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To all SSC Station occupants

Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


Preview: Heresy War

Illustrious Member Admin

Unless you comb over google you have probably not heard of Heresy War. But it is shaping to be quite a nice addition to the Space Combat Sim genre. Basis of the story is that humanity has been reborn from the ashes after a catastrophic world war. And you are put in the cockpit of the most technologically advanced fighters in the human military fleet (The Core) as you witnesses the start of a civil war.

Feature in the game so far:

Main gameplay features

- Mission-based, story-driven gameplay

- Branching non-linear campaign based on player's actions

- Sequential capital ship destruction

- Intuitive interface and controls

- Complete freedom across all axes

- Squadron command

- Self-adjusting difficulty level

- Arcade and simulation control

- 16 player Multiplayer

Modding features

- Fully customizable, data-driven engine

- Powerful scripting language

- Exporters from popular 3D formats to game format

- WYSIWYG Editors and development tools

You can download their demo of the game: ... mo3_01.exe

Don't judge to harshly this game isn't even in Beta yet. So play the demo and ley us know what you think?

A few screenshots of the game:






Topic starter Posted : January 15, 2009 20:10
Illustrious Member Admin

Found a gameplay video for the demo

Topic starter Posted : January 15, 2009 20:14
Illustrious Member Admin

Twitter.... Maybe I show my age now. I have heard of the site but until now it was the first time I have ever been to the site. Looks like a simple question and answer style page. Nice. Can't wait for the Alpha/Beta or the next Demo c0mas 😀

Topic starter Posted : February 6, 2009 01:59
Illustrious Member Admin

Guess it is the waiting game now. Been silent on the Heresy War homepage lately. But they are still at work and say they could have something for us soon (1-3months). Wonder if they can sneak us a few new screenshots 🙂

Topic starter Posted : April 4, 2009 11:29
Eminent Member

Its good to know that development is still underway, and that there are nuggets of information being published to keep our appetites whet. Heresy War is one of the shiniest stars of the upcoming Space Combat games, and one that seems to push action and story in equal measure. Here's hoping your game will come to fruition soon c0mas, I'm sure theres an eager bunch of gamers here willing to buy it up.

Posted : April 6, 2009 09:10
Illustrious Member Admin

Hey Spelk

If you haven't already tried the demo do take it for a spin and let us know what you thought of it. There isn't many SP/MP based space games coming so I would agree that this one will be gladly purchased when the time comes. And you never know it might actually be free?

I have a lot of interest in this title myself and will keep everyone posted on progress as soon as I learn of it. But to everyone please give your feedback on the demo here in the forums so we can get some feedback on whether it will be addressed or put on the TO DO list. Right now is a great time to give that feedback while they are still plugging away at HW.

And thanks c0mas on the update concerning updates 🙂


Topic starter Posted : April 6, 2009 09:41
Eminent Member

When I found out about the HW demo, I gave it a blast and was very impressed with what I saw. It seems to fill the position of pick up and play shooter with an arcade aesthetic, yet with a Universe, story and missions that are involving and hopefully captivating. There are too many Elite wanna-bes for me, sandbox gameplay with less than fulfilling story elements. I want a believeable Universe to take part in a conflict with consequences and emotional investment, yet have the dynamics of visually stimulating space battles. Hopefully HW takes the story elements and weaves it at the fighter level, with as much eye candy as say Nexus does with big lumbering battleships. Hopefully it will be exhilirating like space combat in Battlestar Galactica, Star Wars, Babylon 5, but with the a new set of lore and story underpinning the action.

Posted : April 6, 2009 11:20
99 Star General

Whats being going on with Heresy War?. ❓

Posted : September 5, 2009 03:28
Illustrious Member Admin
PINBACK wrote:
Whats being going on with Heresy War?. ❓

Last time I talked with c0mas they were finishing up the MP demo and hopefully finishing up some mod tools so we can do some things to the demo or make some content that can be brought into HW when released. Maybe c0mas will see this thread and chime in because my memory is getting shorter and shorter 🙂

Topic starter Posted : September 5, 2009 10:00
Illustrious Member Admin

c0mas I take it that when people play the MP demo that they will create games on your game server or will the player host them on their machines?

We are all like wild animals here that don't get fed much when is the HW team gonna throw us a few new screenshots to feed on for a while 🙂

Topic starter Posted : September 9, 2009 03:24