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To all SSC Station occupants

Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


A tentative hello

Eminent Member

Aw'right chaps!

I've been an infrequent visitor here for a while but being one of those hateful lurker types it's taken me a good while to commit to registering. Why I have done so now will perhaps be revealed over time, but in short I've rather been engrossed in a single game for the last 10 years, Eve Online - an addiction for which I'm slowly managing to overcome. Though I have no desire to cast Eve aside, hopefully I'll find the time to start allowing other space games into my life. I've missed a good few over the last decade.

I've been a fan of the genre since the days of Elite, Starion and Rebel Star (which I like to think of as a space game, even if it isn't) and due to luck more than skill I have ended up a writer for various magazine and websites. I tried to set up a space gaming website a few years ago ( /" class="bbcode_url"> ), but it was far too ambitious for just me and a designer friend, and what with writing and editing the official Eve magazine ( ) and being a lazy control freak, I had to let it slide into oblivion. I have no desire to try anything like that again, although who knows what space-based treats are on the horizon 😉

Anyway, I probably won't intrude too much. Don't mind me - I'll just be in the corner here.

- Z

Topic starter Posted : July 20, 2011 07:48
Illustrious Member Admin

Hi Zptr

I only wish I had the dedication to play a single game for 10yrs 🙂 But you do have a nice selection of games to take a crack at that you may have missed out on your self induced EVE coma. I have heard EVE Online had a magazine is it only digital or in print as well?

I feel your pain on the creation of your own website. I think all the time I definitely bit off more than I can chew when it comes to SSC so you are not alone there. I find it hard enough to post articles never mind play games in my free time.

So don't relegate yourself to the corner, feel free to mingle about the station and have fun. Enjoy!


Posted : July 20, 2011 09:09
Eminent Member

Thank you for the kind welcome.

The magazine is only available in print (and at $15 it's quite a pricey item, for sure), but it's been doing okay for the last six years and I enjoy it most of the time. CCP can be be a pain in the ass, but they tend to come good every 11th hour. Hopefully we'll go digital with it before too long, but it's not proving as easy to do as it should be.

- Z

Topic starter Posted : July 20, 2011 11:15
Famed Member

Hi Zptr

I have never been tempted by the whole MMO thing, but certainly many get their fun out of them and no mistake, anyways welcome to the SSC. Do check out the download area. You may find something to your liking 😉

Posted : July 20, 2011 12:18
Eminent Member
Zptr wrote:
Thank you for the kind welcome.

. CCP can be be a pain in the ass, but they tend to come good every 11th hour.

- Z

how bout them monocules eh?

Posted : July 20, 2011 16:26
Eminent Member
Cyrusblack wrote:
how bout them monocules eh?

Aye, I was as shocked as anyone when I saw those prices. I wasn't angry though. You have to care to be angry.

Topic starter Posted : July 20, 2011 23:37
Eminent Member
Zptr wrote:
Cyrusblack wrote:
how bout them monocules eh?

Aye, I was as shocked as anyone when I saw those prices. I wasn't angry though. You have to care to be angry.

i used to play. then i found it incredibly boring and too time consuming to get anywhere

Posted : July 21, 2011 13:59
Eminent Member
Cyrusblack wrote:
Zptr wrote:
Cyrusblack wrote:
how bout them monocules eh?

Aye, I was as shocked as anyone when I saw those prices. I wasn't angry though. You have to care to be angry.

i used to play. then i found it incredibly boring and too time consuming to get anywhere

I tend to play Eve vicariously. As soon as you realise you can't get anywhere that way it becomes much less all-consuming 😉

Topic starter Posted : July 24, 2011 23:54
Eminent Member
Geraldine wrote:
Hi Zptr

I have never been tempted by the whole MMO thing, but certainly many get their fun out of them and no mistake, anyways welcome to the SSC. Do check out the download area. You may find something to your liking 😉

I think that once you get seriously into a MMOG - against other people rather than an AI - it can be hard to play anything else. I guess I took the red pill.

Topic starter Posted : July 25, 2011 06:52