: A transistor protected by a fast acting fuse will protect the fuse by blowing first.",
>! "The meek shall inherit the earth, but not its mineral rights. J PAUL GETTY",
>! "Give a small boy a hammer and he will find that everything he encounters needs pounding. ABRAHAM KAPLAN",
>! "The fault lies not with our technologies but with our systems. ROGER LEVIAN",
>! "Under any conditions, anywhere, whatever you are doing, there is some ordinance under which you can be booked. ROBERT D SPRECHT",
>! "Thoreau's Law: If you see a man approaching you with the obvious intent of doing you good, you should run for your life.",
>! "Vique's Law: A man without religion is like a fish without a bicycle.",
>! "If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization. GERALD WEINBERG",
>! "Zimmerman's Law of Complaints: Nobody notices when things go right.",
>! "Real knowledge is to know the extent of ones ignorance. CONFUCIUS",
>! "Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein. BOOK OF PROVERBS",
>! "It usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech. MARK TWAIN",
>! "The unnatural, that too is natural. GOETHE",
>! "I used to be indecisive; now Im not sure. GRAFFITI",
>! "I had a monumental idea this morning, but I didnt like it. SAMUEL GOLDWYN",
>! "He hasn't one redeeming vice. OSCAR WILDE",
>! "I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous. GRAFFITI",
>! "'Martyrdom' is the only way a person can become famous without ability. GEORGE BERNARD SHAW",
>! "Science has proof without any certainty. Creationists have certainty without any proof. ASHLEY MONTAGUE",
>! "Birth, Copulation, and Death. That's all the facts when you come to brass tacks. T. S. ELLIOT",
>! "Make no little plans. They have no Magic to stir Men's blood. D. B. HUDSON",
>! "Bradley's Bromide: If computers get too powerful,we can organize them into a committee... that will do them in.",
>! "Civilization Law #1: Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations one can do without thinking about them.",
>! "Ketterling's Law: Logic is an organized way of going wrong with confidence.",
>! "Whenever 'A' attempts by law to impose his moral standards upon 'B', 'A' is most likely a scoundrel. H. L. MENCKEN",
>! "The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion. GEORGE WASHINGTON",
>! "In every country and every age, the priest has been hostile to Liberty. THOMAS JEFFERSON",
>! "Money, not morality, is the principle commerce of civilized nations. THOMAS JEFFERSON",
>! "We must all hang together, or we will surely all hang separately. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN",
>! "Where a new invention promises to be useful, it ought to be tried. THOMAS JEFFERSON",
>! "Assuming that either the left wing or the right wing gained control of the country, it would probably fly around in circles. PAT PAULSEN",
>! "An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself. CAMUS",
>! "Six years for possession of a cigarette?...I got six months for possession of a deadly weapon! S. HARRIS",
>! "The Swartzberg Test: The validity of a science is its ability to predict.",
>! "What do you call a boomerang that doesn't work? A stick! BILL KIRCHENBAUM",
>! "To err is human, to compute divine. Trust your computer but not its programmer. MORRIS KINGSTON",
>! "I've seen many politicians paralyzed in the legs as myself, but I've seen more of them who were paralyzed in the head. GEORGE WALLACE",
>! "You don't have to explain something you never said. CALVIN COOLIDGE",
>! "A little caution outflanks a large cavalry. BISMARCK",
>! "A billion here, a billion there, sooner or later it adds up to real money. EVERETT DIRKSEN",
>! "I like a man who grins when he fights. WINSTON CHURCHILL",
>! "There are a lot of lies going around.... and half of them are true. WINSTON CHURCHILL",
>! "Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most times he will pick himself up and carry on... WINSTON CHURCHILL",
>! "Pioneering basically amounts to finding new and more horrible ways to die. JOHN W. CAMPBELL",
>! "That man is richest whose pleasures are cheapest. THOREAU",
>! "Life is not one thing after another.... it's the same damn thing over and over!",
>! "The meek will inherit the Earth..... The rest of us will go to the stars.",
>! "After all is said and done, a lot more has been said than done.",
>! "Beauty is only skin deep, but Ugly goes straight to the bone.",
>! "There is no remedy for sex but more sex.",
>! "Any given program, when running correctly, is obsolete.",
>! "Sex is like snow... You never know how many inches you're going to get or how long it will last.",
>! "What matters is not the length of the wand, but the magic in the stick.",
>! "Love is a matter of chemistry, but Sex is a matter of physics.",
>! "Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what no one else has thought. ALBERT SZENT-GYORGI",
>! "Revolution is the opiate of the intellectuals.",
>! "I really hate this damn machine, I wish that they would sell it. It never does just what I want, But only what I tell it.",
>! "Fantasy, abandoned by reason, produces impossible monsters; united with it, she is the mother of the arts and the origin of marvels. GOYA",
>! "Some people like my advice so much that they frame it upon the wall instead of using it. GORDON R. DICKSON",
>! "Civilization is a movement, not a condition; it is a voyage, not a harbor. TOYNBEE",
>! "We have met the enemy and he is us. WALT KELLY",
>! "You know, of course, that the Tasmanians, who never committed adultery, are now extinct. M. SOMERSET MAUGHAM",
>! "If it ain't broke, don't fix it. BERT LANTZ",
>! "The one charm of marriage is that it makes a life of deception a neccessity. OSCAR WILDE",
>! "God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh. VOLTAIRE",
>! "There are things that are so serious that you can only joke about them. HEISENBERG",
>! "It takes all sorts of in & out-door schooling to get adapted to my kind of fooling. R. FROST",
>! "Confound these ancestors.... They've stolen our best ideas! BEN JONSON",
>! "Avoid quiet and passive persons, unless you are in need of sleep.",
>! "Rotate your tires.",
>! "Speak glowingly of those greater than yourself, And heed well their advice - even though they be turkeys.",
>! "Know what to kiss - and when.",
>! "Remember that two wrongs never make a right, But that three do.",
>! "Wherever possible, put people on 'HOLD'.",
>! }
that's quite a spoiler!
it's in fact a lua script i use in "Sputnik" (my personal pioneer release), the quotes i took from a ancient amiga program named "Quotes"
which does nothing else as to randomly select one of the above quotes, to use it i.e. in the startup-sequence for the workbench.
these are not all of the quotes, the longer ones i didn't used because it should be placed in a single string of one line length.
well of course they can be used in FFED3D as well since we have the quote at start of the game
they will fit well i guess since many are computer related or at least able to put a smile on your face.

> "It takes all sorts of in & out-door schooling to get adapted to my kind of fooling"


yes i guess i downloaded the beta you ment, at least some sub-models (the scalable ones) appeared out of scale which tells me something has changed to them.

you saved my soul!
of course they aren't "funny", well i call them this but i know in some i put a lot of work and yes my imagination is - let's say legendary.
truely the courier for elite dangerous doesn't looks like a courier to me, the only thing which makes it sister to FE's courier is the name.
but well i see also it's far more modern or recent in design as mine.
"funny little space ships"
i'm well known for my understatement, maybe sometimes it's even annoying.
see i guess the reasons are:
im just a craftsman and son of a craftsman i studied nothing and my educational degree is rather low
i was told when i was a child "you get nowhere because you are a nobody"
never, really never one of my friends in my youth would have seen my in such, everybody thought "he's a idiot"
they thought they know it all while i thought i know nothing (but guess...)

dunno if the "tool" makes a big difference, "if i haven't one i made me one, if i still haven't one i use my fists"
but the size of the team and the affordable money makes a difference for sure.

further i found out we are in europe (certainly we are)
i mean i noticed a young dude from USA on "deviant art", and they (i guess a film studio) offered him a education as animator
just because they noticed he's very good in posing (he created LEGOrobots and presented them)
i guess such only happens in USA, here no one will recognize you if you haven't a name already or the right education.

to all of them who are responsible for this
if you wonder why USA has such brillant designers and engineers, well this is the key to it
take a nobody and make a somebody out of him/her.

i close this reply, more in the next reply

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Posts: 522

you will have to excuse me that i'm already again running on two tracks simultaneously
means i started to resurect "Sputnik" from it's remnants and i got right now i idea for a proper name of the project "Phoenix"

![]( "")
no not this one!

i've been to al kinds of troubles with my machines
you might know i lost one and a complete HD with all my stuff on it about 3years ago
i have to work with my rotten old machine running a 32bit XP
i completely disassambled the machine last month and reassambled it,
from time to time you have to 😉 (what a bullshit)
set up the XP new and god what a problem - registered it with a hack
and registered it as "POS ready" which allows me to be updated until 2019 (intentionally ment for industrial & business servers)
which means YES
i have acces to the internet, i have no idea how long it will last because i'm a "free rider", means i found a uncrypted wlan i can use.
however, my trustworthy old workinghorse "kentsfield" is like i said trustworthy.
i haven't had a right graphic card since my old one is in machines nirvana,
the one i used for the newer machine won't work (it's a pcie2 while i got only a pcie1 on the kentsfield board).
thus i had to use a my old "ATI" which is really old and i even couldn't play a FFED3D

but lucky me i found a old computer which someone placed at the rear of a discount to be recycled
since that i'm working on my models again, because i can use blender or similar softs, which won't have worked on the "ATI".

the boys (often) and me (not so often) we use to seize the truck which is placed in the rear to keep the waste of the discounter
usally just food, but food is money for us jobless and certainly they noticed it else they would be stupid, but i guess they let us.
now this old machine had a fitting graphic card, nearly as good as my old one a NV7300GT (i owned a 7600) on a "presler" board.
the machine was in a bad condition and i guess it refused to run because the processors ventilator was completely stuck with thick dust
thus it won't have worked and if the ventilation doesn't works the computer won't start.
i removed the dust (mouses) and well who expected this, it runs.
that's why i disassambled it, tried this and that but i the end my old one is better, well a short refere tothe web would have telled me this,
but then i wasn't internet ready yet.

now i have a clean machine, almost new, but rather slow comparted to the state of art.
and well i have now a second machine, the "presler" board is complete and would run (even when the CPU was once overheated i noticed brown
spots on the side where the pins rest, which is a sign for me that it was running to hot once, no wonder when the ventilator was stucked with dust)
i would have a third board a old "MCI" which was one of my first machines, i kept it once i had the idea to make a multimedia centre out of it,
just to listen music on it and things like this, it won't need a screen for this. or perhaps a pure MAME machine to put in a table or arcade hall case.
a fitting beefy joystick with beefy buttons i found in the waste (well i even found a RC helicopter in the waste, absolutely "new" still in it's box
we really live in a world of plenty - for some at least - so much plenty people throw new things away and i told this already if you work in recycling
you are not even allowed to think of taking it for yourself. very intelligent system, there is one who can (re)use it but he 's are not allowed to,
yeah better make trash out of it disassamble it throw 90% away and keep the few material resources instead to keep it all, some gain money with this
and finally that's the reason why you are not allowed to touch it, because of stinking money. it's a comlete wrong understanding of "recycling"
and this won't help us to made it to the future, believe me we have to change minds, money we can't eat! money is good for nothing and playing
monopoly is killing the future of the whole human race, but well "as long as i have my profit"..... - idiots real idiots, blind and selfish idiots).
i still kept the broken "medion", for a brief moment it was running again, though there is a chance to fix it, it's still some "life" in it.
and since a year i hold a "rampageIII" with a fitting processor, but i fear none of my old (or even not as old) power supplies won't work for it,
i have to take a search in web now that i have connectivity.
with the "rampageIII" ("republic of gamers" i like) i would be state of art again - i guess

on the other hand it has also at least one advantage to work on a old computer,
you have to keep your projects running fine on a low specced machine
what i output will run on most machines no matter if you reside in the heart of africa and own only a rotten old computer.
i never liked that they made out of pioneer a game which runs only on recent hardware,
not even industry is that stupid to support only the latest crap, they like to sell
and open-source shouldn't be at all fixed on recent hardware, because who uses open-source?
ppl with a small wallet, it costs nothing.

thanks here even to "daniel" which i lost contact to (not "our" dan), he contacted me when i was argu hard with pioneer devs
and i never forget this "you are absolutely right in every point"
he's not a nobody, he said he worked in professional game design and liked to start a commercial fork of pioneer with little me.
i feared this much and that's why i started "sputnik", just to see where i get with it.
but then my machine died and everything was flushed down the drain.
because of that i lost interest, just to think of pioneer or FFED3D made me headakes and also i started to check my psychic condition
of which i can say now it never was better, proofed and labeled.

after this quite long pause, i feel alright and well to pick up the remnants of my old projects, even when certain things still will produce nausea,
looking at pioneer will remind me of all the things i argued about, it still gives me problems, thinking of "why have they done this?".
e.g. i commented "hey the terrain looks flat and there is to much ambient light" i wasn't understood
now i looked at the shader scripts and oh what a surprise (or even not)
"add starcolor to objects emissive color" (comment "it's a bit odd")
i changed it to "add starcolor to objects diffuse color" and no surprise the flat shading is gone - bye bye (comment "if it's odd then why do it this way").
and if you remember this was always the case, something odd was made and it was to solve witha little of proper thought.
pointing on such odd changes made me a enemy of robert and continuing he never changed on what i pointed.
which made me believe of "safety bolts" in the program, because it was often this way and daniel even saw this as a option for the "errors" in the game.
someone else will need a very long time to find and remove the "safety bolts", you as head-developer know exactly where they are and can remove them in given time.
imho that's not the way to lead a open-source project, that looks to me like a "hostile takeover" from Tom Morton's project.

ONE rebel-pilot is still alive and with the help of the force he will bring balance to the universe.

who will read all this tard gernot?

stop writing - read the previous posts you son of a scabby bitch...

Rear Admiral Registered
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 3451

Great post Gernot! B)
Thats great you built another PC to get online again with. Yes the Unofficial SP4 XP update is very handy is it not? 😉
Right now, I am rebuilding my retro PC (a dual boot with Win 98 & XP) with bits scavenged from here and there. Having a modern all singing, all dancing rig is great, if you can afford it, but for many (myself included) we do what we can with what we have.
As for your work in Pioneer & FFE3D Gernot, it might well have given you head aches as what you created wasn't easy to do but it still stands as a testament to your creativity and that will always be so.
Fly Gernot Spaceways, always get you there on time....


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yes i am a artist, i know this by the fact how a artist looked at me when he saw me drawing.
he's got a good reputation as artist in carving wooden statues and leads now the arts studio of the "psychiatrische klinik wil" in switzerland.
part of this institute is in wattwil where i live and where i stayed for "cure" for one year.
like i said when i was drawing he was amazed by it, my imagnation and how i draw, complete different to him.
if he works out a person or face, he scribbles and overscribbles, that's typical for a carver i guess.
but i start with a single line place the next line and with a few lines the drawing is finished, no scribbling, no erasing, mostly all of one continuing line.
ok i always liked t reach this thus i reached this.
drawing mostly curves has also amazed our "arts therapist", she liked to get that on linoleum like i do - but never finished the attempt.
we're to different, she works with the help of chaos and let things happen
i thought i let the chaos rule, but in fact it's vice versa,
if she gave us a task i already had a imagination of it, it seems i can't work without to have already a idea of what it will be in the end.
it's surprisingly hard for me to let the chaos rule.
she is orderly and can let the chaos rule in her paintings
i'm disorderly and can't let the chaos rule in my paintings.

nonetheless, my main problem the so called "minority complex" or inferiority isn't "cured" no matter how artists look at me,
nomatter how many compliments i get, that was also a roblem in my childhood, even my friends thought sometimes i'm just fooling them
and that i just like to hear the compliments over and over again - but that's not the case.
this seems to be bound to something deep inside of me maybe even the part of my character i can't change.
it's evil and i have such little selfrespect that even my paintings and drawings i made i this year i handle like rubbish,
they just rest in a corner, get dirty and stay in the risc of being destroyed, it's well crafted stuff but it's made by me though it has no real "worth"
unless i would gift it to someone, yes i'm a strange character i know.

**long text simple meaning - thanks geraldine!**

thanks again, you know you play yourself a important role on what you pointed on, steve also, all of us
steve keeps up his site since many years and it will have attracted countless players to this old game
together with all the rest of FFE related sites which he most are closed now.
the whole community on Frontier.forums, all of us we played a role in this, that's what i believe
there is no more or less important, even one who contributed nothing except perhaps some jokes or stupid questions plays a role.
all this keeps a idea alive and not one or two persons, we encouraged us that we believe in the right thing, that we play the right game.

of course yes andy's great and without his restart i wouldn't have restarted, FFED3D comes to something really good now i believe.
a lot of whishes we had he already fixed for FFE3D, 30 years old or not the engine is good if you like a open ended single player space game.
certainly not as flexible as pioneer, but reliable and it's still "the mother of all space sim games".
FFE has what many haven't, spirit, if you like such games it can still fascinate you even when you play the original in DOSBox.

hmmm... i have a question to FFE maybe you, yes you know this.
is it a fact that i can't use in the original FFE the "roll" commands?
even it looks like the manual control has been added later by john jordan,
because it refuses to work in the original game
but i'm not sure if it had to be this way and can't remember if this was really the case.
of course in FFED3D and all other derivates of JJFFE it works.

**"QWERTY"** i mean **ANDY**

besides not working issues, yes i even can't make screenshots, i gave that up and made mine using "faststone capture" that's where the watermark comes from.
(besides if you like "FSCapture" and doesn't use it because it's now payed software, i still hold a free to use version of it, ask me if interested
i hold several old softs which i even used on my win7x64, when it runs fine why take another? i know (see quotes) "every running program is obsolate"
but you know "new doesn't equals to better")
the key "asterisk" in games often doesn't works for a swiss-german keyboard layout, thus i gave a damn about it.
some keys that shouldn't be used to be international compatible
asterisk, (asterix, where is his buddy?) either on the numpad or shift + 3 but this varies
brackets [ ] and { } - very important these are displaced because of "è/ü" "à/ä" and only to reach with "ALT GR" + "ü"/ "!" or + "ä"/"$"
- and +, the badest idea of all shift + 1 won't work as + (diff keycode) and numpad + doesn't equals keyboard + in the key code
while numpad + / - is fine - if you got a numpad, probably on a notebook you haven't a numpad.
numpad * should also work, but "should", i don't know why it fails for some games, it must be bound to the interpreter (selected codepage)

all latin letters are fine and should be used even if that complicates things sometimes
in general , ; . : - _ ? ' `` = + * # @ % & [ ] { } are not good they change by keyboard language and the even have sometimes a different keycode
free for most games would be PgUp/PgDwn, Home/End, they are good to use and i often use them if i can map the keys to my choice
also the never change no matter what keyboardlayout or if it's a notepads layout they are always present.
but best are the latin letters, then i get no problems even on my moms MacBook
and "Solomon" from Liberia shouldn't have problems neither.
as long as you don't have to use a complicated key combination to reach a symbol which in the end doesn't works
and it's apart from that, even if it works, very bad to use while playing.

i see the rest of the talk is about missions,
not that i wouldn't like them
but i have no time left for playing (that's a lie)
mostly i'm busy with my models, recently not FFED3D, but like you said andy, by choice.

maybe i can repeat here that i still can't reproduce your error for the station model steve
a possibilty would be if i could examine your installation, i'm pretty sure something is messed up
what i use is in general* a plain FFED3D, means the basic installation had only the needed stuff in it
no additional textures no additional models
based on this i made my mods and one by one i added the new stuff
later i moved some mods to the models folder, but later.

in general*
i have i slight idea what the reason could be, but only a slight idea
i can imagine that first some models can interfere with others, this i know, models in FFE are build of many sub-models
especially larger objects like stations and cities.
some submodels we don't use and use only the slot for the final model.
sometimes this had been already mixed up by our russian ancestors
of course you can i.e. place a station in the slot for the sub-model of the station it will appear in FFED3D the same.
now "gernötli" comes along using "mesh view" and guesses "hey that's wrong this model belongs to a different slot".
what i did once to be sure of surprises and this still stays in my installation is the use of dummy models
the russians also used them, empty models or just a single triangle to avoid that a certain model is displayedor loaded
of course we can now thanks to andy disable many of them in a far more elegant way.
but still some models shouldn't be handled and it's best to place simply a dummy model in the respective folder.
thus this model or submodel will never appear.
(i removed once the rings for the gas giants and wondered when i digged out FFED3D where the rings went to
well they went to hell (disabled by a dummy model, the reason why i did this once i forgot like the fact that i did it once)
place a dummy model in the slot (folder) for a planet and be surprised of the effect! (usually they aren't present, but if you know the models # you will know it's folder)
you get a planet and a displaced atmosphere, very strange.

however if you like that i should fix this issue and even that i can tell exactly what produces it i had to snoop through your installation
which means it would be good if you could pack your whole FFED3D in a zip and i could download it somewhere.

as a option
setup a new installation, use only the latest crap and a very basic installation, no models installed really no models not a single one.
make mods of the models, groups i.e. original FFED3D install, gernots ships, gernots buildings.
the enable one after the other or disable and sooner or later you wil know which group of models produces the error.
if you got this information you can furthr split this group to evaluate which model it is exactly.
you wrote already which ones you suggest
to be honest still i have to check that, because well in my installation the error doesn't appears.
though i guess this won't help me much if i have noting to compare.

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> The given device operates until the smoke is released from it, at which point the device ceases to operate. Ergo, the smoke is an essential part of the device's operation, through undetermined means.

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Gernot, your absolutely correct about Steve. His site played a big role in keeping the original games (and FFE3D) in everyone's minds, and still does to this day, and his knowledge of them is vast. Like us, one of the original members of the Frontier Forum. B)

And Steve, I also agree with you on a single definitive version of FFED3DAJ; one download that works right from the off, the other versions can still be available too, but it would be nice to have a definitive "Andy" version as he has added and fixed so much. Keeping it as just the one download means Andy can update it when he feels like it, yes a great idea Steve! 🙂
I must have about 6 different FFE3D versions on my hard drive right at this moment as well as GL FFE, GL Frontier, Pioneer, Scout, Genesia, Oolite and Elite TNK! 😀
Love em all! <3

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thanks for the info steve, yes i thought it must be that way, but really couldn't remember it.

yes and no
of curse i still have my old installaions of FFED3D some at least, but usually with every, or almost every release i open a new folder for it.
but it's true that's the proper idea and i guess i already did a step in this direction when i uploaded the default installation to my onedrive
it needs a review because i changed quite a lot which maybe not everybody likes, that is mainly to reduce the textures of the ships wherever possible to 8bit.
from my point of view it makes no differene, you won't notice if it's 24bit or 8bit depth in a running game.
the pioneer devs decided once to prefere dxt that's a special "compressed" texture format. now what is this compression? reducing the shit to less as 8bit, to keep i assume at least 32 colors for the grayscale of the alpha channel. in this way it is possible to have a near to 8bit depth "quality" and a useful alpha blending.
personally i would prefere something else. when you create a dxt you have no control over the dithering which is used to convet the 32/24 bit picture and dammit it steals many many bits from a texture. you create a texture maybe in double size of what is needed in the game and finally you have to "destroy" it with such a format and it steals the magic of your work. 8bit/256 colors is ok but i like to decide how i dither it, a alpha channel truely doesn't needs 256colors 32 are really enough for a alpha blending.
i would prefere to split the alpha channel from the 32bit texture for a 8bit texture and to use a greyscale for it, you can decide if you like to reduce it to 4bit depth. it is besides not for all a alpha channel needed, many models have no semitransparent parts.

but i won't decide such for myself, i really would like to know what andy & ittiz who created the new textures thinks of such. it's a vital thing and certainly you loose already much of the "magic" if you convert them to 8bit. personally i feel it makes them crispier and i have no problems reducing mine to 8bit, at least they are loaded faster and need less space, about the rest i can only speculate.

thus if i upload such a clean installation, preferably here on SSC, then i have to use until it's decided, the 24/32bit textures.
it will be split like i did that already, using the "proofed" stuff from old FFED3D as basic installation and the rest are mod packs,
e.g. new buildings, new ships, replacement bld, replacement ships, which are in this case ment as replacement for a existing FFED3D model.
new models can stay as a single mod for a while and after some time you can add the proofed ones to the default install.

this i can offer you already, it won't contain a executable we could still ofer it seperately, because to the default textures and default models won't happen much
they will stay mostly the same, the rest are mods in the way i split that already are all of my models only mods until it's certain they make no problems or are accepted by "everybody". neither i have a problem to keep this, i could still only update "new ships gernot", but i like to have as less as possible mods to exchange, that's why i think a pack is the better solution as 50 single mods.
recently my build is a tohouwabohou because i started to change the models in my installation instead in the mod because i started to get bored of change something then zip it, activate it, test it.
but to use a "fresh" download is no problem.
really that was my intention with the default installation, further i didn't uploaded it here yet because i want to know first if they run fine for everybody.
but ok i can start the same in the download area of SSC (unfortunately without a thumbnail, but that won't matter) unfortunately without the possibiluty to describe them as i did on my onedrive. erm yes it's possible if i open a folder for each i can stuff a description.txt in it you can read before you download xy MBytes to find out that they are not what you want. and very important to see what revision or release date the mod has. AND i have to keep myself to this system, i know it's a bit a boring work to write descriptions and respect always this and that rule, i have enough problems myself with such.

further i like to know how i should go on with my "lightweight" models, i did that because i'm aware that semitransparent cockpits and a tiny humunculus (pilot) use some extra fps, cockpit and all this boosts the polycount and one could say righteously it's not needed because rarely you look at them when you play the game, a black cockpit is as good as one you can see a pilot in. not exactly but almost as good.

back to the splitting of the textures
the disadvantage is i guess that you need a texture more and i see or asked already about a specular map.
still also i would like to get a reply to that and to the screenshots i posted where i simply used the diffuse texture to reduce specularity.
unfortunately i couldn't workout how to use a greyscale, i tried but failed, but i managed it to reuse the diffuse texture as specular map which is a possibility.
not the best one because especially dark blue or black windowparts will loose all specularity while a white building will be glossy.
with a specularity map i can control this and in my humble opinion a specularity map can even replace a bump mapping, not fully but you can produce depth to the texture and that's what is the goal of a bump map if you don't have to cheat LEGO studs, this goes to far imo.

more vital changes, once i started and i personally kept this (i guess) to convert the atmosphere textures to a greyscale i think the result is good (not every sky is blue then while earth's blue sky is less blue then) but even here i'm standing in the desert, i have no idea what the rest of you thinks about such.

further is this not my task, i should care about the model stuff and i'm more then satisfied if i get a specularity map to play around with.

shall we use compressed .png or uncompressed, maybe only targa?
this is a thing of the past, i found out once that a targa is loaded much faster as a.png even as a uncompressed .png, what the reason for this is i have no idea.
(probably that to load a .png the machine needs to know first compressed/uncompressed? .tga is always a simple uncompressed bitmap)
however to have a comparison i started once to conver all textures to targa and i gained on my old (but now even recent) 20seconds in loading time.
and 20 seconds is quite a lot.
recently i'm not sure if that is still the case, andy's build loads quiet fast anyway, i havn't tested this with andy's builds and also i feel it makes no difference, but well i only "feel".

**in general this is what i like to be sure of before i upload a default installation on which we can build up**
- should my models be heavy or light? (with or without use of semitransparent parts)
- does it makes sense for you to reduce the bitdepth of the texures?
- and oh yes, i would like a specularity map, i know i'm close to, but i can't manage it right, whatever i tried the result was a model with absolutely no specularity when i tried to read a greyscale with the shader script. ok i have web now and could learn how to do it right but i'm sure that's not needed, or is it?
it woud cost not to much time to update even the old models with a specularity map, a bit a boring very repetive work but they don't have to be perfect this would cost me to much time
usually a overworked greyscale is ok, it's not as good as a specially made spacularity map, but anyway if you don't hold the project of the texture, you can't do it much better.

and well you will agree that a matte black cobra mk3 looks much better, apart from matte rusty or dirty sections.
that the city floor tiles would look far better without specularity (a little bit i reached this by reuse of the diffuse texture)

in creating the many specularity maps i guess anybody could support me, it's not a big thing just a lot of work

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without secularity map
![]( "")

with simple reuse of the diffuse texture as specularity map
![]( "")

i know the latter has a slightly different angle but i did best to show at least a little specularity because it really lowers it much

float4x4 viewprojmat; // view*proj
float4x4 worldmat; // world
float4 light; // light source
float4 lightcol; // light color
float4 ambient; // ambient color

int skinnum; // the skin number for this model instance

texture skin; // skin.png
texture spec; // spec.png

sampler s_tex = sampler_state
texture = ;
AddressU = WRAP;
AddressV = WRAP;

struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 position : POSITION;
float3 normal : TEXCOORD1;
float2 tex_vu : TEXCOORD0;
float3 lightDir : TEXCOORD2;
float3 eye : TEXCOORD3;

float4 pos : POSITION,
float3 nor : NORMAL,
float3 tangent : TANGENT,
float2 tex_vu : TEXCOORD0

float4 vertex = mul(pos, worldmat);

Out.position = mul(vertex, viewprojmat);
Out.normal = normalize(mul(nor, (float3x3)worldmat));
Out.tex_vu = tex_vu;

Out.lightDir = normalize(light);
Out.eye = -normalize(;

return Out;

float4 Pixel_Sh(
float2 tex_vu : TEXCOORD0,
float3 normal : TEXCOORD1,
float3 lightDir : TEXCOORD2,
float3 eye : TEXCOORD3
) : COLOR0
float4 ut;
float4 tx_base = tex2D(s_tex, tex_vu);
float3 diffuse = tx_base * lightcol;

ut.rgb = saturate(max(0.05,dot(lightDir, normal)) * diffuse * 2.0 );

float3 R = normalize(reflect(-lightDir, normal));
float VdotR = saturate(dot(R, normalize(eye)));
VdotR /= 128.0 - VdotR * 128.0 + VdotR;
float3 specular = lightcol * VdotR * tx_base;

ut.rgb += specular;
ut.a = tx_base.a; //Take alpha from skin to allow transparent glass etc

return ut;

technique PixelLight
pass P0
VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 Vexel_Sh();
PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 Pixel_Sh();

as one can see the use of the code format is a little difficult (hrmpf)
but ok that's how i changed it for the models, the declaring on top for a spec texture is still present but not needed for this
the rest of my experiment i removed except for the reuse of the diffuse texture, which is
float3 specular = lightcol * VdotR * tx_base;
instead of
float3 specular = lightcol * VdotR;

probably my experiment still exists but i'm a bit afraid to show it off

in the 2.nd picture of the eagle it looks quite matt but when you (could) move the camera it gives you a different impression.
the texture uf the eagle is made to be as crispy as possible for such a reuse of a diffuse map, in this simple way for years the pioneer models was shaded,
with the difference that in the script the diffuse texture first has been converted to a greyscale map to lower the specularity.
if i liked to have something glossy i had the possibility to set this in the material i use for a untextured material.

but i'm a absolute beginner when it comes to shader scripts, i did some experiments already many years ago when did my first steps in modelling
i know that i already for the courier changed them back then to have a less synthetic look and i guess i even added the star color to it and removed
the reflection of the thruster flames and such lights loosed therefore the semitransparency.
i used back then the shader output of 3dsmax for it, the output doesn't varies much to what was used for FFED3D.
thus i had at least a idea where to start.

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is that common that the beta builds display no tips at start?
i noticed they won't need the lua libraries (apart of not displaying the tips).

Senior Chief Registered
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If you have no tips appearing then I'm guessing you haven't got a Translations sub-folder?
If you have/are setting a new game folder up from scratch remember then you need to start with either the original FFED3D beta or Ittiz's pack and then add the FFED3DAJ files over the top of that... which means the beta or release runtimes (FFED3DAJ_v1.xx zip), the core files (currently and optionally add

And yes, FFED3DAJ had a new "tips" system added in v1.11 to potentially support multiple languages, but also to remove the lua dependency as it was a candidate for causing a crash and otherwise unused.

The old "Scripts" folder from FFED3D is not used any more. You'll need to edit the "tips.ini" file which is within the Translationssub-folder for the language code you have defined in ffed3daj.cfg. (default is EN)
It's in slightly different format to the old script file but it should be fairly obvious how to edit it. Don't forget to update the count at the end of the file to match the number of tips that you want to use. There is also a test value that can be enabled by removing the preceding #

- - - - -

The 'reminder' wall-of-text belongs in its own thread and is Off Topic here. You have already posted something similar elsewhere - but I haven't responded as I haven't had time to look into it - and I'm also very much a shader newbie.

If there's any moderation powers on this new board, it'd be helpful to move that post into a new thread called something along the lines of "Ship shaders" as I don't want to discuss it further in here.

- - - - -
There was a question about keyboards layouts too - again, this belongs in a separate Question thread if you want to discuss futher.

The game uses DirectInput for reading the keyboard and doesn't know anything itself about the physical layout/language.
In the key re-mapping I've stuck to the standard key names that DirectX uses, but in practice some of these names will mean different keys if you've a non-US keyboard. The assumption that DirectX makes is that ALL keyboards can basically map their layout to the QWERTY key positions.
So, for a mapping that uses TILDE, this would be the key that is normally to the left of the "1" button on the main keyboard area.
JJFFE added specific roll inputs on the square brackets [ ] , which will be the 2 keys immediately after the "P" key- I think the è/ü and the !/" keys on your keyboard Gernot, if the pictures I'm looking at on Google are correct.
Screenshots can be taken by pressing CTRL then the multiply key (*) on the number pad - assuming you have a number pad of course!
I should probably add an alternative key key combination for users who do not...

- - - - -
To answer the earlier suggestion about putting together a base pack - yes this is something that I want to do and I have a 'clean' set of files ready and waiting with the patch enabler for some of the alternate models/textures. I'll need to check with nanite2000 though if he'll be ok with me including his textures which are currently separate downloads.
I'm not sure that I'll do this for 1.12 though as I'm mulling over the idea of splitting the main .cfg file too so that certain features are controlled by a stand-alone file. I'm thinking of perhaps deploying a base set that has static FFE faces taken from the videos enabled by default with the videos as an optional download and installation.
I also want to do some tidying up with textures to separate the legacy cockpit graphics from the icons used on the 3D model. Anyway I'll have a think at the weekend about this as I should have some clear time...

- - - - -

General request to everyone - because this thread has gone a bit off the tracks lately...

If we want to start discussions about things like the "tips" and other side-topics, please can we start creating new threads to do so, rather than take this one Off Topic. It's turned into a bit of a free-for-all now and it's at the point where it needs multiple answers per-post to address all of the topics, and I don't think it's a great idea to be trading walls of text as more and more topics open up.
Personally - if it's me having to answer all these questions in one place - it gets a bit daunting to sit down and cover everything, and takes long enough that I invariably get cheesed off and go find something else less taxing to do!
And if there are multiple people having separate conversations - well it all gets very confusing.

We have a whole sub-section of the forum to make use of here and it is far easier to track a single topic or discussion when they have a dedicated thread - not least given the very basic "quote" functionality here. There are several topics of conversation in the last few pages

OK I'm taking my 'headmaster' hat off now 😉

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right, i will take more care what i will post here.

i see, first i disabled translations, that might be cause no.1, i will see, present should be all it's just a tohouwabohou recently (wherever i go... chaos isn't far)
nah, keep that hat on, it suits.

one last thing, though i have to investigate myself how to use a specularity map

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If translations are disabled then it'll default to the "EN" language folder for the tips.ini file.
Even if you are playing with English (language=EN) then I'd still recommend enabling translations. This allows it to use the external story files which have had a few corrections made to them, and also it will dynamically adjust the story layout for the screen width and font size. Otherwise it just displays the lines of text as however FFE decided to split them up.

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Andy, again thx for the info, i will try this out, i will inform you if it worked out (by a pm prefrably), issue closed 😉

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You're welcome. yes, feel free to send me a PM with the file contents if it's still not working and I'll take a look at why that may be. Probably something else that needs an improved explanation in the ffed3daj_readme.txt file!

@Steve. Can you chuck me a save file - with this entry - hopefully one where it'll still be present the next day if you forward time. Again - might be worth creating a new thread for this - as I guess other issues might pop up?
Perhaps "Commander Steve's adventures in the afterlife" ? 😉
(maybe with a quick pre-amble in the opening post that the thread is for feedback regarding the extended life feature)
Obviously normal game behaviour is "You died!" at your current game point, but I don't know if that message can still pop up after completing the mission chain...

Crewman Registered
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Hi can anyone help me ive tried to download ffe3d from here and i wont download it gets about half way through and fails everytime



Crewman Registered
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Hi I can download all of the mods and patches ok it wont let me download FFE3d-ittiz and the andyj ones which are the complete ones i have found a working version but its not the modded one but it is in higher res the only thing is there are no videos when you get to the stations/ planets starports but this does not really effect the gameplay here is the link and it works I have tried to patch this one with the andyj patches but it does not work, but as a standalone its full screen and works quite well and I am running windows 7.



Crewman Registered
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Hi fwibbler download the one i said in the link then download the patches from here and copy and replace into the ffe3d folders and it works i was obviously doing something wrong and the 3 andyj versions work really well I love the custom music folder its great to have your own tracks playing you will need to edit your mp3,s otherwise you will have to listen to the whole track.



Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Hmm I tried to download one of the larger files 'FFED3D-beta3-Ittiz.7z' at work and got a disconnect on both tries around 160MB into the download. I will look into this issue, no one has reported download issues yet. But I find this strange

Crewman Registered
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That’s the exact same issue I had I can download the other files ok but ffed3d Andy j and ittiz would only get so far then stop

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I made a few tweaks to the PHP config on the server to increase timeout/size/memory usage, maybe this will help download the full file.

Crewman Registered
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Hi thanks it worked with the andy but not with the ittiz

Crewman Registered
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Hi Just tried it again it got to 210mb the stopped

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Posts: 1

Hi, I'm also experiencing the abovementioned issue. Can't download neither the FFED3D-Beta3-Ittiz nor the FFED3D_complete; the download aborts somewhere after the first 100mb.

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