UFO ejection capsul...
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UFO ejection capsule

Warrant Officer Registered
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Disturbing video :

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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WOW... you see t hat small orb take off from the object....


This video is a bit better I think:


Rear Admiral Registered
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Eject! Eject!

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Well thing is this eject happens and then takes off. Our ejection mechanics um don't do that, surprised this didn't hit the news.

Rear Admiral Registered
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It is strange I will grant you that but I would have liked to have seen more of what the ejected part did. For all I know it may have just been a meteorite that contained some volatile gases that erupted shooting out debris as its main body was heated during entry into the Earth's atmosphere. If it contained ice below its surface for example this could turn into superheated steam shooting off any loose parts of the meteorite.

Warrant Officer Registered
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it may have just been a meteorite that contained some volatile gases that erupted shooting out debris

Some say that the object's speed is a bit too slow to be a meteorite... ?! Furthermore, the debris speed is high, strongly linear, and in an opposite direction of the main object body, which is a point that tends to favor the "artificial" nature of the object... who can say ?

Warrant Officer Registered
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Some hypothesis :


  • This really is an alien patroller that encountered a technical problem or the pilot did something wrong (hey even advanced aliens can be incompetent sometimes). The extraterrestrial biological entity is hiding somewhere in south California, trying to survive while waiting for an unlikely rescue mission (if this species is compliant with our biosphere).
  • This is a human flying vehicle, coming from far far away in the future; he fell into a time warp in a clash with another (human or alien) faction; in this case it's easier for him to escape the authorities (MIB?     ) if the human species has not evolved and physically changed too much, of course.

Ok, time to get back to work. 

Petty Officer Registered
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The UFO Ejection Capsule is a type of spacecraft designed to safely transport a single occupant away from a hostile environment. It is typically used in cases where the occupant is in danger of being killed or captured by hostile forces. The capsule is designed to be ejected from a larger spacecraft, such as a fighter jet or a spaceship, and is equipped with a propulsion system and a guidance system to allow it to reach a safe destination. The capsule is also equipped with a life support system to keep the occupant alive during the journey.
