To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Oh I am gonna love this game... the city is just amazing all thats going on, all the AI behind all those NPC's is amazing.
Its made by the people who made Witcher 3. Its probably going to be the best open world FPS RPG ever conceived. Its going to get excellent support and massive expansion packs.
I can't get excited about a game like that again. After No Man's Sky and Elite Dangerous my fragile heart can only take so much. 🙁
Have faith IronHound it is CD Projekt Red we are talking about here. There game support is first class and they have yet to disappoint their fans with any of their games. They have been working on this like 5yrs now, this is why this alpha looks so playable at this point.
This will be a game changer of a project in the realm of scifi action rpgs cannot wait. CDPR knows there is many eyes reviewing and waiting for this game so I am sure they are taking there time so they wont be a NMS release.
Here's my biggest issue right now. Alot of people don't fully grasp how CD Project Red got to how they are. Because sadly, most people haven't played the first Witcher game.
It was JANK. It was the most janky european style cluster that I think I've ever played. It was amazing, but also a convoluted hard-core mess. Most people really only ever played Witcher 2 and 3.
Why does this matter? Because they have never developed an FPS. Or a game where you make your own character. Im super excited, but I will definately be waiting for a polished game of the year edition. They are one of the best developers in gaming, but I feel like they are biting off more than even they can choose.
I would agree that Witcher I wasn't an amazing game. But I did enjoy it, was there issues even in the definitive edition? Of course. But for a first game and a new IP it did well in its storytelling and the game continued to push story but also branched out at its open world and immersion additions to the witcher series and grew over time to a great game series. You could see the progress in the quality and attention to details. I think this is what I like most about CDR, is the attention to the details.
Will I be a day one adopter, no. Because a game of this scale will definitely have bugs. But CDR has proven they support their games and they will fix issues and add worth while content in the process. Yeah I guess you can say its their first FPS style of game but I still don't think that is a hurdle for them. I think the hurdle is the logic decisions and multiple branching possibilities in approaching a situation.
I hope they keep it up because they are definitely creating a immersive environment for us to spend hundreds of hours in and if they allow modding the game will only get better over the years.
Not much here in the way of new information...
I think this is being posted, especially because of the ending that maybe we won't see Cyberpunk 2077 this year...? But I do agree with them, don't rush this one, there is way too much hype around this to get bad feedback if they rush it. I always thought we would't see cyberpunk 2077 until after next generations of consoles appear... but maybe there is some hope it will be out at the end of the year.
Well something that I read a few weeks ago is that CDPR did say they would be on all digital distribution platforms 😉
What I'm afraid of with Cyberpunk 2077 is not the developers, but if publishers/investors start demanding the game goes out earlier than it should. It's a huge project and a lot of people are very hyped about it so having it come out earlier than it should is a massive risk.
Hey SpaceCaptain
What is good about CD Projekt Red is the fact that they are the developers and publisher of all their games. So when they say it will release when it is ready I believe them. They know there is huge hype behind this game especially after the success of the Witcher series. This is a brand new IP based off a pen and paper game so I hope they do take their time...
I am sure they will announce some more news during E3, but I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see this game until the new consoles hit the market personally which is probably 2020.... but there is talk that the game is done and they are just in pollish mode and side quests. So who knows.... I know the fans would go crazy if Cyberpunk 2077 releases this year.
Huh. My mistake then. I was sure they had a publisher, not they published their own game. Must've confused them with somebody else. Well, then I guess the game will be released when it's ready!
Also, "they are just in polish mode". Heh!
Haha, oops forgot an 'l' it is corrected.
Yeah not too many developers can self publish a triple A game these days it just takes too much money. CDPR has had the luck that the Witcher series sold very well for them and they made a lot of money so it gives them the freedom to take some time and turn out a good game.
What they have done well I think is adapt books/existing material into games and it is this that sells the games because there is already a fan base for that material and that helps. But also CDPR is known for their quality so the bar is always set high for their releases and I think CDPR knows that Cyberpunk 2077 has a huge following and I think they are gonna knock it out of the park with this one.
So I watched this vid on YouTube called "5 Cyberpunk Games To Play before Cyberpunk 2077", not a great selection of games. Cant believe he missed out Blade Runner and two of the games are not even what I would call cyberpunk games. Although he did point out a game called "Runier" which will be going on my whish list for the next steam sale.
So thinking about it here my take it.
Blade Runner, the best one even if the graphics look a bit weird now, whish they would remake this as open world game.
Dream Web top down point and click action 2D game bit like blade runner before Blade runner, if that make any sense.
Syndicate: the orignal one not the remake and it still one the best representation of a future city in a game.
B.a.t 2 bit like the above three games, but a bit more open world and with vechicals to crash.
Beneath a Steel Sky one the best point and ckick adventure game ever made.
Granted it's a bit retro but I like it.
We have a release date....... 🙂
Watch the trailer, you will like the surprise in there.
Enough time to build a machine that will be able to run it! 😀
I hope the Vega64 I bought last year runs this with everything turned up, I may see if I can boost the system ram from 16-32GB. This game looks so good and CDPR still has about a year to tuning it and and hopefully making it as perfect as they can. I think I could spend hours just wondering the world they created seeing what trouble I can get myself into. 🙂
They did not mention a "battle royale" mode so far so good! 🙂
Games up for pre purchase on Steam already, even through it's not coming out till 15 of April next year.