Here is some info on Miner Wars 2081 MMO development and might be worth a pre-order of the SP game to game the MMO version for free.
Keen Software House will grant anyone who has already pre-ordered the game, and ANYONE who orders BEFORE the first of December, 2010 (That's *December 1st, 2010*), will be granted a free copy of the Miner Wars MMO. This move was in response to a more and more common misconception among existing customers, which the company has accepted the blame for.
They stress that it's important to remember that Miner Wars 2081, and the Miner Wars MMO are two separate products, although "2081" WILL have a 'classic FPS', small server-based multi-player system.
The official announcement/explanation here:
Check the STORE section below for ordering information.
Here's a forum post from one of the Devs (Marek Rosa), which the people who preordered might find useful.
Miner Wars (single player / MMO / or any future expansion) is still one application (one installer), so the features you can access are controlled by products you purchased. It's like unlocking a TV channel on your TV set, or something like that.
The offer also extends to versions bought via other sources, like Impulse or GG.
Hey, if anyone here has bought the game, could they consider giving their free copy to me? My parents are a bit suspicious about buying off the internet (Fair enough) and I have only just got them to buy off steam. Also, its my birthday on the 19th :P. Seriously though, I would like it a lot if someone could give me their copy <3.
Think this thing is only like $15 online right now, just give your parents the money and ask them to buy it for you. People just need to quit worrying about online transactions. I do all my bills and buy almost everything online nowadays and never once have had an issue.
Or if you want a free game make a website/blog and do their affiliate program and get 1500 unique hits on your banner and you get a free game.
There is no "free copy". You buy a key and affix it to an existing Miner Wars Account. Since there is only one client, there is no separate download option for the MMO (once/if that one materializes, that is) - you need an account to log into the client, and the perks purchased for that account unlock the game options. If you want a second account, you need to buy a second key.
I'm rather sceptical about their business model, and the DRM they use is downright atrocious, especially considering that they intend to sell a singleplayer version of their game.
Then again, the game concept is sound, and I'll gladly contribute 10€ to a worthy cause. We'll see whether I'll get a decent shooter out of this, or if I should rather have spent that money on a nice big steak.
I just read DRM- effectively that put me off buying the game. I mean, pirates will pirate it anyway, and putting a hideous DRM on something will just drive potential customers to pirating it, prime example, Ubisoft, and I am glad they stopped it (I think they have). Anyway, sorry for misunderstanding. Wasn't really aware of that blog thing though, I may start one soon anyway, may as well use it. Probably I'll do a Minecraft and other Sandboxy game theme, and see how many people I can draw in to my free game plot 😈 .
YOU! YES YOU LADDIE! Thanks to you I am hopelessly addicted to Minecraft! Spent a whole week just securing my house from those damn mobs! 😆 😆 😆
Then again, the game concept is sound, and I'll gladly contribute 10€ to a worthy cause. We'll see whether I'll get a decent shooter out of this, or if I should rather have spent that money on a nice big steak.
I have been in the alpha for a while now, but I only log into it maybe every 2-3wks. And at times I get the feeling that Keen Software House has bitten off more than they can chew. Focusing on the SP game to me is crucial for their MMO to ever see the light of day. And if this SP game is boring or lacks the content that you would expect in a SP game, then why would we even buy the MMO? Supposedly if I remember correctly is that MW2081 will be linking in your SP game exploits to the MMO and vise-versa so work you do in either mode will just keep building/advancing. Which is a nice concept, but may be tough to accomplish.
KSH business model could use a better approach in my opinion as well. At the current price point for MW2081 it is a good deal to get the full game when it is completed. But if you read all the FAQs on the site I will be presently surprised if 80% of those features or ideas make it into the SP/MP game.
What DRM were they planning on using? Validation server?
When looking up the DRM issue, which KSH says there is no DRM but when you have to have an internet connection to play the SP portion of the game that is a sort of DRM 🙂
But I ran across this thread that had some good points and made me chuckle a bit as well
i was reading somewhere this is coming to xbox live, if you ask me looks like Descent all shiney with better 3d, still a long way off only a alpha, if its free to play online the xbox version mite be the way to go ?
There was a xbox live version in the initial plans, I would have to do some digging to make sure they are still going that route. Right now they are focused on getting that SP game out to the masses. Which I am not sure how long that will take, I am playing with the alpha now and it is not ready for prime time just yet. Needs a lot of the fine touches a SP game needs to be successful.
so its not ready hmmm been looking into the xbox version its still going to happen just dont know when no info, we can wait its still a alpha after all its looks like alot of fun can't wait for the minguns to spin around 🙂
just waitng on their nex tupdate