3 years ago DarkOne has made some very good mods available for I-W2, called "Particle Systems Mod Pack for I-War2" (see last post on the list or the first ones on next page).
The links are now dead and it's not (anymore) in the DL section. Having the version F14.6 of the game, I'm highly interested in those ones.
Thanks to any one to give me more info or pointing me to a link!
[To DarkOne]:
Was there any reason to take those files out ? If not, thanks very, very much to make them available again !!
I'll see if I can get them back, they got lost in my server move.
Hello DarkOne,
thanks very much for responding. That would be very kind!
These 2 little links might be of use to you 😉
Yeah those will get you the downloads you seek. When I get some time I will package them in something more manageable like I had before soon.
Oh, Niiiice ! Thanks very much.