To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Wellcome everyone.
Due to some technical problems with Star Elite I have been working on second project in same time. This project have been realy started before Star Elite about two years ago and now it is finaly finished.
Generation X is space based fabular game. First episode should be taken as introduction to GX series and technical test for game engine. Game engine is alredy in 1.9 version. It is version created with not first but second episode, but contines many bug-fixes and it is compatybile. And this represents a global idea for this series: Evry new version of the engine will be compatybile with all older scripts.
Additionaly game is open for modding, so everyone who have ideas and finds engine usefull is free to make his own campaigns, missions, ships, and even graphical or sound effects.
Special thanks for: scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId= 66856&lngWId=1 - Sound engine
Truevision3D - 3D engine - free for non-commercial use
While installing game make sure you select one campaign languate only. Otherwise you may mess up your game.
In case of any technical problems pleace contact me via forum or via e-mail:
Some screenshots:
Game installer: 1.9 Setup.exe
Wellcome everyone.
I wish to ask everyone intrested by GX series about method for uploading new episodes. Evry episode will have one or more campaign, so I would like to know if You prefer to get entire episode in same time or each campaign singly.
For example: Episode II will have three campaigns. First is alredy almost finished, but second and third are not even started by now. So I can upload first campaign and then continue work or finish all three of them and than upload everything as complete Episode II.
You can vote using this link:
+ some screenshots from Second Episode (Work in progress):
I hope you will enjoy this game.
Looks impressive! I think it'll be probably better to publish a copy of your work onto some globally available netdisks, because the connection to your site is quite unstable here :preved:
Thanks for reply and for sugesstion, but I would like to know what do you mean "unstable"? Is it just slow, or connection is braking up, or something else?
Alternative download link:
Wellcome everyone.
Instructions for mods developers who are interested creating mod for this game or finds it's engine usefull in creation theire own game can be found in this link:
Pretty impressive. The interface seems rather sloppy, but I guess you will develop eventually.
Tak trzymać 🙂
I do not realy had planes to change interface, but with second thought - you are right. It needs changes. I have alredy some ideas to make it more functional and look better. Thank you for reply. I hope you enjoy the game.
So I have first look for new interface. Changes are listed below:
- Changed font to Arial - Everything should be easier to read
- All interface have been put in panels. 5 normal panels and four special ones
- Special panel: Top bar (camera, status displayers, camera filter settings, end mission button)
- Special panel: Information window - nothing changed
- Special panel: Decision window - nothing changed
- Special panel: Firing - Added automatic firing for first two weapon slots, it's size have been reduced
- Normal panels: Navigation, Commands, Scanner, Weapons and Developer Console
- Normal panels can be now moved all around screen (which gives possibility to reorganise all hud) and evry panel can be now minimalised by double-click. Posicions of panels are saved, so you do not need to set hud evry time you starting game.
- Added Developer console - panel for developers which can be activated by special command in mission script - with all informations needed for mission development.
- All panel titles are highlited, which just looks better.
There is screenshot of new UI (all panels are in default posicions, in Polish):
I think it is much better than it was. I am waiting for feedback.
Thanks, now it would be easier to get. The connection to your official website usually timeouts after 50% of the download is completed
Great project 🙂 Following! 😀
Wellcome everyone!
Thank you for your replys and interesant of this title.
I am glad to inform you that first part of second episode will be comming soon (in this year :)). All what is left to do is:
- Translation from Polish to English
- Complete instalation packages
- Update version informations
- Build installer - second episode only
- Build installer - all episodes (not with this version, but will be added as some king of automatic installer / launcher / mod installer)
- Wait for Spanish UI translation 🙂
- Test everything to make sure it will not contain any major bugs
- Update documentation for modders
In upper list green means finished, yellow - in progress, red - about to be canceled.
I will update this list, so you will be able to watch progress. Once Episode II will be relesed I will add link to it's own topic on this forum.
Hi piotrintes, i have a question:
For translate the game into Spanish just need translate the LanguateFileseng*.txt, right?
Can i create spa*.txt files and send u for a future version?
And another question:
Do you need some webspace for publish a devblog? I have (spacecadets (Spanish scifi community)) and, i can create a micro blog for GNX if u need 🙂
Basicaly LanguateFiles<languate>*.txt files contines only texts for interface, but not missions. To make languate chosable I would need to add it's button in Languate selection menu in the game startup. That is no problem, but if someone have alredy selected languate, then after update, there would be need to show languate selection from options menu. This is less than 10 minutes of work to add this functionality, so no problem. Problem would be campaign. To translate it you would have to translate evry .mis, .bri and info.txt file + campaign scripts. And this takes few days. In short you can create languate files and/or translated campaign if you like, and I will implement it into game and list you in Credits.txt.
I alredy have my website and I was thinking about pleacing dev info in it, but I have decided to make it on this forum. However if you like to pleace this game anywere else fell free to do so. It would make it more accesable. After all I do not know Spanich, so I will not be able to write anything on it.
Thank you for your interesant.
Ok thanks for the quick reply, i have an issue translating:
The game's font doesn't have all the "spanish symbols" (áéÃóúÃÉÃÓÚ¡¿ñÑ), yep, i can write about ur game in my website (But first need to be translated :D)
Thank you for information.
This problem is alredy in-part solved. Symbols áéÃóúÃÉÃÓÚ will be supported in 2.0 version after interface rebuild (changed font to Arial). However I can't make ¡¿ñÑ supported, and I do not think I will be able to do anything about that. I do not clearly know why, but those symbols are not avalible in any font script avalible. I maight be connected to my actual system's languate (if yes, than in 2.0 this should work for you).
I would like you to send me UI translation on with note how I should list you in Credits.txt as soon as you finish, so I will be able to add "Spanish" option into Languate selection window and make final compile. Because Spanish campaign will be comming after Engish and Polish, so It will be maked as another installer or languate path.
Wellcome everyone.
Because (as you can see) first part of second episode will be relesed soon, so I would like to list some major features if will contines:
- Continuation of cutted storyline formed in dynamic campaign with sevral endings (some positive and some negative)
- New ships objects and locations
- New UI I presented before
- Improved support for modders
- Planetary missions
- Soundtracks (only in few missions)
- Characters avatars
And one more screenshot I've forgotten about before (with old UI):
Great work thus far Piotrintes.
As always developers can freely upload demo/games etc, to the download area and owners can update/version the download package.
Good news everyone: First part of second episode has been finaly relesed. You can find it under this link: EPISODE II
Thank you for this post. It taked me a while, but I just havn't notised this big Downloads button in up :-). I had reuploaded both episodes to forum which is going to be far better than google drive. Finaly I will be able to watch how many peoples have downloaded it.
Sorry Piotrintes I have been busy lately and haven't had the time to download and give these games a spin and give feedback, I will be taking some time off for the holidays so I will sit down with this soon. On the downloads, I would edit the downloads and add a screenshot (a nice one) showing off that particular episode, pictures tend to get people to download things 🙂 And I will make a post in the chat for you.
Started playing a little with this and I will continue until I get a grasp on the game play.
I did try to click on campaign and it seemed to just sit and load? I exited out after 2mins of inactivity, maybe a progress bar would help here.
When messing with the options and I think controls I would see a 'Run-time error 53, file not found' error.
I notice that the controls screenshot of the keyboard is not in english even though I selected english in the installer.
When in the cockpit if you press zoom-out key you can zoom out into space, is this intended? 🙂
Camera mode looks good from outside of ship, I seem to be having issues getting to that nav point and I will work on that some more. So far this is a nice start to your series of games.
Thank you very much. I will try to fix all of those errors with next update.
I did try to click on campaign and it seemed to just sit and load? I exited out after 2mins of inactivity, maybe a progress bar would help here.
Make sure you selected campaign on the list before clicking Start button. Otherwise game will display loading screen and halt.
When messing with the options and I think controls I would see a 'Run-time error 53, file not found' error.
I would like to ask what exacly you did. I just have never got such error, so I need more informations to track it down. Have been any informations about what file game attempting to acces?
I notice that the controls screenshot of the keyboard is not in english even though I selected english in the installer.
Well I just forgotten to translate them, sorry.
When in the cockpit if you press zoom-out key you can zoom out into space, is this intended? 🙂
Camera zoom in/out there are no limits, so it is possible to get some strange results. Probably I should fix this.
It is one more known bug. Sometimes autopilot on your ship is heading weypoint for example 30 deg left by rotating ship 330 deg right. There is no sense fight this, unless you shut autopilot down and move ship manualy. This may be annoing sometimes, but I do not realy know what to do with this.
I advise you to download second episode as well and install in same location. This will update your game so you will get new ui, and some other bugs fixed.
Thank you for plaing Generation X
Sorry for a little mess in first version of this reply, now it is corrected.
I will load this up again and see if I can give you more information on the errors, just for a side note I am running Win8.1 x64 if that matters and use AMD gfx.
Edit: (still running ep1 for these comments)
I loaded up the game quickly to check something and on the 'player ship' and 'known ship' where it displays pics and descriptions on the ships and structures you will encounter in the campaign mission. It might be my old eyes but I think those pics have a slight blur or fuzzy feel to the image. The text used maybe a slightly different font that displays certain characters better. Because some of them look blocky.
Another thing I notice when I Alt-Tab out of the game I noticed that the game isn't in my task bar. Have you seen this?
On the game episodes. I understand the episodic release schedule, but shouldn't the engine and configuration of the game be static and just the content changing? Because releasing a ep2 release that actually fixes ep1 seems off to me. Or just repackage your main game with ep2 and just announce that it has been upgraded to ep2. My thoughts on this are like with Steam games that have episodes, yeah you can play them separately but there is no underlying engine and functionality changes unless they are needed to play that episode.
I know I am nitpicking here, but I think it would lessen the confusion. So download ep2 and install that and try everything again because I was strictly running ep1 so I could have been missing some fixes you have already done. 🙂
Great efforts.
Thank you for reply.
Well, those ships are not ships you will encounter, but one you alredy had. Pictures blur is intensional effect. Something like star wars holograms etc. Fonts will be changed in 2.0 engine version.
Alt+tab... It should be displayed in taskbar while in mission. Menu window is little more complex, and I have a little problems with taskbar icon.
About those episodes, I agree there is one big mess by now. Once automatic updater is finnished this all will be clear. For now there are episode I with 1.9 engine version and episode II with 2.0 engine version. Each episode can be installed as separated game or as path for older version. 2.0 engine will run all episode I missions and campaigns. Automatic installer will keep your game engine updated and will be instaling right languate versions for game. Additionaly it will be mod manager as well.
Thank you for plaing GX
Wellcome everyone!
I am glad to inform you that automatic "Launcher / downloader / updater / mod installer" is finaly finnished.
So now you will be able to update your game engine without downloading entire episode.
Before you download anything select your languate in Launcher (default is english). All components will be downloaded in selected languate automaticaly. After you download engine, you need to download anything else before you run game.
If you alredy have game installed, just install this tool in your game directory and everything should work.
You can download tool using this link: DOWNLOAD or use (mirror)
If you have any problems pleace let me know. For now old download versions are still avalible.