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Aphelion: Phoenix Rising

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Wyvern Studios is working on a turned based 4x game called Aphelion: Phoenix Rising. You will be able to play one of six races (Atrox, Therans, Vitruvians, Atton, Greys and Pintar), and building diplomacy or intel on the other races will help you advance your empire. You will come across planets in various systems that you can terraform to build more resources and work on yourtechnology research. And how can we forget battles, there will be turn based space battles and ground battles that are conducted without player intervention but are won depending on your resources, buildings and research.

Right now it looks like Wyvern Studios is looking for some funding/publisher so give them a hand by posting in there forums and show that there is a fan base wanting it to be released soon 🙂

Check out there website for more info on races, systems, battles and research in Aphelion:

Here is some screenshots of Aphelion.

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Warrant Officer Registered
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Maybe I got out of bed on the wrong side this morning but I can't help but feel Wyvern Studios are simply retreading ground we've seen many times before. What makes this game different from the Galcivs, MoOs, Space Empires, Lost Empires we've already seen, played, loved and - most importantly - watched evolve with new features?

Not much, as far as their website suggests. But like I said, perhaps I'm just a bit grouchy. I'll keep an eye out in case they have some new tricks yet to reveal.

Petty Officer Registered
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Check out an interview I did with Brad Ottoson, Aphelion: Phoenix Rising main developer. Hope this helps to clarify a bit better the game features and innovations.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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That was a good read Adam thanks. I was going to try to get a Q&A next year sometime when I get some of my other Q&A's done. I am keeping my eye on this one because I think this is one of the better 4x games coming soon.
