The Expanse - Video...
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The Expanse - Video Game

Illustrious Member Admin

I like Telltale games a lot and this video shows off the quality upgrade we are getting over the previous games πŸ™‚ Since I haven't watched the expanse yet I hope it covers a lot of the TV series

This topic was modified 3 years ago by DarkOne
Topic starter Posted : December 10, 2021 05:54
Noble Member

"This video is age-restricted and only available on YouTube."

Which means I'd have to log-in, and I don't have an account, nor do I wish to have an account.

Posted : December 10, 2021 06:06
Illustrious Member Admin

Hmmm, not sure why? there really wasn't anything bad in this video... your seeing some dead bodies so I think that was it.

Topic starter Posted : December 10, 2021 06:20
Noble Member

I reckon the day will come when google lock-up YouTube, and you'll need an account to use it.

Posted : December 10, 2021 07:06
99 Star General

I only seen the Expanse upto the third season, so no idea who this character is that the game is built around and given that it from Telltale games it may be more point and click.?

You not missing much Cody all it is, is a character walking down the ships corridor.Β 

Posted : December 10, 2021 12:29
99 Star General

Forgotten all about this until some videos popped up in YouTube about it, unfortunately it looks like it will be a Epic exclusive on the PC but should be out on the console as well.Β Β 

Β Β 

Posted : March 1, 2023 12:07
Illustrious Member Admin

Looking good πŸ™‚

Topic starter Posted : June 3, 2023 21:09
99 Star General

Just hope it not a series of quick time events as it ruined my game of Guarding of the Galaxy and QTE is one gaming trope that should be throw out the airlock and never be seen again in a game.

Posted : June 4, 2023 08:12
99 Star General

I believe this came out last week on the Epic store, so I will have to wait a year until it shows up Steam.

In the meantime if you are looking for an Expanse like game then check out an old game called Terminus and you might be surprised at how closely it resembles the show.

This post was modified 2 years ago by Pinback
Posted : July 31, 2023 10:40
99 Star General

So have been playing this for a couple of hours and so far pretty good, thought theΒ  zero gravity and grav boots in the derelict ship was very well done, not so keen on the quick time events.

Posted : November 10, 2024 06:00