To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
I'm gonna post here what I posted on my Raptr account cause that says it all 🙂
...nah I won't bother you with that 😉
What can I say... well I'm a big fan of BioWare and their games 🙂
Even though my gaming habit started by favoring first person shooters it gradually changed over time towards RPG's and action adventure games.
Never been a fan of strategy games.
There are some good ones out there but it just ain't my thing.
Now and then a good adventure game can hold my interest as well.
What's most important for me in games is that they have a good story, I'm a sucker for that.
Great characters (same goes for companions) which have an indept background only add to the immersion.
Supported by an interesting virtual universe to do your thing in, good quests and sidequests, decent graphics and a good muscic score make it all complete.
What's also important is that I get a run for my money, no 10 hour experience and its over and done with.
Depends on the game of course, but in general I prefer long games to keep me entertained for quite some time.
What MMO's concern, I did play several of them with Star Wars Galaxies being my favorite but I prefer to stick to singleplayer games these last couple of years.
There's one that I'm curious about though and that's Star Wars: The Old Republic.
Being a huge Star Wars fan makes this one a must try when it gets released.
Keeping my fingers crossed that BioWare succeeds in their first try at MMO gaming.
How did I came here, via the Deep Shadows forum for the game Precursors.
Nice to meet you!
Welcome to the SSC Tarash. 🙂
I too am a fan of the Bioware games, especially the early ones like Balder's Gate 😎
Oh, almost forget, presently playing Balder's Gate Dark Alliance on my old X Box 🙂
Hey Tarash
I totally agree, nothing wrong with actually spending 50+ hours on a single play through. On a side note, you might like Red Dead Redeption. I played only the SP game and I would say I got at least 50hrs out of it just doing side missions and roaming around in that great world.
The long game I am playing right now is FFXIII and I should have Mass Effect 2 for my PS3 coming any day now. Maybe it comes down to age? The kids today want an instant gratification instead of having to work for it 🙂
I hope BioWare never steers away from the large games and continues to make there games, which are mainly single player which is fine with me.
Welcome to SSC!
I too am a fan of the Bioware games, especially the early ones like Balder's Gate 😎
Oh, almost forget, presently playing Balder's Gate Dark Alliance on my old X Box 🙂
Hi Geraldine 🙂
Thank you.
Well tbh, I never did play the Baldur Gate series, I started with NWN and so on.
How's it on the Xbox?
I totally agree, nothing wrong with actually spending 50+ hours on a single play through. On a side note, you might like Red Dead Redeption. I played only the SP game and I would say I got at least 50hrs out of it just doing side missions and roaming around in that great world.
The long game I am playing right now is FFXIII and I should have Mass Effect 2 for my PS3 coming any day now. Maybe it comes down to age? The kids today want an instant gratification instead of having to work for it 🙂
I hope BioWare never steers away from the large games and continues to make there games, which are mainly single player which is fine with me.
Welcome to SSC!
Yeah RDR is a great game, still have to finish it but I've spent a decent amount of time already with that game 🙂
Age could indeed play a role in that 😉
Have a blast with Mass Effect 2 cause its simply amazing.
Keep in mind though that it'll put your social life on the side for a while cause once you start, you can't stop playing it.
It sucks you in and doesn't let go.
The story is that... even got no words for it.
I found the mini game of scanning the planets a bit annoying after a while, so I hope they improve that in the third one, but no game is perfect and all the rest makes more than up for it.
Even bought all the add-on content and I don't usually do that.
On a side note, if I'm not mistaken you are Darkone from the Space Force forums right?
Think we met there back then when I was a moderator there, maybe the nick in my sig will ring a bell.
Its been a while though so its possible that you forgot.
Think we even saw each other as well on the 1C forum for The Tomorrow War.
That would be me. It is truly a shame JoWood let SFRU die off because with some mod tools it could really have boosted the game up there because the gfx engine was good.
How's it on the Xbox?
Some think the Balder's Gate series was superior to the Neverwinter Nights series. I like them both along with Icewind Dale series too. How is Dark Alliance on the original X Box? Plays quite nicely, shame it doesn't work on the 360 though 🙁
Nice, well good to see you again on your turf 😎
Tell me about it, that game had such huge potential.
I defended it as long as I could but eventually I had to give in cause it was a lost cause.
Never even finished it and sold it.
How's it on the Xbox?
Some think the Balder's Gate series was superior to the Neverwinter Nights series. I like them both along with Icewind Dale series too. How is Dark Alliance on the original X Box? Plays quite nicely, shame it doesn't work on the 360 though 🙁
That's what I heard a lot before.
Gotta be honest and admit that I find those games a bit too old to give them a try now.
Wish I could try Dark Alliance though but I don't have the original Xbox anymore.