To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Since a lot of people complained of being unably to use the instaler provided by the torn stars website, the ADMIN kindly offers FROM TODAY ON a zipped version of torn stars for instaling it "barehanded", putting all the necessary files in their appropriate edge-of-chaos folders by hand. 😀 😀
😥 Unfortunatly I'm facing some problems with the download from the torn star side. 😥
Perhaps YOU 😉 , DARKONE are able to obtain these file and host it here, since you already host the instalers for torn stars and unstable space in your mod area. 😉
Hi there NucNuc and welcome to SSC.
I will look into this issue. I haven't heard of issues lately maybe Cambragol can enlighten us and if I need to host some files or build from the build area I could do that as well. Give me a day or two to look into it. I know I have used this install in the past without issue.
Moving this to the I-War2 forum.
I don't think they are developing the mod anymore. The last release of Unstable Space wasn't playable.. and I haven't seen an an update since Grandpa Trout left.
Too bad.. it would've been a killer game.
The last release of Torn Stars is playable, but it's missing a lot of things from Iwar 2; weapons and such.
Hey! We are still developing! Granted, the community is dead, and pretty much everyone on the mod team has left...but I am still there. And so is joco, our final surviving member. We are on the last bit of code needed to produce a working beta. I am just patiently waiting on Joco to finish that up, then I will put things together, and we will have a very playable, and nearly complete beta for US. Which we will release.
Woohoo!! You guys rock! I can't wait to try it play the new version. 😀
About issues with the TornStars installer....
Well, there is an own subforum about it at the TornStars website .
And also on the EoC Community site, even only very few people seem to find it nowadays
Sorry, I missed the opening post of this thread...
Yes, Nucnuc is correct. There has been an ongoing issue with the original Torn Stars installer. For an unknown reason, some setups cannot get the installer to work. We still do not know why, but I suspect it is related to windows rather that the installer itself. Second suspect would be the default install locations for I-War 2, or different language versions for the install, but we hit dead ends there.
So, at Nucnuc's suggestion I added an optional 'zipped' download, which simply needs to be unzipped into the install directory. Whether this will actually work remains to be seen, as the flux will not reflect the users video/driver setup. Hopefully the game can adjust that on the fly. If not the user will need to cut and past a few lines here and there.
However, also as Nucnuc pointed out, some users seem to be unable to complete the download of the file. This seems to be usually with users of certain versions of Firefox, and I believe it may have to do with certain addons being used. The easiest solution would be to install one of the other dozen or so free browsers and use it. Alternatively, if you want to host the file here, Darkone, that would be fine by me.
Right now I host both mods and I got the downloads from your website and just posted them here. If there is another download I need to use I will get it updated.
There is a new file in the 'Torn Stars Core Files' area. There is no guarantee as to whether it will work, and has only been offered as a solution for those unable to install with the normal installer
Believe you can find that here: ... &Itemid=81
This seems to be usually with users of certain versions of Firefox, and I believe it may have to do with certain addons being used. The easiest solution would be to install one of the other dozen or so free browsers and use it. Alternatively, if you want to host the file here, Darkone, that would be fine by me.
😥 Unfortunatly I wasn't able to download from the tornstar site even with opera or safari ! 😥
I don't really know why. Perhaps it has something to do with my provider or what so ever 👿 .
But that's the reason, why I mentioned this issue here, hoping, that Darkone might be soo generous to act as host for this additional zipped file too, sice I have no problems at all to download anything from here ???
Then I would be happy to spread the good news to the others especially on , where some of the lost I-war fans still dwell from time to time.
By the way, does anybody know what happend to the other modding teams and guys beside Torn Star and Unstable Space ? The ones who have made the Buda5 mods and ASP and all the other stuff.
When I get home from work Nuc I will download this and put it in the download area on SSC 🙂 I didn't know about this package until Cambragol posted the info.
I shiver with antici.......................Pation 😀
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
So the task of this weekend is clear for me now.
I take it the download worked for ya NucNuc?
I take it the download worked for ya NucNuc?
😥 Unfortunatly NOT ! 😥
I have no ideas why, I've tried it with firefox, safari and even internet explorer, the orbit downloader won't start at all. I even shut down my firewall for the dl.
There IS a small improvement, the download now just stops, for reasons unknown to me, after dlling about 70 to 80% instaed of 7 to 8% I got from the Torn Stars site.
😐 I think I have to wait until the Torn STar team finds the reason, why the instaler doesn't work in some cases. 😐
That is very weird. There might be something wrong with your provider. Perhaps it can't handle certain filetypes? I take it you were able to download the installer?
I was and I am able to download the installer, but ...
not from here or the Torn Star site. I'm able to download it from with (with drippling 40 - 60 kb/sec, but the whole hting) and without an additional downloader.
I'm starting to think, that it's an issue of the security stuff. On sites were I don't have to type a scurity confirmation code (the thingy with the weird letters and numbers) I have no problems. But on sites WITH this confirmation (where I'm not able or allowed to use a downloader program) it seems, as if there is kind'a time or traffic limitation.
And since I have the same issue on using safari or opera I also think that it could have something to do with my provider. 😕
Or could it be something on the server side ? Why I'm getting about 70 - 80 % here and only 7 - 8 % on ?
I'm not too sure maybe it could be a browser or provider issue? I know I can click on the download (did it while I wrote this) and I was getting a download rate of 500-800kb per sec. And download completed in 2.3mins.
I don't know where my provider's server is in the USA so not sure if that has any bearing on this issue. If anyone has some ideas if I can add anything to my php.ini on my webserver to improve timeout or anything just let me know and I will give it a try.
NucNuc, what is this 'downloader' that you have mentioned several times? Also, doesn't have a captcha for downloads, yet you couldn't download it from there, correct?
Just as I post this I'm trying to dl the zip file again with firefox 3.5.1 fromTorn and
And the download from Torn Stars just stopped after 6.62 MB.
An atempt with orbit downloader, which comes almost by itself with firefox, from here stopped after 5.57 MB.
The attemp without orbit is still going on with something about 50 to 70 kb/sec.
( ❓ I'ma bit confused, today there is no captcha for the download, as it has been during the weekend. :?:)
Sorry, just read the post in the Maintenance area.
Thanks for your attemp to help Darkone. 🙂 It's graet to have such a caring admin here.
And the last attemp stopped after 85.86 MB. 😕
Just curious NucNuc, when you are downloading this file how long does it take to download the 85mb? Just wondering if your timeout out with your connection? Something you could try Nuc is the following:
1. Logout of the site
2. See the link at the bottom of the page that says 'Delete all board cookies' click it.
3. If you know how to, go into your web browsers cache and do a search for anything related to 'spacesim' and delete it.
4. Close the browser and re-open it.
5. Login to SSC and have a good day.
What this will do is totally remove anything related to SSC that could be old or a cookie could prevent you from doing things as well. This is just something to try.
Do my best. Plus I want to make sure it's not my doing 🙂 I'm still pretty new to websites and editing code so I code also mess things up as well.
Any updates on the progress of either Torn Stars or Unstable Space mods or has this project turned into vapor-ware?