To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
X com on the 360 as the bloody PC version never worked, though it might be worth a punt for a tenner and Lifeless Planet.
Carrier Command on the 360, never played the original game show no idea what this reboot is like.
Far cry 2 on the 360 apparently it has a bug in it which stops you from finishing the game.
Carrier Command on the 360, never played the original game show no idea what this reboot is like.
I 've finished the original, and have yet to play, the reboot. (Although I gave it a try when it was in beta). If you want to try the original, you should try the DOS Version, since the Amiga version is much harder. (Winnable but harder).
Says their a classic 80s game mode on the box although it might be awhile before I get around to playing it as I have just started playing the XCom game.
Far cry 2 on the 360 apparently it has a bug in it which stops you from finishing the game.
I finished FC2 on 360 a few times and never had a problem. I actually preferred it to FC3. Probably cos it doesn't hold your hand as much and you can't fast travel so easily. Many people criticised the game for the exact reasons I liked it. FC3 was too "gamey", should have been more hardcore.
Recently got:
Fallout 3 GOTY edition
Dead Space 1 and 2
Pre ordered Alien: Isolation. I'm really looking forward to this one! :scare:
It has some thing to do with the save games corrupting, their is a patch for it but I am not sure if i can download 360 patch on the PC and transfer it to the 360 on a USB stick.
Also got the PC collector edition of Oblivion for a couple quid.
Now you mention it, I do remember that happening. I started double saving every 10 saves or so after it happened a couple of times. Not sure if that helped or not to be honest.
I picked up Starlancer on Fleabay recently. The ships feel good to fly around in. If Roberts brothers & Co are aiming for this sort of gameplay in Star Citizen it should turn out to be a fun game too.
Bought the Bureau on PC as I have being enjoying playing X Com, so I thought I would have a look at the other X Com game and it was very, very, very cheap but so far all it's done is CTD on me when I start it.
Also pick up Farcry Basic Instincts on the XBox and Splinter Cell Convictions on the 360.
I've been playing Diablo III on my 360 recently - I never played either of the previous ones, but it's a lot of fun! You can have big long sessions or just jump into it for 30 minutes, so a good casual gaming option. Demon Hunter and Witch Doctor are my favourite classes so far. Don't mess with the voodoo! 🙂
You look good through a crosshair.
X Com Enemy Unknown
Super Meat Boy
The Binding of Isaac
Lone Survivor
Valiant Hearts: The Great War
The Long Dark
Gods Will Be Watching
Damn Steam sales...
SXPD for iPhone. Its a kind of remake of the Spectrum game Deathchase made into an interactive graphic novel. Pretty good actually.
Also downloaded the remake of Lords Of Midnight from Icemark and the 3D remake from FrozenEmpire, possibly the most nostalgic game I can think of.
Never could get into Lords of Midnight, remember trying to play it a few times.
Never could get into Lords of Midnight, remember trying to play it a few times.
I think I was about 8 years old when I first played it. I had no instructions, only the map on the back of the box. I didn't get on well at all. In fact, I think at first I thought it was a really advanced text adventure!
In the GOG sale so far SPAZ, Red Shirt, and Strike Suit Zero no idea if I can get that downloaded as it 2.2 GB but I could not resist the price of £2.95.
Picked up the classic GTA 3, Vice City, Vice City Stories and GTA 4 (PS2 versions) for very little off fleabay. These games are still a riot and awesome music too. Especially Vice City! :girlcrazy:
Picked up the classic GTA 3, Vice City, Vice City Stories and GTA 4 (PS2 versions) for very little off fleabay. These games are still a riot and awesome music too. Especially Vice City! :girlcrazy:
Nice :good: keep an eye out for Liberty city stories for the full set of GTA games on the PS2 and that reminds me I must get a copy of GTA 4 for the 360.
Liberty City Stories? Didn't know about that one, just snagged a copy :girlcrazy: GTA PS2 collection *almost* complete now.
Speaking of GTA I picked the strategy guide for GTA 5 for a fiver in the "Works" shop at the weekend. :biggrin:
Got Factorio a few days ago and its a pretty fun little game. Currently a very playable alpha.
Warhammer 40K : Armageddon. It's just out, it's basically a reskin of Panzer Corps (which is itself an updated version of panzer general). It's a bit costly for what it is, but ... it's... WH40K.
(dreaming of a world where game workshop and matrix/slitherine wouldn't be such greedy pricks)
Four Amiga games. :biggrin:
Special Forces.
The Newzealand Story.
Flimbo quest.
Cadaver is awesome. I used this to test out my A500+ after I rebuilt it
Endless Legends
The new Thief game For a tenner on PC.
Mace Griffen for 50p on the XBox,bought this before but it was a bad disk.
Perfect Dark Zero on 360
GTA 4 ON 360 being playing 5 again and thought it was about time I got 4.
Added GTA 1, GTA London 1969 and GTA2 to the Playstation collection, all complete with maps! All run perfectly on PS2 :girlcrazy: