To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Wellcome everyone!
NEW ENGINE VERSION 2.3 IS NOW AVALIBLE - you can download it now using download manager
Bug fixes:
- No camera zoom in/out limits
- Critical error after exiting to menu and starting new mission
- Not translated key binds
- It was possible to start game without selecting mission (which maked game hang)
- Incorrect refreshing panels after mowing around screen in Win7
- And more...
- Some new key binds
- Now it is possible to move camera while in tactical view ([page up] / [page down])
- Internal damage system
- End mission button bacomes green while active
- Some functions for modders (more info coming soon in "How to make mods" topic on forum)
Wellcome everyone!
Second part of Episode II will be relesed soon. Task list to relese is avalible under this link: EPISODE II
Once it is finnished It will be downloadable by game Launcher.
Great news about the auto downloader and updater, that is a nice feature to have. I will need to try this out soon and give some feedback on it. Does this mean that all you need to upload to the download area is the downloader/updater and people can get the game that way now?
Thanks for reply.
And answer is yes. Using this tool people can download game with episodes they wants, all in selected languate. This tool has ability to update itself, so even if there are some bugs, people can install fix in few seconds with one click. 🙂
Wellcome everyone!
Episode II is finnished and ready for download. You can install it using game launcher.
Enjoy 🙂
Wellcome everyone.
I wish to annouce (since I havn't been writting much) that GX project is still up. I just have been doing some preperations for game engine changes I will need for episode III. I am finishing first campaign for thind episode (one more mission and damage systems left only). In addition I would like to give you full list of episodes with theire titles:
Episode I - Corporation conflict - Introduction to series
Episode II - Nevales - Earth-Neval incident and begining of Aurora's story
Episode III - Return
Episode IV - Twilight
Episode V - Endgame
Episode VI - Unity
This all may change a little, but I do not think it will.
First campaign from Episode III is nearly finished. I am sending two screenshots:
1. One of the biggest battles for now
2. Lunar Fleet Star - after few combat mistakes
Wellcome everyone!
I am glad to inform you that first part of Episode III is finnished. I can be downloaded using GX Launcher.
Informations for modders according new version of game engine will come soon (there are lot of changes).
Quick information - there was bug in cutscene system that could produce very unpredicteble camera behave. If you installed Episode III before this message you need to redownload package Episode III part 1. Should work now.
Wellcome everyone!
I wish to notyfy everyone interested with my games that I needed to create a new account on forum, so if you want to sent any PM check some resent information about my profile (well, there is not much to look on, but it may be in time) be sure you are looking on right account.