To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Nice one Vuzz π
Enjoying the game so far?
You know what that screen shot needs Vuzz? An Imperial Hunter! :girlcrazy:
My meandering career as an explorer is finally under way, and I've just surveyed my first 'unknown' system. That data was worth over 13k, and in the process I made my first two kills, which brought in over 10k in bounties! As for a pic - here:
Odd things afoot!
Que? Are you chasing yourself there, Geraldine? Strange days!
Some nice screenshots of your new ship Vuzz.
You made it all the way to Sag A! Well done Vuzz!!! :girldance: :fans:
Yeah , and now ... the return at home :O :crazypilot: :download:
Finally got around to paying the Galactic Core a visit with a friend
how long it took for you to go up out there ? this is incredible :good:
Thinking of asking you to be my friend on E:D, as I'd like to watch your return journey on the galactic map - cmdr Andy Linoge - π
PS : got an ASP Explorer too - nice craft isnt' it ?
I took a leisurely journey to the core over 5 months Nevil. My time of trying to be the first or the fastest at everything in Elite has long since passed. Wondering around is my thing these days. I guess I will head back to human space eventually. And sure Nevil, I will look out for you in ED, you already know my CMDR name (not hard to guess) so send me a friend request. I usually fly in my own little group. Less bother that way. And yes, the Asp is a fine ship indeed. I fitted mine with twin fuel tanks so it can travel very far between scooping stops. The Asp along side mine is owned by "Juris" a good friend from the Star Citizen forums who decided to join me in the madness of heading coreward in ED. :girlcrazy:
Finally after 5 months of roaming about...
Home at last! :girldance:
The old Asp looks a but tired though! :girlcrazy:
Welcome home :drinks: dont forget to lead your Asp to the shed for the 17000 parsecs maintenance ! :biggrin:
For my part I'm still roaming in the Pleiades systems, searching for those damns alien artifacts - not seen one until now :huh: .
Good luck out there Nevil, hope you finally find some. As for me I am just trying to re-adapt to life back in the human bubble. NPCs seem a lot more more aggressive than I remember, or maybe it's just my memory failing! :girlcrazy: