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Freelancer crosshair/reticle

Crewman Registered
Joined: 11 years ago
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So I recently got hold of Freelancer and I must say, its pretty darned awesome for a game that old!

(Too bad the ship textures are kind "meh").

Anyway, there's one thing that knocks about gameplay a bit and thats the bland and often hard to see targeting reticle/crosshair (sometimes also referred to as the ship cursor because its used to indicate the mouse onscreen while flying the ship).

I've done some internet digging, and found a lot of mods, including ones that mod the HUD, but surprisingly nothing about the crosshairs.


So I'm wondering, are there any custom crosshairs out there?

How difficult would it be to make my own if there aren't?

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Just moved the thread here to the Freelancer forum.


Is their not some thing in the option about changing the crosshairs or I may be thinking about another game?.

Rear Admiral Registered
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I don't think there is an option to change it in the game, however it might be possible via a mod. The best person I can think of who would know is a Freelancer modder called Gibbon. He has a site <here> if you want to pop by and ask him.

Crewman Registered
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Just moved the thread here to the Freelancer forum.


Is their not some thing in the option about changing the crosshairs or I may be thinking about another game?.


Oh... I thought since it was about modding the game.......

Anyway, no, Freelancer by default has no setting in game to change the crosshairs, unfortunately...


I don't think there is an option to change it in the game, however it might be possible via a mod. The best person I can think of who would know is a Freelancer modder called Gibbon. He has a site <here> if you want to pop by and ask him.


Ok, thanks! I'll pop in there and have an ask!
