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Major Dan, reporting in, at last and a lots

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Hoi, fellow drifters!

My name is danyael, i'm from SouthCentral-Hessia/germany, which is commonly called Rhein/MainRegion. Franco-iberian Halfbreed, very playful and easy-to-handle (can take me for a walk myself^^), and i'm waaaaaaayyyyy into good strategic-sims, disregarding the scenario-setting.

Quantum-Theearee sez: Realism is, because we can Sim it, or was it other way arnd? <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='' />

I play first and foremost Armed Assault 2-ACE-MSO ( for ths who dont know, its a realism-gamemode with a realism-mod in an already dmn-realistic MilSim, unrivalled in modabillity, CTD-counts and Bugs of the freaky kind.). Started, when it was originally called Operation Flashpoint (released by BIStudios AND Codemasters, as it were), and couldn't hold on myself ever since^^

I also randomly often play SH5 (yep,mods here too), StarshatterTGS (did i mention my knack for modding every little bit of realism out of every Sim? well now i did.Generaly I pref LAN, as if there were options HAHA), the Total-War-Series, (best in oldschool-warfare, concerning XXL-Army-Tactics), Officers of WW2, Strategic Commander (Im still not cmplt convinced tho, Germans are only good for the BadGuy-Faction, non playable), CompOfHeroes, CombatMission-Series, Pacific Storm (or what they call it now), JA:Wildfire/7,62 HighCal-BlueSunMod......its a lot, I can say.

BTW, warfare should be entirely virtualized, run by virtually acting Grunts (already practicing, that we are^^), virtually supplied with virtual ressources, reflecting

the Credits that the partaking Sides are able and willing to sustainedly pay to the Bandwidth-Prov. That would be an monolithic, global MegaCorporation, holding all the netressources in their Hands, so that I can go Undercover and run Jobs against them! Uuh, yea. <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='' />

No seriously, it's a healthier, more competitive approach, including grave economical, but not damaging, Consequences for the looser, and vice versa for the winner. Is anyone saying RTS? I say VirtualWarfare, technical Support and dev is "real" enough, to make it a serious wrestle between two rival nations, w/o the Bloodening <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='' />

And Last but not Least, I'm verrry badly, yea painfully suffering from Shadowrun-Cravings since we (allofasudden?) "suspended" our 20-yrs-old ProRunners Pen&Paper-Team.

I'm looking forward to play the brandnew SR:Reborn-RPG by THE GURU HIMSELF.

But now, for something completly different.....

I sppse this is the 1x10114 th time, that i had to reinstall the Game ever since i bought it. Now that it went opensource, i won't have to worry bout my old copy anymore. (ancient, thats what it is!)

To keep it short, i haveta leech all the mods again......and since i'm not online myself (yeayea...broadband availability) this resembles my only chance for quite a time, to GET THIS OVER WITH!!! I have done it so many times...itellya.

So, to pay my respect, show some decency^^ (saluting), apologize, so to say, I'm writing this. Reporting in, once again....but writing the first time <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='' />

Maybe, in the future, when Mankind finally really sets foot on distant worlds, to conquer and settle as they say.....bla bla...the german Telecom eventually managed to provide ENTIRE Germany with Inetjacks (Prov-Contract was signed already 3 yrs ago!!!, Hardware delvrd, expenses paid, no connection to broadband possible bcs physically not present.....!...oh, did i mention that WLAN sux^^)

Until this epic event occurs, and if I have survived the doubtlessly following "Nic-Val-Vicc-Mar-cccccCOke-SexDrugsnHeavyMetal-Bi-Bloodbath-Techno-Orgy", that will be ravaging thru my hometown at least for approx. 96 hrs <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='' /> .......NOW......after all that, no limbs missing, i will return to ya Simcrazed Nerds, for we are Herdanimals as such.

A not so renown germ (hobby)Scientist keeps conssequently stating in public, preferably when drunk, that these two Words have common roots....not just cos they rhime....anyway....I'm online now, I'm writing <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='' /> <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='' /> and i really like these smileys

Now, i really feel like i compensated something(do you put it that way, native?), thats almost a (*edit* naaaah, almost twos) decade, that i anonymously (sob) leeched my sim-mods on various, thoughtlessly picked sites, not using a condom^^. I Repent!

Hell awaits me, and it will be an 28bit-BTX-monochrome-BBS with no dwnloadcontent at all X ))

Figure, this is a new "HELLO"-Guinness-World-Record without any sense to an introduction of the author *grrrriinnnn*

If yall have any questions, and I guess so, just collect them, or not, i will stay in touch, where i can. Officer leaving Deck.

Dany Abascal, from Erzhausen, in good ol'n'comfy, but slow'n'complainy, Semi-Demo-Nazeaurocraty, liberally-freetime-Aparthy swingy Deutschland, my favorite painInmyAxx, sez: Kallisti, everyone, i am a liar, and i'll keep lying. I promise! <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='' /> Get ahold on yaself,...not ahold on that...there's kidz in here.... <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':O' />

Hail Adenoid Hynkel ! Hail Eris ! All Hail Discordia!!! BYE

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Posts: 9079

Welcome to SSC Danyael.

Never played Shadowrun, I understand that there was a console version of the P&P game made in the early 1990s.
