ok let's start it out
Q: What the Hell is FFED3D?
A: FFED3D is a directx 3D port from Dreamzzz, of JJFFE/WinFFE, written by John Jordan to make FFE playable on modern machines.
FFE stands for "Frontier the First Encounters" which is a sequel to Frontier which is based on Elite (elite->FE2->FFE)
all three games are about trade and survive in a sci-fi environment, unlike others you will have in Frontier a "open
space", which means you can fly "free" and land/dock to and through any system in Frontiers galaxy.
FFED3D is a W.I.P a Work in progress, a lot of things are left to fix and a lot of models and textures still have to be made.
pay tribute also to frontier.co.uk
Q: What is the goal of FFE?
A: There is no predetermined goal in Frontier/FFE (FFED3D), except the additional "hand codet missions" in FFE, but
the game has much more to offer then them alone. You have the choice to do a miltary career if you like or gain
exeedingly much money as a trader. You can go for bounty hounting or challange Fortuna by digging for goods.
Maybe you just like to explore the Universe or you go for experiences in manual flight.
Visit Hooplatec or Jades FFE site
Q: Where can i download FFED3D?
A: in SSC's download section (02/13/2010) and at Elite-Games.ru (03/26/2010), hooplatec offers a hack of ffed3d.exe with balanced ships specs.
to "glue" the ssc download parts together:
start command shell (dos)
"yourdownloadfoldersdriveletter": (i.e. E:) press return
cd "yourdownloadfolder" (i.e. downloads)
copy ffe3d.7z.001 /B + ffed3d.7z.002 /B + ffed3d.7z.003 /B + ffed3d.7z.004 /B ffed3d_ssc.7z /B (you can copy-paste the command to shell if you are to lazy to type).
this outputs ffed3d_ssc.7z of 175'011'810 Bytes with a MD5 checksum of CFC0CEEA1CC995F56F5817A005DE7BB6 (checksum generated with HEX workshop)
Q: What's in the Box?
A: Depends a little where you download it from, SSC's download includes:
FAQ.txt (o. translation from elite-games.ru)
FFE D3D.exe
ffewin.cfg (the config file for ffed3d, open with notepad)
jjffe.cfg (i'm not shure if this still is in use, else keyboardlayout)
JSGME.exe (Generic Mod Enabler, "Mod Changer")
JSGME.ini (config file for imagine what, has NOT to be edited)
JSGMEHelp.txt (Generic Mod Enabler help)
mission.dat (FFE's missions file)
README.txt (how to run ffed3d)
links to various ffed3d/ffe related sites
Commandr\ (ffe's savestate folder)
FX\ (the sound fx folder)
FFE's Manual in PDF format
Models\ (the 3D Models Folder)
instead of a listing of all foders only the Byte count: 61'899'006 Bytes
MODS\ (folder for Mod Enabler to backup/enable mods)
MUSIC\ (folder for the acoustical pollution of your environment)
folders for custom mp3's relating to the different sets in FFE
link to dream-ware
Textures\ (textures folder for the "in game" models and menues of FFE)
instead of a listing of all textures the Byte count: 12'833'568 Bytes
all together: 175'011'810 Bytes with a MD5 checksum of CFC0CEEA1CC995F56F5817A005DE7BB6
Q: How can i make it work?
A: It should work after unzip by first attempt (mainly). You need >= Directx9 and a OpenGL2 compliant Graphic Card,
some reasonable fast cpu and ~1GB RAM at least. a sound card not to forget to hear some noisy stuff.
Q: What means "winffe create device failed"?
A: This means FFED3D(winffe) didn't finds the proper DirectX libraries to open the applications surface. It is a indication that DirectX is not properly installed. Check your Windows Software installation (Control Panel/Software), look out for doubles of DirectX installs (mainly DirectX SDL), uninstall all except latest download (date, version). for users of grfx card tweakers, check that "open GL lie" is deactivated (if).
Q: Why do i have missing files?
A: Check if the missing files are in the download (compare to the above listing in "What's in the Box"), are you shure you didn't run it in compatibility mode?. if it's a missing directx.dll, check your Windows Software installation for doubles/old version of DirectX(SDL).
Q: Why do i have no console icons (buttons)?
A: Mainly a display/resolution issue in general 1280x1024 in windowed mode with aspect fix, should work, but ends in a small window on slightly bigger screens. To find the best working resolution you have to work that out by yourself. Your screens native resolution in fullscreen with no aspectfix should work as well. Check for a proper installation of DirectX, but if your grfx card didn't supports OpenGL2 (full), you will never get the buttons to appear.
Q: How can i change the Games resolution?
A: Edit (notepad) the file "ffewin.cfg" in your installation of FFED3D.
#set this to 1 for fullscreen mode
#set this to 1 to respect ffe's aspect ratio (300x200) in modes that have a other aspect, i.e. 1280x1024
#set this to 1 to export FFE's original models to the (gen.) "_model" folder as directx model (.x).
#set to 1 to show the wireframes of the models in FFED3D, can be toggled in game with CTRL-W.
# Set parameters separately for fullscreen (fs) and windowed (win)
# Switch between with Ctrl-F12
# enter here the values for your desired resolution(s)
# Fullscreen parameters - this is only a example fill in here your desired resolution!
# Windowed parameters - this is only a example fill in here your desired resolution!
# both screen modes represented here works well with aspect fix off (0)
## Planet detail parameters ##
# Dist for max divide deep
# Max divide deep
# Real time optimizer (0 - disable, 1 - enable)
# smart optimizer factor
# Brightness correction parameters
# -10 => somewhat darker
# 10 => somewhat brighter
#insert here your correct path to your installation
# softsynth=1 forces the MS Softsynth rather than a hardware MIDI device
# Try this if you don't get any music output
# forcemci=1 uses the older MCI interface instead of DirectMusic
#following settings are NOT used in FFED3D
Q: How do i get the videos running?
A: No videos in FFED3D so far, only sound (videos have to be in their folder therefore).
Q: Can i play custom music in FFED3D?
A: Yes, just put your mp3's in the apropriate folders in "MUSIC".
Q: How do i get the midi songs played?
A: remove all mp3's from "MUSIC" (use ModChanger).
Q: Why are some models so low detailed?
A: Remember, FFED3D is a W.I.P. Models that have not been made new yet, will look as in original FFE.
Q: Where can i get new models or updates?
A: SSC's download section and at elite-games
Q: Where can i find additional stuff for FFED3D?
A: check all the above listed sites and keep yourself informed at Frontier Forums and of course here (SSC).
Q: Why do i have wrong typefaces/symbols in the game?
A: This is a Font issue, because FFED3D uses a OS font to relace the (crappy) bitmap font in FFE. This will be solved soon
Q: Why do some bases/stations not appear on the system map?
A: Some issues due to the use of "solid" models, textures and external font are still not solved.
Q: Why am i so weak?
A: I don't know, go to a Gym or take extensive walks in the woods. FFE isn't easy to start, but offers longer lasting fun. You will need a lot of experience if you are new to the Frontier Universe, else you wouldn't ask this question. Read what the Veterans have to say here and there
Q: I can't finish my ...mission?
A: FFE still has it's own bugs, read all known issues and their possible solutions here or there
Q: How do i become a millionaire (in the game)?
A: like in real life (work won't help). Read what the Veterans have to say here and there
Q: What is ELITE, Federal, Imperial rank?
A: if you really have no idea: elite ranking is your advance in elite fed., it's based on the shoot downs (pts./ship).
Federal rank is your rank in Fed. Army, Imperial in Imperial Navy rank progress, they are based on succeedet military missions.
Q: How do i advance in ranking?
A: Shoot on everything that moves...., again read the veteran's stuff: hooper and jades
Q: What can i do with my spare time?
A: read the user created "Tales from the Frontier", write a own story, create some Models for FFED3D, make a little intro for SSC with Blender, make sci-fi movies from the "Tales", paint a picture, hack the game/savegames, program a new super realistic multiplayer space sim, marrie, get divorced, walk through the desert, it's up to you.
Q: Who am i?
A: I don't know, but i heard of people having lost their Mind after playing Frontier for to long.
Q: Who are you?
A: I have lost my Mind 😆
i hope this covers most of the questions that come along with FFED3D for a nubie
listing of useful and not so useful things for FFED3D
Helps you on your way to become ELITE. Attention this is a spoiler! have more fun by trying it without the guide.
Helps you on your way through FFE's Missions. Attention this is a spoiler! have more fun by trying them without the guide.
Videos didn't work actually in FFED3D (only sound), but for completeness....
to burn your ears and bend your eyes.
Custom M u s i c Some files to tickle your eardrums
Original & Custom Bitmaps for FFE (Background img)
won't work for FFED3D, but you can convert them to a PNG file in the same size as 96.png name it to 96.png in textures folder and drop it there (you will have only one cockpit/cabin, but at least one, use mod enabler to exchange them, 96.jpg exists also in glffe). file contains self extracting zip files of the original FFE cabin bitmaps, hoopers replacement bmp's, and two P66 created.
Icons for FFE P66 created FE2 & FFE icons.
A complete virtual Map of Frontiers galaxy as a standalone Program, helps to coordinate your activities in FFED3D (which goods are needet in a specific system i.e.), shows also your ranking (score) and other infos of your whereabout, finds systems by their name.
The complete FFE hack suite, fixed up by scowie for ffed3d
Hoopers Starting Ships for FFE Ships for you to try them all.
To decrypt and edit your save states with a HEX editor, comes with a helpful object list created by P66.
Program to show all models in firstenc.dat
Another Jongware program, shows all graphics in firstenc.dat
FE2 Random Flight Plan generator fits for ffe to, regardless of the changed systems, use SysMap to compare between FE2 and FFE.
Beginners Missions for FFE
none so far, but i will create some similar to my "FE2 Beginers Missions" (edited savestates for different tasks in FFE and to give you a good start when you succeed).
Gimme more links
Excellent work here Potsmoke66. I made this post a sticky. Hopefully people get a lot out of it and add to it over time.
i start with the mentioned Xbox360 pad script for GlovePie from Dan:
It wont let me attach the file because of the extension, so here it is in Code tags for anyone who wants to try it out. Just load it up with GlovePie:
if (-1.2 < xbox360.Joy2X < -0.5) {
key.NUMPAD7 = 1
if (-0.5 < xbox360.Joy2X < -0.0) {
key.NUMPAD7 = 0
if (0.5 < xbox360.Joy2X < 1.2) {
key.NUMPAD9 = 1
if (0.0 < xbox360.Joy2X < 0.5) {
key.NUMPAD9 = 0
if (-1.2 < xbox360.Joy2Y < -0.5) {
key.NUMPAD1 = 1
if (-0.5 < xbox360.Joy2Y < -0.0) {
key.NUMPAD1 = 0
if (0.5 < xbox360.Joy2Y < 1.2) {
key.NUMPAD4 = 1
if (0.0 < xbox360.Joy2Y < 0.5) {
key.NUMPAD4 = 0
// BUTTONS ************
// ************************
Shift + key.F1 = xbox360.Start
Esc = xbox360.Back
M = xbox360.Y
//Space = xbox360.A
E = xbox360.X
//Tab = xbox360.B
LeftBracket = xbox360.LeftShoulder
RightBracket = xbox360.RightShoulder
F1 = xbox360.LeftThumb
F2 = xbox360.RightThumb
Return = xbox360.RightTrigger
RightShift = xbox360.LeftTrigger
F5 = xbox360.Down
Tab = xbox360.Left
L = xbox360.Right
U = xbox360.Up
solution for FFED3D with Auto Hotkey, example by scowie:
w::Numpad4 ;Strafe Up
s::Numpad1 ;Strafe Down
a::Numpad7 ;Strafe Left
d::Numpad9 ;Strafe Right
CapsLock::Numpad8 ;Forward Thrust
LShift::Numpad5 ;Backward Thrust
q::[ ;Rotate Left
e::] ;Rotate Right
Space::e ;Activate ECM
MButton::Esc ;Pause with middle mouse button
Hey all. Not sure if I've ever properly introduced myself here. Been trolling for a couple of years now, so I'll say "Thanks for a great site" now 🙂 And for the nice collection of FFE d3d stuff.
On with serious business 🙂
Potsmoke could you give a bit more detail about using autohotkey please. I've just tried using it but it didn't seem to do anything. However I didn't really know what I was doing 🙂
Okay I've done some investigation (like I should have done before) and I have it figured out a bit more now.
Thing is I'm still having a problem in that, even though I've remapped the 'a' key on the keyboard to perform a different action than the default 'pitch down' it still fires the pitch down command.
I assume ffed3d is doing something special to read the keyboard, as autohotkey should intercept the keycode and send a different one, but perhaps ffed3d is reading the keyboard directly. All the other commands I've altered work ok, it's just when i use one that conflicts with a pre-used button. Any ideas anyone?
Apologies if this is in the wrong section. Please move if possible or advise me and i'll delete and repost in the appropriate section. Cheery bye
for those who wonder where "Hooplatec" is gone to