To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
So? How about it? What's your favorite ship in the game? Can be anything, from an OXp, to the standard set.
For me? I'm not sure. I REALLY love the Cobra Mk. III and fly it in every Elite game I play. Although currently, I'm in a Python working my way up the chain. I'm also strongly looking at the Salamander from Oldships 2010. Its an oxp ship based off a mysterious ship seen in one of the earlier Elite iterations. Stat-wise it looks to be a Cobra 3 with fifteen less cargo space, and a bit more speed. Just the tradeoff a 'fighter' like me is willing to make. Of course, as another upgrade, a Cobra XT is the logical choice if I plan on doing some of the more powerful OXPs. (Galactic Navy and Random Hits in particular require something more then the base game has.)
Also. One day, I WILL fly a Ferdy. It just looks so cool. 8-). I don't even care that its utterly worthless.
So what is your favorite Oolite ship?
I'm still flying my Cobra III Rolling Thunder in my main game. I have a Constrictor and an Adder (both 'tweaked') for sport flying/testing!
The core ship with the best lines is the Python (especially when Griff'ed), I reckon... always has been!
Ooh. I agree there. My Griff Python is downright smexy. Very attractive models Griff did for the ol' girl. She ain't too bad a combat ship either, those 7 energy banks take a WHILE to get chewed up. The speed is bearable with injectors (for getting away from the station.) Really not a bad ship, just not one I see myself reaching Elite in.
Staer9's interpretation of the Python Class Cruiser and Python ET Special(Turbo?) are also top-notch.
Even though my aim is to get enough money to buy a Boa Class Cruiser, my favourite ship is my current ship, the Python Class Cruiser. The best looking version is the Staer9 version, although the original from the PCC OXP with the shark teeth is classic.
Its so much faster than the Python, so is better in combat. Its best feature has to be the Scoop View, which makes scooping cargo pods a breeze. The only problem is, like the Python, it only has 2 missile pylons. I've customised mine to add another 2 pylons to give 4, which I think isn't too much of a cheat.
The Cobra Mk3 Is the most around ship and one of my Favorites. But I recently went to a Chameleon from my own OXP. (Oldships 2010.oxp) The specs are just better (larger cargo) and it's a potent weapon platform. I'm saving up for a Boa Clipper or a Cobra MKIV.
Presently I was saving up (with decent kit) for a nice Griff Sidewinder. I just love those little wedge shaped ships and have always flown them in FE2 and FFE3D 🙂 Really though, I am trying to find a black one with sharks teeth motif. Any suggestions where (and in what oxp) I might find one?
Good question!
One solution, if you have the time, would be a simple retexture, Gimp, plus some of the numerous excellent tutorial's and make your own skin.
Also, I believe Cody uses a custom decal on his Griff Cobra III, and I can imagine that he would know how to go about doing such things.
Lastly, you could ask, alot of the folks post various customized Griff ships. (Z comes to mind.)
Not easy to find any black ships anywhere. As regards Griff's Sidewinder (I presume you're using the Griff player-flyable OXP?), you could tinker with the rePaintColor entry (don't ask, it's mostly beyond my ken) in the shipdata.plist. That can be time-consuming and will only affect the top of the ship anyway. Otherwise, it's down to re-colouring the .pngs in the main shipset - good luck! Creating your own custom decals is pretty straightforward however - getting them positioned is a bit trickier... enjoy!
Oh, bear in mind that the Sidewinder is not normally jump-capable!
Hey thanks for the advice guys. 🙂 I think what I will do is search for a black ship, then attempt add the decals. Gernot did some sharks teeth for a Sidewinder in Pioneer, perhaps I could adapt those? Also I wonder if I could take a config file from a hyper drive capable ship and transplant it.
It's quite easy to make a Griff player-flyable Sidewinder jump-capable - but it is somewhat against the canon of Elite/Oolite.
However, if you do decide to re-paint a Griff Sidewinder, I'll show you how to enable hyperspace.
My new favourite ship is the Serpent Class Cruiser. I was going to buy a Boa 2, but when I saw this one released recently I just had to have it. Specs wise its similar to a Boa 2, but with cargo bay extension it takes 200 TC of cargo. Nice features include Scoop and Bridge views.
Here's a screenshot of my first visit to a TL14 world (to buy upgrades).
My first visit to a Torus station in my Serpent Class Cruiser by JazHaz, on Flickr
Yes the new Serpent Class is beautiful. Pity my Commander is not rich enough. Currently I'm flying a Chameleon from my own Old_Ships_2010 OXP .
Has anybody tried out the Odyssey?
It looks superbly whacky! I fly it with the Deeper Space HUD which to me is a suitable match in aesthetics