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Dark Orbit - F2P Browser Game

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Hey All

I found when doing some google searching the other day a pretty nice broswer game called Dark Orbit. It is F2P and you could even win some cash $$$. You have three factions and you can upgrade and buy different types of weapons, ships and equipment. There is quests and lots of sectors and clans to. Give it a try buy going to there website:

In Game Video:

I created a character in that game and I play on the Venus side as 'Solnicaris' who else 🙂 I don't play everyday but I play often enough have fun playing it and tell us how you like it.

Petty Officer Registered
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Wow, I need to check this out !!!

Joined: 55 years ago
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I like it and it runs pretty smooth and its great for when you just need a scifi gaming fix.

Petty Officer Registered
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Logged in for the first time today and of course got ganked about a minute after undocking 😀

I didn't really have time to do anything and I really need to read up some more before I start ganking people myself 😈

Crewman Registered
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21 Aug 2009

I got up to 150k credits in my Pheonix, then got a Yamato and put some better stuff on it. I wanted to be able to fly a ship that wasn't free, get blown up, and stay with the game. But then I got 200k credits and thought, I could get a crappy Nostromo and just fly it the same as my Yamato! I'll stay in X-1/2, and be able to take on much larger NPC groups, and not have to go back to base so much to sell stuff!

After about 15 minutes of flying my Nostromo, I got popped. I only had 8k credits... so I was back in a Pheonix gathering...

Now I'm in my Yamato again, and up to 35k credits.

22 Aug 2009

I got back up to 100k credits in my Yamato (mainly in X-2). So I bought another Nostromo. Lasted about 30 minutes in X-2 this time... I can be in X-2 in a Phoenix or Yamato for an hour without seeing anyone, but in a Nostromo the enemy always finds me.

23 Aug 2009

I can kill a Sibelonit if it is solo in a Phoenix with a MP1, SG3N-A02, and R310 Seeker rockets. So I've been doing quests in X-3/4. I get blown up a lot by players, but that doesn't matter in a Phoenix

24 Aug 2009

I was trying to do the Martyr job in a Phoenix last night and this morning 😛 I stayed in 1-4 and 3-4 for at least a minute each (as per quest). After about 10 tries and only getting to 2-4 once (I'm MMO) for 33 seconds, I gave up the quest (you fail the quest if you fire your weapons in ANY sector).

I had 190K credits, so I bought a Flax Drone, Yamato, and resupplied my Laser Ammo and Rockets. I can fight more and hold more cargo, but now I don't want to die, so I'm staying in X-1/2. We will see which I like better.


Lasted about 15 minutes then got popped by a VRU stealthed at MMO station.

01 Sept 2009

Lost most interest in the game. I play about 15 minutes a week total. Too many über players waiting in X-1and X-2 just to kill low level players. If you don't spend $50 a month keeping the best equipment in the game, stay in your Phoenix. Atleast in a Phoenix you won't care when an über player kills your when you leave the mother ship.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Damn Toimu

I had the roughly the same experience when i tried it a few months ago that r3dfiv3 was seeing and now you. Amazing the folks behinf Dark Orbit would let gameplay get to this point without policing the sectors. What they should do is stick some uber pirates or police in the sector to work them over.
