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Ad Astra

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Estimable Member

It is my enormous pleasure to introduce you to Ad Astra, one of the entrants into 2008's Independent Games Festival.

While Ad Astra didn't take any of the prizes on offer that year, Steve Chapman's solo effort was perhaps the most ambitious in scale and thoroughly deserved more recognition than it summarily received.

Taking heavy cues from the Elite sequels, Frontier and First Encounters, Ad Astra attempted to expand beyond that initial template, implementing features such as planetary flora and a diverse range of fauna, planetary rings composed of actual debris, tractor beams, storms, cities with working monorails, and many more, all developed from scratch in a home-brewed engine over a period of three years.

[hsimg] [/hsimg]

An Albatross freighter flies against a stunning backdrop of ringed gas giant and parent star

[hsimg] [/hsimg]

A lonely space station hangs in the night above the wide, beautiful rings of another gas giant

[hsimg] [/hsimg]

Ad Astra's lovely planetary engine in full swing.

Sadly, while I can give endless praise for Steve's imagination and desire to craft a complete space adventure-playground, the implementation of it is...difficult, at best. The user interface is a beast of a thing, designed with a certain amount of customisation in mind but is often hideous to look at and fiddly to interact with. Controls, too, need to be slicker, with a seemingly eclectic combination of key commands and mouse talents working against each other in many circumstances.

Graphically there are some nice touches - stellar objects are rendered with considerable applomb - but the ships, while highly individual, can appear crude in many aspects. Ship-to-ship combat is also something of a hit-and-miss affair, lacking the visceral immediacy of some commercial titles. I will say, though, that the zonal damage model is perhaps a first for the genre; there's an enormous amount of glee to be had blowing the engines off an unwitting opponent and watching as his ship tumbles down toward a planetary surface under a well-modelled gravitional pull!

But please don't let these grumbles put you off downloading the game and giving it a whirl. Ad Astra represents a labour of love by a talented, ambitious individual and should be highly respected for what it achieves, despite the rough edges. I've had some great times with it and any member of these boards should also find things to enjoy.

Download the game here:

And have a good look around Steve's pretty, informative website here:

Beginner's Tip: Try tractoring damaged ships into Space Stations for large amounts of [relatively] easy cash. Just watch out for those pirates!

Topic starter Posted : August 26, 2009 06:47
99 Star General

Been whatching Ad Astra take shape over the last few years and its a huge achievement by Steve


Only whish the commercial devs could show show much imagination,instead of the usual 25 year old Elite

gameplay with some nice graphics and a couple of over hyped features (x3 being a good example). πŸ˜†

Couple of ever point about the game I would make,is that it does require a powerful system to run it

on.So I wont be playing on my netbook. πŸ˜₯

And I always felt that being attack by pirates as soon as you start of game is a mistake

(inless this has now changed) IMO the first system should be neutral to let the player get a feel for

the game.

As Stardreamer said the game is definitely worth downloading.

Posted : August 26, 2009 12:30
Estimable Member

You nailed X3, Pinback. As much as I do enjoy the game, and dribble over how pretty everything looks, I still look around what's on offer and see nothing but shortcomings. Planets that are so much eye-candy rather than something you can land on. The horribly artificial 'town-square' navigation set up. Alien races that don't act alien in any sense (the Xenon and Khaak are just gun-fodder). The fact stations now look identical no matter what race they belong to...

But worst of all is the amount of genuine work you have to do to get anywhere. At it's heart X3 is a business sim and that just turns me cold. I don't want to be a space-industrialist. I want to EXPLORE, and more than just a grid full of identical stations.

For these reasons Ad Astra represents a step UP from X3 for me. As I said, Steve should be very proud.

Topic starter Posted : August 26, 2009 22:32
99 Star General

That pretty much how I feel about the X games.

you never get to be Han Solo in the X games only a company director.

One of the things I like about Ad Astra is that it has animals on the planets.

You dont often see that in a game.

Posted : August 27, 2009 04:49
Estimable Member

Funny you should say that about the animals, but I just noticed in Universal Combat (freeware) today that they've managed to cram a few horses and even bears in there (oh my). They just wander about like badly animated robots (which could be said about his human figures, too, although I think this may have been improved upon in later iterations of the game) but still, the gesture is appreciated.

I love that the animals in Ad Astra blow up the same as spaceships when you shoot them. πŸ˜€

Topic starter Posted : August 27, 2009 05:28
99 Star General

Iam hopeing to see some strange alien animals in Precursors.

Posted : August 28, 2009 04:39
Illustrious Member Admin
PINBACK wrote:
Iam hopeing to see some strange alien animals in Precursors.

We all just want to see Precursors get released, that game has way to much promise to slip into the vaporware blackhole.

I need to give Ad Astra another try. I know I played around with it one evening and thought the flying was quite difficult but I think I setup my controls wrong or something. So many games so little time πŸ™‚ I do my best to try them all...

Posted : August 28, 2009 05:17
99 Star General
Darkone wrote:

I need to give Ad Astra another try. I know I played around with it one evening and thought the flying was quite difficult but I think I setup my controls wrong or something. So many games so little time πŸ™‚ I do my best to try them all...

IIRC the controls are very sensitive and any sudden movement will send you into a spin.

Darkone have you sent an email to Steve Chapman's as I recall he was looking for feed back about the game.

Posted : August 28, 2009 10:10
New Member

Cool looking game. For some reason, the screenshots of flying in beautiful planets and flying over cities and seeing other planets in the sky reminds me of Spore's space stage.

I'm gonna look at it some more. I miss Spore. Some people don't like it, but I think it's a very impressive and fun game. I'm just not playing it right now, because I got to upgrade my computer before I can. It's got a crappy graphics card and a new PSU is needed to support a high graphics card that some people suggested to me.

But, I'm not planning on saying good-bye to spore just yet. If I can play it again some day, I'm gonna get Galactic Adventures.

Posted : September 6, 2009 13:19
99 Star General

If you like Ad Astra check out the Russian remake of FFE in the Space Sim Community Projects

section and the indie game Evochron Legends in the Starwraith Games section.

Posted : September 7, 2009 00:47
Estimable Member

What would you say are the differences between Ad Astra in comparison to FFE?

What does it set it apart from it?

Posted : January 12, 2010 22:26
99 Star General

I havent played the game for while as the netbook not capable of running it,things i like

about Ad Astra are the planets,life on planets which is not in Frontier,combat and flying

the ship about the same as Frontier(hard).Not to keen on the menus system used in astra.

Posted : January 13, 2010 00:32
Estimable Member

Thought so myself.The life on planets is the only feature that FFE does not have.

What a shame πŸ™‚

The space sims haven't progressed much since FFE and the year it was made.

Posted : January 13, 2010 02:26
Illustrious Member Admin

I emailed Steve Chapman the developer behind Ad Astra and he graciously gave me some info on the next update.


There will be a new version of Ad Astra which I should be able to release around March. I hope to have addressed

some of the main gripes concerning the game and Release 1.3a should contain the following extra features :

1. New GUI a bit flashier, but basically the same with new skins

2. Configurable Keyboard mappings - lots of complaints about not having this feature.

3. Sound effect volume controls - quite a few complaints about the lack of this feature too.

4. Improved Solar System Map - should be easier to navigate round a star system.

5. Improved Galactic Map - planet details appear in separate window using a double click

6. Speed Multiplier - lots of people complained that the spacecraft were to slow. Hence a global setting has been added to the user preferences allowing the velocity of all ships to be proportionately increased / decreased.

7. Improved suns corona effect added - I anticipated complaints about not having this feature.

8. Slightly larger planets - a lot of people complained that they were too small. However the size is only increased by 1.4 so this isn't a massive change.

9. Modified Galactic Solar Systems. Systems are now a bit more varied.

10. Improved alignment of detail textures on fractal planets.

Oh and Stardreamer, Steve wanted to address your issues on the user interface but you need to give some specifics?

And Steve if your reading this thanks for the feedback πŸ™‚

Posted : January 13, 2010 18:08
99 Star General

Good to see he still working on the game. πŸ˜€

In less it changed What I like see done is making the start system the player starts in safe ie only the player should initiate any combat.As it stands at the moment you are attacked as soon as you start the game,this would give the player a chance to become familiar with the control and features of the game.

Posted : January 13, 2010 23:43
Estimable Member

Did you know that you can set the pirates and aliens passive? They won't start attacking you until you shoot at them

Posted : January 14, 2010 04:08
Illustrious Member Admin

Oh really didn't know that, thanks for the tip Cultist. Is the update what you were looking for in the next version?

Posted : January 14, 2010 04:18
Estimable Member

Well the update will make my life easier in the game πŸ˜€

So it is most welcomed.

But i was looking for more features also.

Not saying that i'm not satisfied with how things are going now with this game.

Another wish of mine : i t would really be something if the game creator could drop by πŸ˜€

PS: this game along with other ones out there that don't have top notch graphics show how important the ideas behind the game really is.

Posted : January 14, 2010 04:53
99 Star General
cultist wrote:
Did you know that you can set the pirates and aliens passive? They won't start attacking you until you shoot at them

Did'nt realise that myself must read the manual πŸ˜†

But I still think the first system in the game should be a safe one.

Posted : January 15, 2010 03:24
Estimable Member

Oh, superb! It's still in development! I was afraid it had been lost to RL after the IGF awards. I henceforth await the March-ish update with fervent anticipation! 😎

Oh and Stardreamer, Steve wanted to address your issues on the user interface but you need to give some specifics?

Ah. Ok. Um. I can't quite remember what bits particularly I was unhappy with back then (memory like a seive...:D ) so I'll see if I can have another play around and report back. I think I still have Steve's e-mail addy around here somewhere (computer filing system like a seive... :D) but I may just post 'em here.

He's a good man is that Steve. :ugeek:

Topic starter Posted : January 21, 2010 12:07
Estimable Member

This game is in serous need of lateral thrusters with an "engine's off" mode for manual flight. Currently, it's a pain to maneuver in combat without 6-degrees of lateral control. I mean it's space fer-christ's-sake..

In the F5 tactical view, it's possible the pitch and yaw your ship, but you can't roll! Why can't I roll in tactical view??

In the system view, every time click on a planet there is an annoying info window that keeps popping up. Also there should be a way to set the pan controls to the mouse in the system view and tactical.

The universe view is cumbersome as well. it's too hard to find an intended system. Also, in police and navy mission, the amount of fuel need to jump should be included in the briefing.

Those are the ones off the top of my head.

Posted : January 23, 2010 05:51
Illustrious Member Admin

As promised Steve Chapman has released a new version of Ad Astra. Feel free to write a review and let everyone know your opinions on the new release. Check out all the details of version 1.3a below:


VERSION 1.3a : Released 3rd March 2010



Configurable Keyboard Mappings

Improved Solar System and Galactic Map screens

Global Spacecraft speed multiplier configurable via preferences screen

Improved Suns

Larger Planets ( approx 1.5 times larger)

Modified Galactic Star Systems

Sound Effect Volume Controls

Improved alignment of detail textures on fractal planets

Middle Mouse button allows rotation in System and Galactic Maps.


Save Game Screen Shot works for larger resolutions

Generation of Cluster1 debris fixed

Fixed Auto Pilot malfunction when using mouse wheel throttle


Partially compatible with previous revisions - the 'Jump' button should be used instead of the 'Load' option.

User defined Spacecraft templates will not be compatible with the new revision.

You can download the game from here: ... tID=379449

Posted : March 2, 2010 19:37
99 Star General

Found a nice vid of Ad-Asta gameplay,not played the game for about a year,its looking good,like

the asteriods in the gas gaint rings. πŸ˜€

Posted : March 16, 2010 04:04
99 Star General

Look like its come on quit a bit,the ship looks a lot more detailed. πŸ˜€

Just a bit annoying that I can't play it at the moment. πŸ˜₯

Posted : March 23, 2010 08:49
Active Member

Hi @all,

this game is truly a masterpiece!

I want you to know that a new version arrived:

VERSION 1.3b : Released 8th June 2010

New 'Scrolling Mouse' Control
Update Russian translation courtesy of Alexey Prokopchuk
Option to show fuel range on Galactic Map via 'F' Key.
Right Click Mouse Control option added.

DirectX9 versions added which may fix the Windows7 64bit incompatibility issues that some users have been experiencing.

Inhibit Wormholes from being opened whilst docked.
Inhibit Aliens from abducting mission related spacecraft

Partially compatible with previous revisions - the 'Jump' button should be used instead of the 'Load' option.

Some users have reported an issue concerning missing menu components particularly with respect to Nvidia Graphics Cards. It has been determined that the underlying cause of this problem is that Antialiasing has been enabled in the Graphics Cards control panel. This option should be set to 'Application Controlled' or 'Disabled'.

It has been reported that Ad Astra does not execute correctly under the Windows7 64Bit operating System. It is suspected that the cause of the problem is that the game utilises DirectX7 rather than a later version. Consequently DirectX9 versions of the game have been provided that may fix this fault.

Release 1.3b supports both a DirectX7 and a DirectX9 version of Ad Astra. The intention is to phase out the DirectX7 implementation of the game provided that no significant adverse reaction is received.


In the F5 tactical view, it's possible the pitch and yaw your ship, but you can't roll! Why can't I roll in tactical view??

Write Steve a e-mail, he listen to feedback and makes almost everything possible!

Bye muni

Posted : June 14, 2010 10:23
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