To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Hey!! So, I have never been happy flying spaceships with the keyboard. I actually don't ever fly spaceships, I'm I planet-lubber.... but when I play video games with spaceships, I don't like using the keyboard.
Eventually technology made it really easy to make my own controller, but I'm actually interested in everyone elses methods, I know there's all kinds of multi-function mice, custom 3 axis joystick setups, etc. Of course, I inherently am biased towards my own method, ,but now I'm actually both very curious in better understanding other's preferences,, as well as thinking the discussion overall should be had some more times about which is better, and why. This includes who would win in a battle,, but is not limited thusly. So,, racing is important, but so is accessing other features such as weapon selection and targeting. Also discussions about realism,, consider how a modern fighter jet is not really going to do crazy darty maneuvers most of the time,, instead they will cover lots of distance, use advanced weaponry and countermeasures, and then return to base. So the best racing setup is not going to be the best bombing run setup etc. also, going to orbit, the real kind of spaceflight, is different still.
so,, this video is not a walkthrough, or an explanation,, although I will make one and post it here,, instead this is just an attempt to produce some gameplay where you can actually see the sticks moving. ,,, Now with drones, it's possible to overlay your sticks onto your video later, because the flight controllers can store stick inputs in the "blackbox" memory,, I don't know how to do that with my setup, but imo it would be crucial, since watching my game screen is really an eyesore.... also, then I wouldn't have to worry so much about fitting everything into my phone screen.
thanks in advance!!
Impressive work Tsmspace 😎 have you tried with any other games.
pretty much I've only used it with starmade besides orbital racer. I did use it with "infinity battlescape", but my internet isn't particularly good, and I quit playing games for a while after I tested that. I flew around a bit and played with having 6axis control on the two thumbs and left trigger stick, and putting the view 2 axis control on the right trigger,, but I never got terribly coordinated,, I need more time on 6 axis one axis per trigger, I think. Before I made the controller I was playing with a normal gamepad and using the triggers and stick buttons to run the other two axis. (I had roll on the triggers, and I had forward on the left stick button, and reverse on the right stick button).
I did try the controller on "astrokill", which I really like as far as the game type,, it's just arcade style single-player, so there's quite a bit of fun to be had if you're just getting set,, also you can have the view on an axis, so it would be a good place to do all of that practice without needing to be in a multiplayer server,, but the maker of that game basically abandoned the project and the input system isn't compatible with many gamepads and joysticks. Fair enough,, one person wanting some sticks isn't enough to drop everything, the game is fully functional if you use any of the most common options. I also tried it in evochron mercenary but likewise I found the game didn't really support my axis,,, it worked to detect them, but I couldn't actually set all the axis to the flight controls, I forget exactly how the incompatibility worked out but I had to use a normal gamepad to play it.
I'm certainly interested in one day getting up into that infinity battlescape,, but for now the game is massive and I'm on a tiny wifi,, and also I'm just not ready for combat, I'm a terrible pilot. I wished it worked with the simple game "thrust and shoot", but it was ok to use a gamepad since there were only really 2 axis to control in that game.
mostly,, I guess I should see if orbital racer lets me set the view angle, but I think it didn't last time I checked, and likewise it looks like the developer isn't looking to change that right now,,, I recall I spoke with some developers at some point on steam or elsewhere,, some of them were intersted in vr support, but orbital racers developer seemed more interested in making the game fun to play on nintendo switch, which is the opposite, and has FEWER inputs, and relies more on things like inertial damping and fixed throttle, etc. (you can turn float on, which makes is orbital racers way of saying no auto-momentum cancel, but with nintendo switch I just can't see it being that playable unless you simplify it down to a more 2d feel).
So my wishlist is: astrokill makes my controller fully compatible, evochron would be fun, I was playing the race missions and it was overall pretty good, also they have a series so I can imagine them revisiting one day. I wish starmade would allow for more customization of the ship physics,, the yaw and pitch is stabilized, but roll you need to cancel yourself,, I struggle to see where some of these game-developers imagine that roll would be hard to stabilize but pitch and yaw work automatically,,, the other one is "elite dangerous",,, I know they are going for airplanes in space (no ground to accidentally hit), but ,,,, I just can't understand where they justify that ships can't yaw. I mean,,,,,,, what's going on there. They go all the way to "realistic physics" so the ships drift,, and STILL make it so the ships which are practically disks can't yaw. So I guess at some point I wish they didn't do that. anyway,,, starmade is a really great game idea for learning to fly around, because you can place blocks to make your own courses, so whatever it is you imagined was the goal, you could make that yourself.
anyway,,, one cool thing, is that if I could control my view on a stick, then I could look up,, which is INTERESTING discussing elite dangerous, because although elite dangerous is all about rolling and pulling up,, in inertial physics you would literally do the opposite. You would roll so that your desired vector is DOWN,, and then you would point to cancel momentum and accelerate in your desired direction, about 45 degrees between where you are coming from and where you are going to,, and sure enough you would be looking UP right at your destination. ,, so I could pitch the camera up *(like an fpv drone), and see where I'm going.
finally it should be addressed that lots of fun of flying around like that would not be racing or battle. Space taxi was a brilliant idea, and I imagine a space taxi game with all sorts of difficult navigation challenges and a city-like environment where slow and careful is the plan,, that would be incredible. I may try to put together a bunch of thusly difficult passages in starmade,, but it would be really a ton of work,,, it's not going to happen suddenly. Basically, the best candidate is infinity battlescape, where they could make a bunch of stations where fighters can navigate through really tight passages all over the place,, like flying the death star, then that sort of fun would be available. But ,,, space taxi as a game I can just see that being ultimate. It would be like evochron mercenary, but instead of open space the whole thing would happen in dense tight corridors and entrances.
heres another attempt at recording gameplay. I want to get some additional recording functionality, but this is an opportunity to see a clearer image of the game,, as well as probably my skills (although they are pretty elementary,, it's not an attempt at showing good performance, just an effort to show the game in the newbie slow motion so that it's really clear what's going on).
The capability I want is to show the sticks. With FPV drones a lot of people managed to overlay their stick inputs onto the flight video, I really would want something like this that could be in the bottom of the screen. THe coolest thing would be to see it in game, but a second option would be to see it on the replay. I may be able to overlay a webcam video of my fingers, but I would also like to find out if there's a way to show the stick inputs as 2d axis like the drone pilots do.
anyway this video is not actually demonstrating the controller, merely demonstrating a clearer image of my use of it. I do intend to make a more watchable demonstration, but I don't have a webcam or know how to show the stick inputs overlayed over the game screen.
Making your own controller is so awesome
Creating your own controller is incredibly amazing.