Diaspora: Shattered...
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Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

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Diaspora: Shattered Armstice is out! (a free Battlestar Galactica space combat sim, based on Fre

Estimable Member




First mission gameplay

I don't know what to say. It looks frakking awesome! Download it before some greedy NBC aristocrats take it down like they always do (more info on that below).



Oh wait, now that it's distributed via torrents, they can't. Sucks to be them happy.png

Torrent link for WINDOWS


Torrent link for MAC


Torrent link for LINUX


Topic starter Posted : September 4, 2012 01:33
Trusted Member

... what is this?! A fan made Battlestar Galactica game that hasn't been torn to shreds yet?!

<img src="' http://spacesimcentral.com/forum/public/style_emoticons//cool.gi f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':cool:' />

Posted : September 4, 2012 03:51
Eminent Member

Re: First Mission Gameplay video

Can you imagine having to do 19 more missions like that?


the age of the space fighter sim has passed.

Posted : September 4, 2012 09:21
99 Star General

Nice Unfortunately probably too big for me to down load.

Posted : September 4, 2012 09:52
Illustrious Member Admin

Been waiting on this for quite sometime, glad the Diaspora team finally got it out.

Will download it via torrent and will try to get it on the site.

Posted : September 4, 2012 18:22
Active Member

Just been having a play with this (we look at everyone's stuff!) and my initial impression is - nicely done.

Given the age of the open-source Freespace 2 engine, the graphical updates that have been done to it are very impressive and the illusion that you are just one small cog in a larger battle works very well (as it did in the original). The other very impressive work is the optimisation of the models and the textures; I ran this on our development beast thinking it was going to be quite demanding (i7/GTX 680 @ 1920x1200) and the framerate was off the chart so I copied it onto my laptop which has a fairy old discrete GPU (GTX 9800m). This machine ate it for breakfast as well, at max settings, so anyone who has older hardware will have no problems with this. The textures are small and look a bit smeary at high resolutions, but they must have their LOD system down to a tee.

It looks like they've had to stick with the original interface from Freespace and it looks pretty gruesome on large monitors (looks like it was optimised for 680x480 or 800x600), as well as confusing to navigate, compared to more recent designs. It is also very much a linear mission-driven storyline, as was the game it's based on. If you didn't like the Freespace series or the likes of Starlancer, you won't like this. The first two tutorial missions do hark back some fifteen years but, given the plethora of buttons and ALT+button or CTRL+button combinations you need to remember, there was probably no way around it. I wanted to drive my joystick into my skull and bring the suffering to an end during the first one but, hey, that's just me!

That said, their in-house composed musical score is as good as anything from the large studios, the voice-acting is excellent, the mission design is logical, clever and quite exciting once you get into it. The difficulty level is back where these games used to be a long time ago and they also pack in the level editor (FRED, if anyone remembers it!) so you can design your own. Be warned though - having had some experience with this, it can be an exercise in frustration!

If you're a BSG fan like me, it's unmissable, as they nail the atmosphere and immersion on the head. If you're looking for a tough space-based combat simulator, you should check it out as well. If your interests are a bit more, ermm, cerebral and you don't like the briefing/mission/briefing/mission etc. kind of gameplay, you can probably save your bandwidth. A cracking effort by a large team of volunteers with no real budget.

Posted : September 5, 2012 07:43
Trusted Member

Hardlight is down. Can't imagine why...

Posted : September 5, 2012 10:29
Trusted Member

..aand they're back up.

Posted : September 5, 2012 11:39
99 Star General

Might have been an attack of them NBC aristocrats. <img src="' http://spacesimcentral.com/forum/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.gi f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':biggrin:' />

Posted : September 5, 2012 11:44
Active Member

Come on people, try the multiplayer now

The campaign is way to short for such an awesome game : D

Posted : September 8, 2012 11:22
Trusted Member

Hi , just a few questions, first is this game free to play & does it support joysticks I.E. x52 pro or logitech 3D extreme pro ?

Also where is the best place to download it ? As always thanks in advance for any info.



Posted : April 19, 2014 08:33
Illustrious Member Admin

Yes its free, and I have a mirror to the download here: http://spacesimcentral.com/ssc/files/file/1032-diaspora-shattered-armistice/


When I get some extra time to investigate why my upload timed out I will have a download for it here. I can use my joystick, which its a cheap one so not sure if it supports the x52, it should since the FSO Engine supports it but I am guessing here.

Posted : April 19, 2014 10:21
Active Member

Prompt how to pull out the text of missions and the interface.

I want to try to localize game.

Why I can't visit the website of developers?

Posted : January 11, 2016 05:31
Reputable Member

Because I'm pretty sure this mod died after release.


You mean this website? 



Forums still seem active.

Posted : January 11, 2016 16:19
Active Member

Yes this site. But I can't come - likely I have a problem.

Posted : January 12, 2016 03:21
Illustrious Member Admin

I believe it was because the corporate giants came down on them for making the game, so I think they are limited in what they do these days. But the forum here seems active enough: http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php/board,175.0.html

Posted : January 12, 2016 18:45
Estimable Member

I believe it was because the corporate giants came down on them for making the game, so I think they are limited in what they do these days. But the forum here seems active enough: http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php/board,175.0.html

IIRC it was the other BSG mod featuring Viper Mk-II (Beyond the Red Line?) that was taken down by Universal

Posted : February 10, 2016 14:03