To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Greetings Space Fans,
New players for EVE online, doom n gloom.
There comes a point of saturation over 10 years where the devs put out patches to appease the main crowd, and the original focus is lost.
Needless to say a great game like eve has succumb to what all awaits their fates, uberdom boredness affecting new players.
Although it is generally safe in .5 and up space, it takes 3 months of skill training to be viably self sustaining.
Having said that, and going undercover as a new player, the experience has left a bitter taste.
The pvp community has seen to it that new players have no asteroids to mine in high sec (affected by euro respawn time also) trying to force them into low sec.
New players get harassed in high sec public asteroid fields, intimidated, killed to a pod then blackmailed and held for ransom or u lose ur pod.
There are scams that can leave a new player broke and desponded in no time, adhoc corps made up with alts to get new members, then they take their other alt and gank the new players.
Considering that most players in eve have 2+ accounts, anytime ur on with 30000 people, it actually means that there are only 15000 or less on.
I would recommend the trial, but that's where the buck should stop.
Consider this, to learn all skills in eve online would take an actual 17.6 years real time.
You will never fly a titan ship, they are exclusive to corp members after years of training.
The space sandbox has been taking farther by numerous other space sims just coming into their own.
Entropy, Infinity, Star Trek online, to the very elite (I cant wait) STAR CITIZEN.
The degradation of eve is not the devs fault, but the community of eve itself.
I hear you , as a new player in Eve the hurdles to having fun are to high and to many for me personally. I am so bored of all the attempted scamming that I quit pIaying a month ago, we get enough of that in real life.
I do think the devs make a solid product though, just not for my tastes.
Like you though I have high hopes though for Star Citizen.
The space sandbox has been taking farther by numerous other space sims just coming into their own.Entropy, Infinity, Star Trek online, to the very elite (I cant wait) STAR CITIZEN.
You didn't mention Elite: Dangerous - you are aware of it, yes? It's now in Alpha-2 and looking very good indeed.
I just recently cancelled my EVE accounts, mostly because I can't make such a heavily multiplayer game fit comfortably into my real life because of time management issues and such. So few games in the genre have actually materialized lately (many announced, but few out so far), so in my opinion EVE is still the best, which makes me rather sad not to be playing it.
I have to disagree with some of Dorean4's assessments though. The new player experience is certainly more dangerous in EVE than in many other games, but that's part of what makes it what it is. If you want absolute safety, surely EVE is not for you. I enjoyed the "realism" of having to worry sometimes. I also think it is a GOOD thing that skill training takes 17 years and that it is not a realistic goal for everybody to fly a titan. If you ever really completed training your skills, it would be no fun to have no more skills to train. I think the rate at which skill training happens, and at which new players become competent at various tasks is finely honed and not far from perfect right now. The idea of 40k players flying around in titans and supercarriers is just stupid.
That said, I am very eager to have some alternatives. I am at least as excited about Star Citizen as anyone, and am financially invested in it in a not-insignificant way, but as more details get revealed, I have a feeling it will have its own share of aggravations. First of all, originally we were promised that it would be possible to play the full game more or less alone, while I haven't seen any statements more recently which have directly contradicted this, the overall tone of the details emerging over the past 12 months or so seems to be rather anti-singleplayer. This is a really big deal to me, because of the time management issues that I find multi-player games to have. Another thing that I find quite discouraging is that death in SC will actually be WORSE than in EVE (so says Cloud Imperium). Not only do you lose your ship, but you actually get a new character, having a major impact on all your standings. This sounds a bit insane to me and I have a feeling that people will eventually realize that it is a bad idea. I really enjoyed the fact that death had such major consequences in EVE, but there all you lost was a ship and some implants. Not having clones is a step to far. Compounded with this is the fact that pretty much everybody will have lifetime insurance on at least one ship. The amount of money you donated will therefore have a huge impact on "winning". Of course, I am glad SC was able to raise so much money, and I think it is good they found so many creative ways to do so, but perhaps they should look for other ways of mitigating the negative consequences thereof. Like I indicated, I have rarely ever been as excited about something as SC, but sometimes I think Elite: Dangerous has a somewhat better chance of being "the best" space sim (also because SC is so overly ambitious). Hopefully Chris Roberts will prove me wrong.
There comes a point of saturation over 10 years where the devs put out patches to appease the main crowd, and the original focus is lost.
Which is what, hardcore PvP in a single server? They seem to still be doing that thing.
Although it is generally safe in .5 and up space, it takes 3 months of skill training to be viably self sustaining.
Depends on what you mean by self-sustaining. You can be running level 3 missions within a few days and that's decent money for a new player, and you don't need help to get up and running either.
The pvp community has seen to it that new players have no asteroids to mine in high sec (affected by euro respawn time also) trying to force them into low sec.
Are you suggesting that PVPers are mining all the asteroids? lol
New players get harassed in high sec public asteroid fields, intimidated, killed to a pod then blackmailed and held for ransom or u lose ur pod.
That can't happen unless you get criminally flagged, which is 100% avoidable.
There are scams that can leave a new player broke and desponded in no time, adhoc corps made up with alts to get new members, then they take their other alt and gank the new players.
Getting scammed is player error. CCP took many measures to make scamming more difficult, and avoiding it is as simple as reading before hitting accept on a contract. Besides, if you only use the actual market it will never happen to you. Also not joining random corps created by strangers is a good way to not get screwed. Why give power to players you don't know?
Considering that most players in eve have 2+ accounts, anytime ur on with 30000 people, it actually means that there are only 15000 or less on.
Although I wouldn't be surprised if 15k out of 30k online players were alts, that doesn't mean that most players have 2+ accounts. I'd argue that 90% of players only have one account and never plan to get another.
Consider this, to learn all skills in eve online would take an actual 17.6 years real time.
You will never fly a titan ship, they are exclusive to corp members after years of training.
You don't need to learn all of the skills to get somewhere in the game. It really only takes a couple of months to specialize in battleships and be more than self-sufficient. Even less if you take the battlecruiser route. And you certainly don't need to fly a titan.
The space sandbox has been taking farther by numerous other space sims just coming into their own.
Entropy, Infinity, Star Trek online, to the very elite (I cant wait) STAR CITIZEN.
We'll see if anything comes to close to EVE, but what other space MMO are people playing now? Nothing? Pretty much.
The degradation of eve is not the devs fault, but the community of eve itself.
EVE is the same as it's always been, except with better graphics and more content than it used to have. I cancelled my six year sub and only come back every once in awhile to check on new content, but the game hasn't gotten more fun... it really hasn't changed at all.
tl;dr: if you're bored with the game, then don't play it.
And way to make another account to agree with yourself. lol
If you want a new space MMO experience and are tired of EVE I would recommend you check out Ascent TSG
The recent updates have added colony building/domes etc, there's more on the way too. The game dev (Jam) is great guy and the community are very friendly, the game forum is here:
Sinstrite has produced an excellent 5 part ASTG introduction on YouTube
Look forward to maybe seeing some new players..
I also quit Eve Online for many of the same reasons that Dorean4 listed.
And to FStyle, you represent the the crowd that people are trying to get away from in Eve... Your reply, breaking down his post and trying to argue the legitimacy of every statement is just sad. You fail to see the over all picture of why people that love Eve Online, hate what the community has become. The forums of Eve Online are full of people just like you...
All of his statements where correct. There are a lot of people that play Eve simply to ruin the experience of others and they hide behind the screen of "it's just part of the game". There is no moral in the game anymore. Just a few years ago, it was nothing like it is now. EVE Online started going down shortly after they created the CSM. The CSM was good for a while, but they've put the game on the wrong track and are influenced by the wrong people. The loudest voices in Eve are loyal to the biggest alliances and those alliances do not care about the little guys.
I have also looked for other games to replace Eve Online for me. Sure there are a lot of awesome titles in development, but nothing to truly replace Eve Online yet. It wouldn't be hard for a competent group of developers to make a game like EVE, but better.