To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Came across this on youtube,not played it,its described as a 2D space trading and combat
game, in a similar vein to Escape Velocity.
It has a site here
The game comes in three flavours Linux,mac and win32
Game looks pretty good and playable for only being v0.4, when I get some time I will give this one a try. Been playing Transcendence lately. Will add this game to the link list in the next update.
Version v0.4.1 has come out and here is the changes:
* New content.
* Ship stats.
* New font rendering backend.
* Fancier comm interface.
* Fixed toolkit rendering bugs.
* Lowered memory usage on most systems by nearly 50%.
* Using autotools now.
* Fixed misc bugs.
Why would you guys want to play a 2D game like that? I could see if it was on your cell phone and you had to wait in line for hours at the airport...but at home?
Why wouldn't I want to play a 2D game like that at home ?
A lot of the time even though the 2D game isn't the best visually and can never compare to a 3D game graphically, the 2D game is usually more feature rich in gameplay and ideas than a 3D game of the same type. For me features and gameplay are the most important, graphics always come 2nd.
I made the mistake going with graphics first when I played Age of Conan and found out quickly that it wasn't content rich and features were common and nothing innovative. Have to remember to Naev is a open source game so I guess with some hard work someone could really give it a make-over.
NAEV 0.4.2 has been released.
Naev 0.5.0 Beta1 has been released.
For Players
- Bigger universe( Expanded Dvaered, Frontier, Empire territories - All new Sirius territory - Preliminary Soromid area (Not inhabited yet))
- Big systems (More planets in systems - Bigger planets in systems, more planet graphics - Players must fly to jump points before jumping to another system)
- Electronic warfare (Ships have cloaking and detection abilities - Sensor range depends on cloak vs detection - Turrets no longer track all ships equally)
- Fancier targeting method
- Random bar NPCs
- On-map security rating abandoned in favor of faction presence indicators
- More diverse planetary inventories (see the tech system)
- Outfit slots now have sizes
- System backgrounds (nebula, sun and more!).
- Fancier new GUI.
- Weapon sets allow to easily configure different weapon configurations for each ship.
- Heat system replaces accuracy making ships more accurate at first.
- Overlay map helps navigate and visualize the environment.
- Mouse targetting.
- Damage absorption and penetration system.
For Developers (mission and likewise)
- Faction presence (Replaces security and simple fleet spawning - Fleet spawning is now controlled through lua on a per-faction basis)
- Universe and System editor (Allows easy and quick modification of the universe - Allows creation and manipulation of planets, systems and jumps - Allows selection of planet graphics)
- New TECH system (Techs are groups containing outfits, ships or other techs. - Assets (formerly planets) sell whatever is in their assigned techs.)
- Hook improvements (Pilot hooks pass arguments by default - You can now pass custom arguments to hooks)
- Removed old timer system to new hook-based timer system
- Improvements to the in-game console
- Missions can now use more than a single mission marker
- SDL_image is no longer a dependency.
- Events are now saveable.
- GUI can be written in Lua.
- Camera can be modified.
I think this game will become really good especially for a 2d space sim. The new version is already fun to play and i think if the developer will continue this work NAEV could even beat Transendence and 3030 Deathwar. I can recomend NAEV even in this version to anyone who doesn't have problems with 2d gameplay. I like the fly model, it is chalanging and creates the illusion of a newtonian fly model.
Just have to say: NAEV 0.5 is really frackin' fun so far. I'm not too skilled at the combat right now, but I do alright.
As far as being 2D versus 3D, I couldn't care less. If it's fun, I'll play it and enjoy it. But then, I grew up on text-based games that existed before the Web, so maybe I'm just a lot more tolerant?
Here is an update to Naev's progress and we can expect a new beta soon.
That is good news Darkone 🙂 I do like some of the improvements they were hinting at, but I think it is a mistake to hide the stars on entering an unknown system (at least, that is what it looks like after looking at the pictures), I mean we can see stars from Earth! Hiding the planets though, does make sense if you are far enough away.
I don't think they meant the actual stars themselves, just the planets, stations and jump points:
As you can see, it’s now possible for assets to not be shown on the map until the player discovers them. Now, I should point out that most planets tend to be fairly hard to miss in a star system, so when you jump into a new system you will usually discover all of them immediately, just like it’s always been. The example above isn’t representative in that respect – I simply modified the hide values for the purpose of showing how it works. However, if the system has high sensor interference (inside the nebula, for example), it may be more difficult to find the planets within.
Naev v0.5.1 has been released and here is the patch notes: ( )
List of changes since 0.5.0:
For Players:
- Many new missions, and improvements for older ones.
- Soromid faction added.
Full array of ships for the faction.
Populated northern area of the galaxy.
- New disable mechanic
Disabling damage is separate from regular damage.
Player ships can now be disabled, boarded and looted!
Disabled ships will recover automatically over time.
- Jump points, planets and stations must now be discovered through exploration.
- Maps now reveal fixed routes, mostly between major factions’ space.
- Fancier map search shows details about found items.
- New planet and station graphics.
- Large AI ships now have greater weapons diversity.
- General usability improvements for low resolutions.
- Missiles lock on gradually, depending on electronic warfare values.
- The tutorial has been substantially expanded and reworked.
- Active outfits allow for powerful, temporary abilities to be toggled.
- New key bindings make the it possible to use the keyboard most of the time.
Autonav is now more flexible and can travel to planets in addition to systems.
Navigate the spaceport with keytips.
- Improved faction reputation logic.
Factions now have ceilings for reputation gained through killing.
Missions are necessary to elevate your standing beyond this.
Completing major missions can increase the reputation ceilings.
- Landing permissions enhanced beyond the simple boolean (hostile or friendly) model.
Landing at military and other special assets typically requires high reputation with a faction.
When you don’t meet the required standing but aren’t hostile, assets are marked ‘restricted’.
- Overhaul of spaceport bar NPCs. NPCs will now often say meaningful things and can even help the player out by hinting at missions or updating his galaxy map.
- Complete ship health rebalancing.
- Store user data in XDG-compliant locations (*nix-only)
- Misc. bug fixes
For Developers:
- Faction standing and land permission code moved to Lua.
Reputation is now handled with per-faction scripts.
Special assets can have unique landing code (e.g. requiring a particular mission to be done)
- Large amount of Lua API additions and changes.
- Greatly enhanced the in-game universe editor.
- XML data (ships, planets, etc.) has been split into individual files to allow greater modularity.
- Various faction specific scripts have been reorganized to be in a more logical location, and these script have been tied closer to the master faction definition.
- Generally less crash-prone when loading corrupt data.
- Misc. bug fixes
Just downloaded it a few days ago and had a binge of it yesterday. It's a very fun game!
Not had look at this game for a couple of years, seems to have been a lot of changes to it.
It is a huge leap from .2,.3 and even .4 builds. I hope development continues for quite some time on this one.
I picked this up on Desura and really like it. I was a huge fan of Escape Velocity and this game recaptures that feeling. It's worth the few dollars. Gameplay is good, the tutorial is very helpful, and I hope it continues to receive further development.
Development has been very slow as of late, there hasn't been an official update to the game in over a year. Think it has fizzled, their forums are still active its just the game itself hasn't seen an update in a while.
Development has been very slow as of late, there hasn't been an official update to the game in over a year. Think it has fizzled, their forums are still active its just the game itself hasn't seen an update in a while.
I thought the development has been stopped since 0.6 beta?
Naev is available on Steam now and still free to download.
It's nice to see, but still no new releases out since like 2012. Hope this new development spurs the team into motion and we'll see a few more releases.
Hey guys new beta patch! Stable patch in march. Im on my phone or Id post a changelog. Heres a link.
Wow and I wrote Naev off a while back after about 2yrs of no new news. Glad to see that work is still progressing and it looks like they rewrote the data file and how its used and deployed.
Yeah this is still alive 😮
Release 0.9 highlights include:
- Electronic warfare revamp with stealth and illegal cargo and outfits
- Systems have patrol routes for dominating factions
- Visual novel system for new missions with support for mini-games
- Complete rebalance and overhaul of most outfits that can have complex behaviours now
- Rehauled backgrounds, new trails, and other graphical improvements
- Lots of new content including 40 new missions