To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Added GTA 1, GTA London 1969 and GTA2 to the Playstation collection, all complete with maps! All run perfectly on PS2 :girlcrazy:
Going for the full collection?, I never played the London one.
Going for the full collection?, I never played the London one.
With this game i learnt I should never drive in England :biggrin:
There is also GTA 1961 although that is only available for the PC as a free download from Rockstar's own site.
Realm of the Mad God. Great game totally ruined by pay-to-win. Edit: I have discovered that you can unlock everything without spending money, you just spend your whole life grinding for it while everyone else just spends money :suicide:
Unturned. DayZ meets Minecraft. If only I could figure out how to actually get into a server...
Dark Souls 2. This may take some time...
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons. Can't play it cos it doesn't recognise my controller.
Just bought all the Walking Dead games and DLC, I have been hearing great things and I am a huge fan of the series so I thought I would play them the trailers look great.
Been on a serious 4x kick as of late. Picked up Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes, all the DLC but the latest. Age of Wonders III Golden Realms, and lastly Armada 2526.
All are outstanding!
Hoping Frontier grants me a refund on Elite Dangerous so I can buy Starpoint Gemini 2! (Dont have internet on my PC. Which makes an always online game pointless.)
After watching a bunch of TV documentaries on knights and castles over Christmas, I picked up Medieval 2: Total War cheap, and have been playing it obsessively for the last few days. It's great fun but, being rubbish at strategy games, I find it quite difficult even on the "easy" level!
You look good through a crosshair.
Hi auryx
Ah,.. the Total War series. :girlcrazy:
I played the first Medieval game quite a bit and the second one too. So here is some quick tips:
Use the landscape. Stick your archers on hills with heavy infantry in front to protect them. Even if your the attacking side try to goad the enemy into attacking you and, in so doing, draw them into a trap. Use the speed of your cavalry (hiding them out of sight while the enemy advances is good and hold them off until the time is right) to close the trap and hit em (wedge formation is good) in the back ranks with your heavy infantry chewing them up in a frontal attack and your archers maintaining a constant rate of fire, supply wagons help. I've beaten much larger and superior armies using this method.
If your conducting a siege, make lots of holes in the defences with your Trebuchets so that your army avoids choke points. Hitting a stronghold from different directions is good for causing your enemy to rout but keep your assault force spread out to minimise the casualties from incoming fire. Only close ranks and increase the speed of your advance when near the breaches in the defences. Again, use you cavalry to draw off defenders while moving in your slower heavier units to do the real damage. The AI can be quite aggressive so use that against them.
Hope that helps! :queen:
Hey Geraldine, thanks! That's great! Such invaluable info 🙂
I struggle with sieges, but that's probably because I've not bothered investing in catapult-making workshops yet, I clearly need to get some. Have also been ignoring heavy infantry units and spearmen - I should bulk out my armies with them a bit more!
Now if only I could stop the French from declaring war on me.....bah 😀
You look good through a crosshair.
Admirable tactical stuff, Geraldine - in essence, applicable to many types of warfare too!
In difficult terrain - press on!
In encircled terrain - devise stratagems!
In fatal terrain - fight!
After watching a bunch of TV documentaries on knights and castles over Christmas, I picked up Medieval 2: Total War cheap, and have been playing it obsessively for the last few days. It's great fun but, being rubbish at strategy games, I find it quite difficult even on the "easy" level!
On the grand strategy level expand as fast as possible early on. Get a few cities and from there you will find it easier than if you didnt sieze anything early on.
As an example England should be hitting the scotts pretty hard by turn ten.
If you are looking for another medieval strategy series both Stronghold HD and Stronghold Crusader HD are par excellence if you want to build your own castles.
X-Wing/Tie fighter and legend of Grimrock in the GOG sale.
Starsector (formerly starfarer.) And from GOG sim city ...
And Starflight 1 and 2. Not sure if I will lile it. I HATED the Sc2/Ur Quan masters combat.
After a long time waiting, GTA V is now on my PC :dancing:
this is the very first game that put my GTX 670 GPU on his knees !
Nothing so grand as GTA V but I picked up Lifeless Planet in the GOG sale. Looks intriguing. :girlsmile:
Are they using that Rockstar social club as the DRM on GTA5 on the PC?.
Lifeless Planet has a good story but it can be a bit linear.
Bought Out There a couple weeks ago and picked up Midway Arcade Treasures for the XBOX.
I might get flamed for this but I was on beta testing for this but didn't buy after that finished because of subscription cost.
But now it free to play (only need to buy the game) I finally purchased TESO and enjoying it 🙂
Assassins Creed Rogue on the 360, pretty similar to Black Flag and the main reason why I bought it.
Space Run and Rocket ranger in the GOG sale so far and also been thinking about buying the Master Plan.
Spiderman 2, Pirates the legend of black kat and Riddick for the Xbox.
Dark Void, Batman Origins and Risen 2 on the 360.
Fallout 4 preorder
styx master of shadows
wolfenstein the new order
Unfortunately, I cannot buy anything from abroad, since Capital Controls were implemented (that means that I can only use my credit card in Greece) . So I lost my Bard's Tale IV pledge!!
Boo, that's rubbish! Are those controls still in place? I was hoping the recent agreement would have lifted them but guess not 🙁
Anyway, back on topic, I re-discovered my old love for text adventure games (mostly free!) and have been playing (and enjoying) All Hope Abandon and Vespers. Also some Zork III for the nostalgia trip! And if I didn't have enough medieval punishment from Total War games, I've also just purchased Crusader Kings 2.
You look good through a crosshair.
Boo, that's rubbish! Are those controls still in place? I was hoping the recent agreement would have lifted them but guess not 🙁
Still in place and no agreement!! (ETA Late August/Early September)
And if I didn't have enough medieval punishment from Total War games, I've also just purchased Crusader Kings 2.
Same here. One of my last perchases, was CK2!!! And Medieval 2 is also waiting!!!!!
Batman Arkham city GOTYE edition.
And L.A Noire the complete edition both games on XBox 360, second time I have bought L.A Noire as the PC version refuses to work.
Anyway, back on topic, I re-discovered my old love for text adventure games
Check out "Mainland" on Steam, it's a NEW *gasp* text adventure, and pretty good. The one gripe I have is that as you start to type, it automatically gives you word suggestions, and sort gives you clues because you know you'll need that word at some point.
I recently got Space Beast Terror Fright. Yes it's really called that. And it's totally addictive. A claustrophobic corridor first person shooter with rogue-like elements which is a cross between Space Hulk and Aliens. Do not play if flashing lights give you seizures.