To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Buy long HDMI and USB cables, (or a Steam Link) and wireless mouse/keyboard or joypads!! This is what I am going to do!!! (I have a 48" Sony TV). Although I bought both CE versions, as birthday gifts to myself!!!!!! :gamer: :gamer: :gamer:
Contender for the biggest disappointment of the decade confirmed, then. (assuming should Star Citizen/Squadron 42 not drop even much more colossal bomb by the next couple of years that is, but from it seems currently it may be quite likely)
No I think it will depend on what people are expecting as to weather it will be a disappointment or not.
No I think it will depend on what people are expecting as to weather it will be a disappointment or not.
The expectation has gone wildly all over the positive/negative extremities since day one though, not unlike Star Citizen.
Anyway, the plot thickens
To me it looks pretty much what could be expected according to shown material so far. Easy going "casual" space game about exploring different types of planets with slightly all kind of genres compined. Space flight / dogfighting looks very "arcady", FPS doesn't look much more complex than Wolfenstein 3D and economy/trading as well as crafting looks very simple. The game could be still fun game as an exploring experience.
This is one of the most hyped game all time so no wonder if many has high expectations. Articles about the game has been more like "clickbaits" than telling or showing about the game itself. I would blame game media if this game "flops".
I would blame game media if this game "flops"
Not entirely correct though. In comparison to Spore (aka what people commonly compared NMS' insane hype to), it didn't bomb so hard because the media overhyped it back then.
Personally I'd rather blame Sony for spreading crazy amount of hype on the first place as if it's their golden boy. And probably for making the PC release "deliberately" delayed a couple of days whether the rumor is correct or not.
It's far too early to say what the game is like and we only have one users opinion of the game, but we will know more next week.
In the meantime much hilarity can be found on the NMS Steam forum where all the self entitled urchins are canceling their pre-orders. 😆
Having the same point of view. Its too early to take any "flop" type comment seriously. Those are probably from over hyped individuals anyway.
I'm happily going to wait until things settle down around the game, to see if its still my kind of game (while trying to avoid reading any major game spoilers.) . A little additional waiting time is also good to see what the actions of the game dev's might be for the game's future (update rate and style, and other stuff ... like potential VR support. 🙂 .).
Space flight / dogfighting looks very "arcady"
Console focused/casual or not what's so wrong for having arcadey space flight physics anyway? Does every game has to be enforced with scientifically correct physics?
Does every game has to be enforced with scientifically correct physics?
Of course not.
The most important thing for a game, in my view, is that all the different parts of a game match up in a way that feels right. As that's what makes the overall immersion level of a game.
If the different parts of a game don't match up. You might and up with something that could resemble something that's called the "Uncanny valley".
In case of NMS I have the feeling (whiteout any hands-on experience of course) that the flight model is leaning a bit to much to the arcade side (for my taste, that is).
But having a scientifically correct physics flight model would, in the case of NMS, be a compleet misfit to the rest of the game too => Uncanny valley case.
Needles to say that the players initial expectations play a big role here too. But if all the parts of a game do generally match up nicely, that initial expectation mismatch will quickly and strongly diminish over time.
... To meany people shout "WOLF" to often to quickly, to take any initial (and usual emotional driven) output seriously. ...
Speaking about expectation, my hunch keep saying that there are still a lot who expecting NMS plays exactly like those realistic survival simulators out there.
Probably (hopefully) they made a good use of the recent leaks to fix some major issues seen in those leak videos.
Console focused/casual or not what's so wrong for having arcadey space flight physics anyway? Does every game has to be enforced with scientifically correct physics?
No and the games cheats a lot anyway. Maybe there are some simulations that are much more accurate what comes to physics but as far as I know there are no games like that.
I'm more than happy to have different types of space games. That said, No Man's Sky doesn't look interesting game to me but it is great to have something for everybody. "Arcadey" feeling of NMS pushes me away because it doesn't give me a good feeling that I'm actually flying a space ship.
Yep, I'm gonna blame Sony for this all right.
The full sound track has been uploaded to YouTube by the games composer apparently the one you can buy gives you more versions.
Look's like the PC version is now confirmed as the 12th and this I guess only applies to the PS4 version of the game as the update will probably be rolled into the launch of the PC version.
Pretty hefty day 1 patch
Beware these notes contain some spoilers. Here are some things our little team has been up to over the last four or five weeks:
- The Three Paths – there are now new, unique “paths†you can follow throughout the game. You must start the game on a fresh save, with the patch, as early choices have significant impact on what you see later in the game, and the overall experience.
- The Universe – we changed the rules of the universe generation algorithm. Planets have moved. Environments have changed biomes. Galaxies have altered shape. All to create greater variety earlier. Galaxies are now up to 10x larger.
- Diversity – Creatures are now more diverse in terms of ecology and densities on planets.
- Planets – we’ve added dead moons, low atmosphere and extreme hazardous planets. Extreme hazards include blizzards and dust storms.
- Atmosphere – space, night time and day skies are now 4x more varied due to new atmospheric system, which refracts light more accurately to allow for more intense sunsets.
- Planet rotation – play testing has made it obvious people are struggling to adjust to this during play so it’s effects have been reduced further…
- Terrain generation – caves up to 128m tall are now possible. Geometric anomalies have been added. Underwater erosion now leads to more interesting sea beds.
- Ship diversity – a wider variety of ships appear per star system, and are available to purchase. Cargo and installed technology now vary more, and ships have more unique attributes.
- Inventory – ship inventories now store 5 times more resources per slot. Suit inventories now store 2.5 times more per slot. This encourages exploration and gives freedom from the beginning. We’re probably going to increase this even further in the next update, for people in the latter game phases, and will allow greater trading potential.
- Trading – trading is deeper. Star systems and planets each have their own wants and needs, based off a galactic economy. Observing these is the key to successful trading. We still working on adjusting this based on how everyone plays, but all trading values have been rebalanced across the galaxy, giving a greater depth. A bunch of trade exploits were uncovered and have been removed
- Feeding – creatures now have their own diet, based on planet and climate. Feeding them correctly will yield different results per species, such as mining for you, protecting the player, becoming pets, alerting you to rare loot or pooping valuable resources.
- Survival – recharging hazard protection requires rare resources, making shielding shards useful again. Storms can be deadly. Hazard protection and suit upgrades have been added. Liquids are often more dangerous
- Graphical effects – Lighting and texture resolution have been improved. Shadow quality has doubled. Temporal AA didn’t make it in time, but it’s so close
- Balancing – several hundred upgrades have had stat changes (mainly exo-suit and ship, but also weapon), new upgrades have been added.
- Combat – Auto Aim and weapon aim has been completely rewritten to feel more gentle in general, but stickier when you need it. Sentinels now alert each other, if they haven’t been dealt with quickly. Quad and Walker AI is now much more challenging, even I struggle with them without a powered up weapon.
- Space Combat – advanced techniques have been introduced, like brake drifting and critical hits. Bounty missions and larger battles now occur. Pirate frequency has been increased, as well as difficulty depending on your cargo.
- Exploits – infinite warp cell exploit and rare goods trading exploit among other removed. People using these cheats were ruining the game for themselves, but people are weird and can’t stop themselves ¯_(シ)_/¯
- Stability – foundations for buildings on super large planets. Resolved several low repro crashes, in particular when player warped further than 256 light years in one session (was only possible due to warp cell exploit above).
- Space Stations – interiors are now more varied, bars, trade rooms and hydroponic labs have been added
- Networking – Ability to scan star systems other players have discovered on the Galactic Map, increasing the chance of collision. Star systems discovered by other players appear during Galactic Map flight
- Ship scanning – scanning for points of interest from your ship is now possible. Buildings generate earlier and show up in ship scans
- Flying over terrain – pop-in and shadow artefacts have been reduced. Generation speed has been increased two fold (planets with large bodies of water will be targeted in next update)
- Writing – The Atlas path has been rewritten by James Swallow (writer on Deus Ex) and me. I think it speaks to the over-arching theme of player freedom more clearly now. Early mission text has been rewritten to allow for multiple endings.
Pity about the planets rotation being scaled back although I guess it can be changed by the games config file.
Pretty nice 1st day patch. Balancing and bug eradication.
Nothing about fixing crashes or similar so that's good..or bad, depending on if you are feeling positive or negative.
Shame about them having an auto-aim, and still no word on a third person chase cam.
I've got time to wait and hopefully the game is both more updated and content-rich when they finally implement third person chase cam.
Looking forward to buying this game at that time.
Jeesh what a patch.... to some that would be a game 🙂
I will probably pick this up at Christmas time to be honest... I haven't had much time to play games and this would just sit in my ever growing steam library.
I do wonder how long it will take for someone to reach the center of the universe and spoil the surprise for everyone?
Stay classy devs!
LOL! Yeah, I saw that in the AMA too. I wish they release the list in a year.
And...the first negative review is up! (currently inaccessible atm)
Still it's understandable and inevitable knowing how many survival simulator (especially the absurdly bad ones) he have tasted this far.
update: another subpar-rated review,6
Guess anyone that isn't being paid by Sony will give it 6 or below then. Literally Spore 2.0 as almost every skeptic have expected. Bomb.
Way too early for reviews, personally I'm going to wait a week although I will probably still buy it what ever the reviewers say.
Looking like another disaster of a PC launch, lot of issues with getting the game to work.
As I've expected, I'm blaming Sony for intentionally sabotaging the PC port.