Homeword: Deserts o...
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Homeword: Deserts of Kharak

Reputable Member

Surprised to not have found this one on here yet?
Looks like it will be good. My only big worry is F2P/P2W.

Topic starter Posted : May 31, 2013 15:23
99 Star General

Pity it an online RTS, would have preferred an SP one myself, site http://blackbirdinteractive.com/ say they had something to do with the Home world series.

Posted : May 31, 2013 21:03
Prominent Member

I really like how this one looks but as Pinback said, I'd have preferred if it was SP.

Posted : May 31, 2013 22:15
Illustrious Member Admin

Does have potential if done right and the world is large enough, Iwould have to read up on this to see if this is a persistant world or just battle play against each other.

Posted : June 1, 2013 06:15
Reputable Member

I think we need to see when it's released how it is done. Personally online stuff doesn't bother me really a lot when done in a sort of MMO form. My biggest worry is the balance between F2P and P2W.


If it has a singleplayer component which forces you to remain online (need to be logged in to play, even singleplayer), that's a big no from me.

Topic starter Posted : June 3, 2013 03:44
Prominent Member

Well, I added my name on the waiting list for the beta, hopefully they will pick me so I can give it a try.

Posted : June 3, 2013 08:17
99 Star General

According to Polygon http://www.polygon.com/2013/9/1/4684456/gearbox-homeworld-ip-hardware-shipbreakers Hardware Shipbreakers has now become Homeworld Shipbreakers


Hardware: Shipbreakers, the spiritual successor to the Homeworld franchise being developed by founding members of Relic Entertainment, is now, thanks to Gearbox Software, officially a Homeworld game.

The game will now be titled Homeworld: Shipbreakers as part of a deal signed by Gearbox and developer Blackbird Interactive at PAX. What's more, Gearbox Software will help Blackbird complete the game with the help of financial and production resources, CEO Randy Pitchford told Polygon today.


Posted : September 2, 2013 08:34
Reputable Member

I suspect the prequel will be about the Kushans on Kharak. Anyone else has ideas?

Topic starter Posted : September 2, 2013 08:46
99 Star General

Been a while since anything was heard about this, but this video is from a conference for Unity developers in Boston held last month, as reported by RPS http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2015/10/13/homeworld-shipbreakers-clip/



Posted : October 13, 2015 10:15
Eminent Member

Good to know they are still going. I saw a conference by them during Unite 2013! Makes me feel not so bad about taking a long time with my own project :p

Posted : October 13, 2015 13:41
99 Star General

Think this where this goes?.




Edited the thread title to reflect the change in the games name.

Posted : December 18, 2015 21:11
99 Star General

Looks like the games out on the 20 of this month. http://store.steampowered.com/app/281610



Posted : January 9, 2016 02:19
Reputable Member

I usually think of Homeworld as one of the best games ever made, but when I replayed them last (the remastered collection), I wasn't enjoying it quite as much as I hoped.  I reject the notion that this is because the remastered version is somehow significantly worse than the originals, I think the people who say that are just nostalgia crazed.  I think games that focus so much on tactics feel like a chore to me, for some reason more and more so as I get older.  Part of this probably has to do with the fact that there are so many games available that I don't take the time to get really good at anything anymore.  Certainly 13-year-old-me would give 28-year-old-me a pasting in Homeworld.


Deserts of Kharak looks pretty damn similar, but without a very important novelty of Homeworld which is 3D tactical combat which actually works WELL.  Of course, I'm going to buy it the day that it comes out and I'm really excited.  The Homeworld games are just so breathtakingly beautiful.  Homeworld Remastered, EVE Online and Elite Dangerous are undoubtedly the triumvirate of the most visually beautiful games ever made.  Deserts of Kharak looks like it'll be up there.

Posted : January 9, 2016 05:44
Reputable Member

What homeworld does especially well in my opinion is mixing the atmosphere of the gameplay, music and artwork together like no other. The sense of attachment you already get with the people in HW1 when they test the mothership, and then the sorrow you feel when Kharak burns, is one almost no game manages to trigger so well in terms of emotions. I think due to that, many people remember the game so fondly, and especially the way they played it the first time. Nothing can get as close to that first time in terms of experiences, as the first time said experiences and emotions are the strongest.


In terms of gameplay, I must honestly say i notice little difference between remake and original. And that's a good thing (don't fix things which ain't broken to begin with). I myself am looking forward to this, and in the remakes, im waiting for some of the mods to get ported over.

Topic starter Posted : January 9, 2016 18:13
99 Star General

I believe this is out now on Steam.




Is this still an online only game? or did they change it.

Posted : January 22, 2016 21:07
Reputable Member

I've finished the storyline in one lenghty play session. It is about the same length as the HW1 campaign, but the AI is considerably weaker, so it makes many missions easier.


So, my general verdict:



- Solid gameplay.

- Homeworld-esque artstyle.

- Awesome vehicle looks.



- Poor AI

- Lacking content (Skirmish/MP maps, short storyline for my experience).


imo, its a good game, but not worth the 45EUR pricetag it is at right now. If it drops down to 25EUR, then I'd say its worth it.

Topic starter Posted : January 23, 2016 01:29
Reputable Member

I'm 4 missions in and enjoying it so far.  On the other hand, I can't believe how absolutely terrible I am at these types of games compared to how I used to be.  I remember when I was playing Homeworld 1 and 2 back when they came out, I'd barely lose a ship.  Now I lose like all my ships...  Part of the problem with there being so many games to play now is that I never, ever take the time to get good at anything.

Posted : January 23, 2016 06:30
Reputable Member

I'm 4 missions in and enjoying it so far.  On the other hand, I can't believe how absolutely terrible I am at these types of games compared to how I used to be.  I remember when I was playing Homeworld 1 and 2 back when they came out, I'd barely lose a ship.  Now I lose like all my ships...  Part of the problem with there being so many games to play now is that I never, ever take the time to get good at anything.


The other thing is that the game is more punishing when you deploy the wrong unit types. Plus it appears to me to be faster paced than HW1/2

Topic starter Posted : January 23, 2016 10:13
Reputable Member



Plus it appears to me to be faster paced than HW1/2

Yeah, I agree with that.  I think HW needed to be a bit slower because, even though the interface was very well designed, it still took a lot more effort to control tactics in 3 dimensions than in 2.

Posted : January 24, 2016 04:55