Hello all, and thanks to DarkOne for giving Jumpgate a new hope for us vets to talk about it and "spread the word" on a great game. I love the smell of new forums in the morning... smells like...posting time. 😛 Oh... and FIRST POST!
A little about our squad. We are primarily a PvE group that enjoys a lot of RP and getting involved in the various arcs with in the game. Our primary enemy is the alien AI called the Conflux. Though rare, we have been known to go after the odd pirate in game if we are attacked, but we pride ourselves on factional neutrality and providing assistance where ever we can.
Our recruiting spiel:
New Dawn is the Home of the most experienced and deadly Conflux Fighters in all of TRI, period. If you enjoy hunting down and eliminating the Conflux, then New Dawn is for you! We ask all potential recruits to register an account with our Headquarters hyperweb site at www.confluxwar.net. All potential recruits must read our Code of Conduct, located in the Database Section of our site, and, once read and agreed with, "sign" it by posting their callsign in the Access Request Forum, in the sticky thread "Code of Conduct". Once done with that, apply here with JOSSH. It`s that simple!
Often imitated, never replicated. We are the Defenders of the Barrier. We are a fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the New Dawn, the shield that guards the space of TRI.
Hope to see some new faces around space and I look forward to meeting people here!
New Dawn Joint Special Operations Command
TRI Ambassador
Oh no problem at all LupinOne this section is for everyone that is a fan of Jumpgate, so have fun with it. There is also other games here as well and some nice indie projects so have fun checking them out.
Nice clan site btw. I have been thinking about using Joomla for my next website (when I finally get the time... bought the domain a year ago).