To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
I own an Italian floppy version of the original FFE.
In the past I tried to use it with JJFFE: the game worked but still in English.
Is it possible to play FFED3D using a localized version of FFE files (like the ones existing on Frontier Astro)?
Hi Mistiff
Proberly won’t work but have you tried just swapping the mission data files around.:?:
I used the complete install folder from the localized version (Italian in this case).
The game works, but still in English.
I think that the game gets the language directly from the executable file (maybebecause it's compiled from an English executable).
Perhaps I should compile JJFFE from source using a localized version in some way? (In this case I'd rather play in English, for sure 😆 ).
i think you have to hack your own ffed3d
idea for a solution
search for all the text strings in the exe (both), use ffe_univ_ruspatch as a guide, since i don't know how to get that working on my machine and it will only exchange a specially prepared language version, you find it on the pages somewhere. there is a "ENG" folder which contents represents the default english text in ffe. at least now you know what you have to look for in ffed3d.exe.
a simple copy paste from italian to original english is not possible (anyway) since the offset for the text strings will differ from one language to another. so you have to edit your own text (still you can use your italian firstenc as a pattern).
you will have to respect at least the 00 words (don't move position of) in the string tables these mark the begin of each string. else you are mostly free, check the result often, sometimes you have to add some extra space to make the text fit (wordwrap is usually done at the end of a textfield automatically).
some knowlege of a hex editor preassumed (beginners level), a good dictionary and a lot of patience and time 😉
thanks for the regards
The pilots working on a program-interpreter.
Maybe something happens. Some results are available.
Some time ago, i tried to localize jjFFE. I am not shure, if it works. Perhaps you can try it.
first of all: the translations for russian, polish and czech comes from different sites, but i forgot the adress. i have only done some fixes.
The englich version ist the original
the german version and the french version comes from the original CD.
for the italian version, i have found a shareware version
some additional infos
FFEWINitl uses MISSION.ITL, but never testet
If the localization files are out there when I go to update the FFED3D package for everyone I will definitely include these and do a write up on how to configure them all.
you have to do some things, to prepare the original jongware sourcecode for translation purposes. i hope for the ffed3d-code is it the same.
1. Fix FUNC_00076 (see the Attachment)
2. Fix FUNC_000875, but i thing the better way is to replace this function with the code from the jongware web site (see Attachment)
at least you should refactor the code and remove all the ffelang-DATAs from the ffedat.asm.
thats all, i hope,
good luck.
don't ask me, all this, the inavailability of the source code for ffed3d to fix certain problems they have invoced, the "i don't know what you have to do" to get their respect, let me move more to pioneer. let's hope they're more open minded. 😀
i know it's only a "demo" of a game but could get into something bigger than ffed3d, i'm shure.
and still everything is open, so get off your seats and join pioneer. 😉
i really liked to work for ffed3d, but it's somewhat of a mess, they fixed it up in a way that it works for .ru maybe, but we get some struggle with that here. i have a lots of suggestions for ffed3d, but it seems like i'm off.
to many things solved bad, font use ( i will never understand why they changed, partwisely, the character set of ffe, instead to create a new fontstyle, for use with a standart win font, all extra symbols, like the arrows, the small targeting box, etc. are lost. a localisation problem to, original character "ue" and "oe" have been used for [ and ] to replace the "box", koehl depot ends up as k]hl depot) , planets atmospheres, full configurability of the hud/command desk, no vids. old misshandlings haven't been corrected, like handling of the crew/contractors/foes names (all female).
further i miss a proper explanation to the use of shaders (effect.fx) since it is not 100% compliant to common shader scripts, so you can't use simply a shader processor program. but they seem not interested to offer us all this informations, so community is a bit left aside, imo.
i have no idea why they didn't implemented nic's mod for a full external ship configuration.
many things have left aside unregarded and it looks like a .... i won't tell you (the game might have been put together with a sd kit environment probably, that would explain a lot).
so you might localize jjffe, but without source never ffed3d (who cares, play in english).
as i remember localisations of fe2 was bad, and i did'nt think ffe is much better
ps. thanks nic & tomm, good work, keep it up. pioneer rules!
edit: sorry i had to use oe, ue, the original "umlauts" don't work here
You're right, unfortunately, the actual ffed3d-code is not available and the available ffed3d-code was not really useful.
Here my localized code, it includes a new font with cyrillic letters, perhaps someone find it useful. With great Probability, I will not work on this.
With this i have not solved the FFE-Problems, for that you'd have to rewrite all the string-pool code.
i took a look on pioneer, it might be the better choise, but in the next time i will not have time for this.
Thanks for your efforts, guys 🙂
Anyway, I'm also waiting for a more stable Pioneer version (GREAT idea up to now 😀 ) so take your time 😉
if you feel pioneer is unstable or acts unpredictable sometimes, why dont post it to the developers thread, i guess tomms grateful for each info how pioneer runs under windows (he is, i know), post it here
or here
truely i haven't played it often myself, except for to test my models, so when it hangs or halts i won't have recognized that also. except, i know it terminates often right after you saved a game, but i can live with that, i have saved the game then.
but most of the time it terminates because i scripted something wrong 😉
it's allready on the list of the very dangerous programs, because it terminates so often, you can say it never runs well, but thats because of described use of mine.
end even if i use LuaEdit for the scripts, everything about the use of lua in pioneer is not known by it, it couldn't.
but at least it checks the syntax and i have much less left out commas or brackets, this the editor shows for shure.
oh, i leave the trail,
FFE localization was the thread here not pioneer,
after all, whatfor? i know i did once myself to localize Amigas FE2, for a friend (i had no web back then, to download one).
but if i can learn to speak english other will be able to, i mean especially our russian friends, they should have never localized it to their tongue, it would evade a lot of problms coming only from this, especially the misuse of certain Letters or reseved types in FFE and there are many, some classic ansi dos types, other special FE2/FFE reserved ones.
imo it would be easier and much safer to create a new TTFont instead of changing the use inside the code (a very bad idea, imho), and leave that crappy bitmap FE2 font as it is, it's not only a font it's used for graphical (it can call sometime processes by a single type, you can draw a "ball" with a single type e.g. the orbiting circles in the system view are also drawn by such commands, and there is more, because you have a lot of unused types you can use when you use ansi in english, other languages uses much more of the table) stuff to, david did that to safe, again space. and todays codetables are completely different to the old dos, that's why the bitmap font should be left untouched in Frontier, and a transposing/translating should be done only on a shell around the main code if at all, still the best solution imo would be a special TTF, used only for FFED3D, respecting the use of the characters as they are in the game.
then it would be possible to show the correct arrows (i hate the euro symbols), the right targeting box, instead of the use of the square brackets and so on, without altering one bit in the code.
play that game in english, it is written in english, i'm not natively english speaking, but imo english is the only language for FE2/FFE.