Hello everyone. I'm the lead developer of Starship Horizons Bridge Simulator. This game is very much in active development status. Our next convention appearance will be at ROFCON from February 28th-March 2nd. We plan to be streaming live from the even as we send crews on 30 minute missions throughout the con. Here are some details about this project:
(I've not finished the web site on purpose, as we are waiting to make a big public splash)
Operating System:
Vessel Server/Main Screen: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Clients: Any HTML5 compliant device (PC, Laptop, Tablet, Phone)
In Development
So, What's the Deal?
- This is the only PC required. It runs as the Vessels 'main computer' and powers the 3D display on the main screen. In a multi-vessel game, there would be one PC per vessel.
- Content on all consoles/displays uses HTML5 for (WebSockets, Canvas and Audio) delivery.
- Native app for iOS/Android will be made available (acts as shell for the browsers, removing all toolbars and making the display full screen. Also disables power save features to prevent display from going to sleep.
- Each 'Vessel' can have it's own console layout (in the case of this project... Human vs Alien, older ship vs a new refit, etc).
- Hundreds of displays can be linked to the Vessel server. Enabling a completely immersive experience. Imagine every single display on the Enterprise-D Bridge coming to life.
- All aspects of the console display libraries will be open source.
- Full Audio and Video interaction will be supported. "Sir we are being hailed" ... "On Screen!". The coms officer will have their own audio channel and can use a bluetooth headset to listen to com traffic, and when needed, redirect it to the main audio.
- Support for multi-channel DMX and events. Lighting via color, intensity. Hull hits, Shield hits, Alert status. Loss of Power, etc.
- Support for classic X10 protocol events (All Lights On, Unit Off, Dimming, etc). this is for people who want some interactivity, but at a lower price point.
- Full command/Control dictionary support. "Computer... Raise The Shields" etc
- Occulus Rift will be supported.
- Campaigns with thousands of dynamically generated star systems. What lies beyond?
Also, it's important to note... That every aspect of the world/galaxies/planets/vessels are designed in XML. Every single aspect. Consoles, internal systems (engines, shield generators, weaponry). And though the initial game (Horizons) will be set in space, the Hydra engine is designed to support any type of vessel (Submarine, Tank, Mech). And vessels of different crew sizes can work together or against each other. As an example... Think of a Battlestar with 6 players manning the bridge... And 4 teammates manning individual Vipers. Obviously, we are focusing on Space for now.
/planets/vessels are designed in XML. Every single aspect. Consoles, internal systems (engines, shield generators, weaponry). And though the initial game (Horizons) will be set in space, the Hydra engine it is based on is designed to support any type of vessel (Submarine, Tank, Mech). And vessels of different crew sizes can work together or against each other. As an example... Think of a Battlestar with 6 players manning the bridge... And 4 teammates manning individual Vipers.
More to come!
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