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Real Planet : Help Me Please...

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I need help ... I wonder if it would be possible to change the textures of some planets in the game ..

Here is an example below planets do not correspond at all real aspects ...


could you help me find a solution please ...

Thanks in Advance...

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you go really far, thanks for the new tex btw, started some myself based on photographs.

two factors are important to do that i think, first which planet "design" is called by the game (FFE), and 2nd how the texture is been applied to it by FFED3D. planet design is important because there is only a limited palette of planets you can choose from. textures used by FFED3D are important to create the right surface look for the planet you choose, sadly the original FFE program uses a even more limited set of textures to generate a planets surface.

very similar to original Frontier where you have no textures for planets only changing colors and 4 basic types; bare planetoid, clouded, earthlike, gasgiant (though a few different in each cat.).

io in FFE:

[attachment=101:io - FFE.jpg]

io in FE2:

[attachment=100:io - FE2.jpg]

yes the FE2 predefinied io looks much better, i have to check that out, but i can't promise anything, further i can only edit the FFE part in the game (FFED3D).

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yes but what bothers me is that in reality we just do not see the ground of Vénus io and titan because of their athmosphere. (no see craters)

I know how to change its 3 planets ... just be that some people have already done ...

thanks in advance...

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You would have to fiddle with the atmosphere tex,but IIRC theres only one in FFE3D and you

would problerly end up changing all of the planets atmos. ❓

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i wonder if they completely replaced the call for atmosphere from FFE, or still use the original setup, it seem's like it is not so. i can hardly change the look of any predefinied planet by changing the model of it, but i have to proof that more.

i encountered that in FFE venus is set to model #123 but if you look at the code you miss the call for a atmosphere 😕

Object #123:Rocky world with a thick corrosive atmosphere
Vertex count 8; Vertices:
#0/00h: 1, 0, 0, 90
#2/02h: 1, 90, 0, 0
#4/04h: 1, 0, 90, 0
#6/06h: 1, 0, 0, 0
Normal count 2
Scale 22
Scale2 4
Radius 99
Primitives 39
Dot color: 060808h = RGB(8,8,6)
Unknown_1 25
Unknown_2 25386
Unknown_3 16155
Collision data at 4B2992h
Mesh written out (9 commands):
001F 0662 0206 0004 0007 0CCC 00BE ; Cmd 1Fh(RGB(6,6,2), 6,2,4,0, 0x0007,0x0CCC,0x00BE,
0000 ; 0x0000)
0000 ; End
End of mesh

but you can set it to model #128 which represents a planet with water weather system and a corrosive atmosphere, which has the commands for a atmosphere.

Object #128:World with water weather system and corrosive atmosphere
Vertex count 8; Vertices:
#0/00h: 1, 0, 0, 89
#2/02h: 1, 89, 0, 0
#4/04h: 1, 0, 89, 0
#6/06h: 1, 0, 0, 0
Normal count 2
Scale 22
Scale2 4
Radius 98
Primitives 40
Dot color: 080606h = RGB(6,6,8)
Unknown_1 25
Unknown_2 25177
Unknown_3 16021
Collision data at 4B3508h
Mesh written out (137 commands):
001F 0558 0206 0004 0000 07AE 0478 ; Cmd 1Fh(RGB(5,5,8), 6,2,4,0, 0x0000,0x07AE,0x0478,

atmosphere starts here and is for all bodys that have one the same command *edit, that's not true

0807 000C 0040 00F4 FFB3 FFFF 00CE FFFF ; 7,8,12, x0040,0x00F4,0xFFB3,0xFFFF,0x00CE,0xFFFF,
087D 000C 0040 00F4 FFB3 FFFF 00CE FFFF ; 125,8,12, x0040,0x00F4,0xFFB3,0xFFFF,0x00CE,0xFFFF,
08E3 000C 0040 00F4 FFB3 FFFF 00CE FFFF ; 227,8,12, 0x0040,0x00F4,0xFFB3,0xFFFF,0x00CE,0xFFFF,
092F 000C 0040 00F4 FFB3 FFFF 00CE FFFF ; 47,9,12, 0x0040,0x00F4,0xFFB3,0xFFFF,0x00CE,0xFFFF,
09AA 000C 0040 00F4 FFB3 FFFF 00CE FFFF ; 170,9,12, 0x0040,0x00F4,0xFFB3,0xFFFF,0x00CE,0xFFFF,
09BA 000C 0040 00F4 FFB3 FFFF 00CE FFFF ; 186,9,12, 0x0040,0x00F4,0xFFB3,0xFFFF,0x00CE,0xFFFF,
09CC 000C 0040 00F4 FFB3 FFFF 00CE FFFF ; 204,9,12, 0x0040,0x00F4,0xFFB3,0xFFFF,0x00CE,0xFFFF,
0A48 000C 0040 00F4 FFB3 FFFF 00CE FFFF ; 72,10,12, 0x0040,0x00F4,0xFFB3,0xFFFF,0x00CE,0xFFFF,
0A4F 000C 0040 00F4 FFB3 FFFF 00CE FFFF ; 79,10,12, 0x0040,0x00F4,0xFFB3,0xFFFF,0x00CE,0xFFFF,
0A79 000C 0040 00F4 FFB3 FFFF 00CE FFFF ; 121,10,12, 0x0040,0x00F4,0xFFB3,0xFFFF,0x00CE,0xFFFF,
0ABD 000C 0040 00F4 FFB3 FFFF 00CE FFFF ; 189,10,12, 0x0040,0x00F4,0xFFB3,0xFFFF,0x00CE,0xFFFF,
0B56 000C 0040 00F4 FFB3 FFFF 00CE FFFF ; 86,11,12, 0x0040,0x00F4,0xFFB3,0xFFFF,0x00CE,0xFFFF,
0C40 000C 0040 00F4 FFB3 FFFF 00CE FFFF ; 64,12,12, 0x0040,0x00F4,0xFFB3,0xFFFF,0x00CE,0xFFFF,
0C7C 000C 0040 00F4 FFB3 FFFF 00CE FFFF ; 124,12,12, 0x0040,0x00F4,0xFFB3,0xFFFF,0x00CE,0xFFFF,
0CAE 000C 0040 00F4 FFB3 FFFF 00CE FFFF ; 174,12,12, 0x0040,0x00F4,0xFFB3,0xFFFF,0x00CE,0xFFFF,
0CD9 000C 0040 00F4 FFB3 FFFF 00CE FFFF ; 217,12,12, 0x0040,0x00F4,0xFFB3,0xFFFF,0x00CE,0xFFFF,
0000 ; 0x0000)
0000 ; End
End of mesh

but if i remember it right venus is one planet you can't land on? atmosphere will be surface? if you look at the code it has to be that way (i think the russians forgot that venus has a very thick atmosphere, high "air" pressure and a high surface temperature, just because they managed it to land a capsule for a few seconds 😆 ).

but i'm still not shure how FFED3D will handle it, needs more tests.

further io is set in FE2 to model #130 (no name in FFE) in FFE it's #122 (highly volcanic world) i wonder what happens if...... or maybe i'm wrong, it has a atmosphere (#130) and a very bright grey color? venus?

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modified software with which you file ? please ?

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i played around with FFED3D's planets and discovered that it manages the planets & stars separate from the other objects, different to FFE (&JJFFE) anyway. all atmosphere layers are inverted to FFE (JJFFE), or showing just one side, i think. that's why we see no atmosphere for venus and all gas giants and cloud covered planets, if you fly close you can see the common ffed3d sky above the horizon (like earth) because default sky texture is for all atmospheres. the original clouds have been cancelled to i think.

i found no real solution so far 🙁 , only that you can remove (disable) the texture for venus' (all of type model#123) surface (tex712), and it will revert somewhat close to the original look, but all planets using tex712 will lose there texture therefore to.

if you like the original look & colors of all planets, disable tex699, tex700, and tex711 - tex719.

of course you will loose all the higher detailed textures for all planets for distant view, anyway in closeup even ffed3d reverts to the original tesselated surface so it's not a big loss imo.

the models for the stars and planets have been replaced internally, so it has no use to load anything into a planets specific models folder except effect.fx.

use this example and put it into any planet models folder to enhance shading,

shader for internal models (effect.fx):

float4x4 viewprojmat; // view*proj
float4x4 worldmat; // world
float4 light; // light source
float4 lightcol; // light color

texture tex; // current texture
int texnum; // texture number

sampler s_tex = sampler_state
texture = ;
AddressU = WRAP;
AddressV = WRAP;

struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 position : POSITION;
float3 normal : TEXCOORD1;
float4 color : COLOR0;
float3 tex_vu : TEXCOORD0;
float3 lightDir : TEXCOORD2;

float4 pos : POSITION,
float3 nor : NORMAL,
float4 col : COLOR0,
float3 tex_vu : TEXCOORD0

Out.position = mul( mul(pos, worldmat), viewprojmat);

Out.lightDir = light;

Out.normal = normalize(mul(nor, worldmat));
Out.color = col;
Out.tex_vu = tex_vu;

return Out;

float4 Pixel_Sh(
float2 tex_vu : TEXCOORD0,
float3 normal : TEXCOORD1,
float3 lightDir : TEXCOORD2,
float4 color : COLOR0
) : COLOR0
float4 ut;

float4 texcol = tex2D(s_tex, tex_vu);
float3 lightn = normalize(lightDir);
float4 diffuse = saturate(dot(lightn, normal));

ut.rgb = diffuse * lightcol * color * texcol;

return ut;

technique PixelLight
pass P0
VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 Vexel_Sh();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 Pixel_Sh();
