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FFED3D For beginers...

Trusted Member

Want to play FFED3D? Love the screen shots on the other SSC pages??

Have totally no idea how to use the modding files for new ships stations e.c.t?? Well nether do I!! 😆

I have took it upon myself to start a new page where you can ask our kind SSC brothers and sisters( ;)Geraldine) for all the basic help and advice you may need to start playing FFED3D with all the mods. Ill start here goes.........

I have just installed FFED3D and would like some answers to some basic questions if you expert FFED3D users wouldn't mind helping the less informed/educated PC users 😕 that are floating around scratching their heads and drooling at the latest add on`s for this legend of a game...thank you kindly 🙂

1) How do i play in full screen mode?

2) Why are the buttons blank on my cockpit console?

3) How do i use a mod file that Ive down loaded?[attachment=91:chimp keyboard1.jpeg]

Topic starter Posted : February 9, 2010 00:42
Trusted Member

oh well i sussed the first 2 questions my self!

got it all working but it takes an age to load then crashes once or twice every 5minutes, its totally spoiling the experience for me! my favorite game of all time all pimped out as well! can see me going back to freelancer 😥 😡

Topic starter Posted : February 9, 2010 04:54
Illustrious Member Admin

I did create a package a few months ago that had almost everyone mod known already integrated in. Located here:

FFED3D Complete Package (One file roughly 120MB)

FFED3D Complete Package - Part 1 (This is two 60MB downloads, extract to make one)

FFED3D Complete Package - Part 2

But mods are generally easy to install you will have a MODELS folder and inside you will see a lot of folders with numbers on them. Just replace your new model folder/files in the appropriate directory. I usually just copy/paste over the top overwriting files.

Been a while since I booted up FFED3D but I believe I added a nice UI skin.

Posted : February 9, 2010 05:16
Active Member

I tried FFE3D last night and also found that the icons on the main console buttons are not there. The console looks newer than those in screenshots and movies.

Posted : February 9, 2010 06:40
Trusted Member

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Re: FFED3D For beginers...

PostAuthor: Darkone » Today, 15:16

I did create a package a few months ago that had almost everyone mod known already integrated in. Located here:

I must have missed that D1, but i found it this morning (my fault just lazy reading 🙄 ) having reliability issues though as it crashes all the time. i know frontier games are renowned for it but its really is bad.


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Re: FFED3D For beginers...

PostAuthor: MrPeanut » Today, 16:40

I tried FFE3D last night and also found that the icons on the main console buttons are not there. The console looks newer than those in screenshots and movies.

If you go into the FFED3D file Mr.Peanut and open the ffewin.cfg file with word pad and change the full screen bit with the 0 on the end to 1 you can play full screen instead of in a window.

Also change the resolution line lower down to 1280 X 1024 and then go into file on your top bar and click `save`the time you load FFED3D the missing icons will be there!!! all fixed 🙂 .

Cant comment on the type of cockpit you have got as i do not know which version you are using. if its the full package D1 mentioned then it will be the new cockpit. if not the older silver plain version.the new one is a vast improvement. just wish it would stop crashing now and i`d be a happy man 😀

Topic starter Posted : February 9, 2010 09:38
Famed Member
"GUNSMIF" wrote:
I have took it upon myself to start a new page where you can ask our kind SSC brothers for all the basic help and advice you may need to start playing FFED3D with all the mods.

And dont forget SSC SISTERS too Gunsmif! <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

Yes good idea for a thread, although many problems seem to stem from incomplete downloads and known problems with the likes of Winzip dealing with Cyrillic characters. Darkone though is doing a great job in providing a place to download a working version. So far I have only found one other site to get it from George Hoopers site, here:


Posted : February 9, 2010 11:21
Illustrious Member Admin

I know I did some tweaking of the download mod last night and all file downloads that I tried were successful. I just need others to try. But hopefully sometime in the next two weeks I will sit down and test FFED3D again and add all the latest models and if there is any fixes. In the package that I made with all the additions I did try to put in some instructions and back out instructions to so you could pull stuff back out. 🙂

And I will try to post screenshots of in game stuff if I have time to play it. And when I upload the new package I will remove the older ones to eliminate confusion.

Posted : February 9, 2010 11:43
Trusted Member

oops! 😳 sorry Geraldine 😮 .wow your one cool woman!! 😀 😆

Darkone though is doing a great job in providing a place to download a working version.

Here Here!! i most definitely agree.

Topic starter Posted : February 9, 2010 13:16
Illustrious Member Admin


Posted : February 10, 2010 05:29
Famed Member
"GUNSMIF" wrote:
oops! <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':oops:' /> sorry Geraldine <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':O' /> .wow your one cool woman!! <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

Yes and dont you forget it! <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

Also, Darkone, saw your post on the frontier forum, great work! I have given up trying to get the updated files from the Russian boards, so I will wait until you complete your update. <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' /> It's possible potsmoke may want to add somethings he has been busy working on, so I hope he sees your post too

Posted : February 10, 2010 10:01
Illustrious Member Admin

This package will have everything I can find and I have documented it all. Here is some screenshots of the GME mod tool for use with FFED3D.

[hsimg] [/hsimg]

There is a nice list there and even showing off some of the comments when you mouse-over the mode files 🙂

I think i'm all done, going to test it all and play around with the resolution settings and verify I covered all the areas in the REDME.

Posted : February 10, 2010 11:52
Famed Member

By the looks of that GME Tool, you can have several versions of a similar mod installed and just switch between them. Am I right? This looks like it works in a similar way to the Freelancer Mod Manager. This would be very handy to have for FFE3D! <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Posted : February 10, 2010 13:48
Illustrious Member Admin

You cannot have the multiple mods utilizing the same mod folder active at one time because they would overwrite each other. Meaning if you had 2 different mods that would edit the 'models/44' folder you can't have them both active at the same time.

But outside of that, you can have multiple mods running at one time. I tried to put comments on any mods that could pose a problem if you enabled others of it's type. That took me a few hours but will be worth it for everyone.

I like GME because it lets you still use the stable version of FFED3D without having to overwrite or worrying about copying folders. I will be testing this until Friday to make sure GME works the way I want it. Even if not people could still copy the mods out of the MOD folder and put them where they need them.

Posted : February 10, 2010 14:18
Noble Member

some might want the models or model sets separate, so that you can exchange them by choice without mixing it up (ie eagle 1, 2, 3).

or create some "themes" that's possible too, but start with a empty model folder for that, each "theme" contains then a complete set of models and they will be removed completly when disabled (i do so for need for speed 4), of course you have to activate then only one "mod" (for the models, others can still be active, like a hacked exe file, etc).


cool monkey "hacker" gunsmif

Posted : February 10, 2010 15:50
Trusted Member

Well i thought this thread would be quite popular for all the new members and noobs amongst us but i must be the only one still having problems with FFED3D but i think its due my lack of RAM 🙄 . the new mod manager seems to have sorted a lot of issues (well done D1 😉 ) i have not had much time to try it out properly yet but the quick look i did try using full screen mode and my pc just froze up and crashed with a bad mix of half formed windows menu`s e.c.t. prob due to my set up tho. gonna try again after week end. got my kiddies this week so gaming out of the window (well my games anyway 😆 ) taking kids to a media museum tomorrow that has a history of computer gaming and an IMAX cinema, should be fun !!

Topic starter Posted : February 16, 2010 16:45
Illustrious Member Admin

You might also get more responses in the FFED3D area, this post was outside that forum. So i'll move it for ya 🙂 I am interested in getting feedback on that mod manager program. For me it worked on Win7 with no problems. I just didn't have every mod enabled at the time. But I used 5-7 and worked ok.

Posted : February 17, 2010 10:04
99 Star General

Do you have a link for the GME Tool D1 or is there a copy in the downloads.

Posted : February 18, 2010 23:48
Famed Member

Hi Pinback

The GME tool is in the latest update package for FFE3D. I downloaded the 4 part version. Unfortunately I don't know which part contained it as I just got them all. When you unarchive them, they all join up into one file. Very neat work Darkone! <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

Posted : February 19, 2010 00:37
Illustrious Member Admin
Geraldine wrote:
I downloaded the 4 part version. Unfortunately I don't know which part contained it as I just got them all. When you unarchive them, they all join up into one file. Very neat work Darkone!

Thanks Geraldine. It is packaged as a whole so you need all four files to extract it fully or it will not extract. GME in the package is the latest and greatest from the authors website. I used a bit of his functionality to provide more help to people like the mouse-over tooltips 🙂 But this split download is not like others where it is two different archives where you just need to extract them into one directory. This is technically one archive just broken up into pieces and without all pieces you cannot use it.

I thought roughly 46mb chucks was easy enough on the slower connection people to get the file hopefully. But all you have to do is right-click on the first file and choose the extract to here function (or something like that) and it will use all the files and put them together and extract them as one. Just install 7Zip and you'll be all set.

Posted : February 19, 2010 06:57
Noble Member

gunsmif, state your system specs please;

from far; graphic card supports open gl 2? if not, no help possible, sorry 😥

it runs with lower version, but only on very low framerate (1/s) and you'll never get icons, this is more important than cpu or ram.

if your card don't supports open gl2, i must say you have to buy a new one to play ffed3d proper.

but don't feel sad, myself i had to wait half a year before i could start to play ffed3d on my machine, meanwhile i did got into the game using glffe as a good replacement (if you aspire now on glffe be shure to download nic's mod, others won't work with open gl 1 and it's complete user configurable, containing a easy to modify ship list and some additional hacks you can turn off or on by choice, further the control desk can be completly user reworked). it has not the stunning graphics of ffed3d, but therefore the original frontier charms. additional, glffe works with existing buffet so you can setup your "dream machine" easy. i think you will find "glffe nics mod" on jades ffe or hoopers site as well on frontier astro, or enter .

and visit from time to time, to catch additional news, hints.

Posted : March 8, 2010 17:48
New Member

I have attempted to download the complete ffed3d package ( and yes I see its a connection drop that interupts the download ) as well I have downloded the 4 parts. However, I cant get the parts to combine, how do I merge them together, I keep getting an error in 7zip when I try to do so. Whats the process to merge them ?


Posted : October 17, 2012 13:39
New Member

Dunno about merging the four-part download.

However, there is a straightforward one-part download at George Hooper's site which I just tried and it worked fine. It's a fairly basic install though, so you'll need some of the more recent additions manually.

Posted : October 18, 2012 12:23
Reputable Member

Download 7-zip, run it, and then extract the contents of the first file. That should get everything up and running. Winrar sees the file as broken for some reason if you are on a 64 bit system, so dont bother with that.

This is the 3rd computer I've tried this heaping pile of uselessness on, and I STILL can't see icons on my console. 3 seperate computers with 3 different downloads. I have never been able to get this ... 'game' to work. I'm starting to think it simply won't run on Nvidia cards, as that is the only thing in common with the 3 computers.

Posted : October 23, 2012 05:37