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To all SSC Station occupants

Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


[Sticky] Oolite resources on the Web

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Estimable Member

This is a resource list for Oolite. This will be expanded. If you got more links then post them in this thread.


Oolite main site:

Oolite main forum ask your detailed questions here

Oolite Wiki: http://wiki.alioth.n...olite_Main_Page

Oolite FaQ on the Wiki: http://wiki.alioth.n....php/Oolite_FAQ

Important FaQ why Oolite is not and will not be multiplayer:

International sites

Russian Oolite community:

Social and Chat about Oolite :))

Oolite chatroom on IRCi rc://, known as DS's Seedy Space Bar , where a few veteran starship commanders hang-out.

Background info

Selezens' excellent Oolite Timeline:


Galaxy Maps and Wiki's

A nice little helper tool - interactive charts, in 2D or 3D! 

Another nice map. With this on you can play around with the galaxy seed. PHP Map by Marcoose

Oolite Wiki:  http://wiki.alioth.n...olite_Main_Page


Fiction on the Oolite Forum:

Oolte in action on Youtube

Aegidian's original Oolite trailer. already old but gives a good idea about Oolite 5 years ago:

[media] [/media]

Youtube Let's play and tutorials

So you've launched? Now how to dock in Oolite: 

[media] [/media]

JJCorny's let's play Oolite on Youtube gives a good idea about the game play as it is now

[media] [/media]

Trailers and general gameplay

P.A. Groove's 1.74 trailer is a little older but still gives a good idea of Oolite with expansion packs:

[media] [/media]

A vid of combat in a current  (nightly) v 1.77 build of Oolite. Showing the new laser Fx:

[media] [/media]

Topic starter Posted : December 3, 2011 14:24
Noble Member

We also have an Oolite chatroom on IRC, known as DS's Seedy Space Bar, where a few veteran starship commanders hang-out.

Posted : December 4, 2011 03:17
Estimable Member

Good ones!. I add them to the first post 🙂 😎

Topic starter Posted : December 4, 2011 11:27
Noble Member
Geraldine wrote:
Remember, pictures can speak a 1000 words

Something we've just started is an Oolite Image Repository - well worth a look, and it will grow fast!

Posted : May 23, 2012 04:38
Estimable Member

Goodness, some amazing images there in the Gallery.

Please excuse this "fanboy" moment but Oolite is just the best thing next to Elite Original. I've been playing it for years and I just adore it. I love the expandability, the add ones and the AMAZING work of the development team and OXP contributors. Just totally friggen AMAZING. Much like Geraldine on here I am afraid I also suffer from Eliteitus, that is I have to play some version of Elite at least once a week. 😉

Damn good show chaps ! 😀

Posted : May 26, 2012 15:05
Eminent Member

The main Elite Wiki (of which the Oolite Wiki is part) occasionally has problems, and goes down completely. So Maik has made a backup which gets copied from the main wiki regularly, and is available here:

Posted : June 13, 2012 02:16
Noble Member

Not really a resource - just an Oolite browser skin for those smart people who use Firefox.

Posted : July 12, 2012 15:17
Famed Member

WOW! Nice theme! Must thank Griff <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':good:' />

Posted : July 13, 2012 00:29
Noble Member
'Geraldine' wrote:

WOW! Nice theme! Must thank Griff

Heh... that may confuse Griff, as he didn't create the skin.

Posted : July 13, 2012 01:52
Famed Member
'Cody' wrote:

Heh... that may confuse Griff, as he didn't create the skin.

So who created it? I just thought because of the models in it, it was Griff,............oh wait it minute (checks download link again <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':read:' /> ).

See you and these different names! It was you CODY! <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':girlhaha:' />

Anyways, well done! <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':good:' />

Posted : July 13, 2012 05:05
Noble Member

If you use Firefox, it's very easy to create your own skin (persona) - just click the Create Your Own button at the top of that page, find your own image slices, follow the instructions re size, colour scheme etc, then upload it.

Posted : July 13, 2012 05:16
Estimable Member

Does anyone know how to pin this thread? Can I do it myself or ask the administrators?

Topic starter Posted : January 3, 2013 16:15
Prominent Member

Ask Darkone or Pinback to do it.

Posted : January 3, 2013 16:19
Eminent Member

Not really a resource - just an Oolite browser skin for those smart people who use Firefox.

OMG!  Nice job!

Posted : January 3, 2013 18:06
Estimable Member

Thank you Solcommand. Will do. :).

Topic starter Posted : January 4, 2013 03:24
Noble Member

A nice little helper tool - interactive charts, in 2D or 3D!

It's still being developed, so new features will be added.

Posted : January 5, 2013 11:05
Estimable Member

Hi Cody,


I made a new catergory in post #1 named: Galaxy Maps and Wiki's. I have added your maplink to it and another one  🙂

Topic starter Posted : January 7, 2013 12:33
Noble Member

I made a new catergory in post #1 named: Galaxy Maps and Wiki's. I have added your maplink to it and another one  🙂


<nods> Good! I look forward to the day when PG adds the back-door routes to his chart tool!

Posted : January 7, 2013 12:45
Estimable Member

<nods> Good! I look forward to the day when PG adds the back-door routes to his chart tool!


I reckon that will be a bit more difficult? (advanced?)

Topic starter Posted : January 7, 2013 13:12
Noble Member

I reckon that will be a bit more difficult? (advanced?)


I think PG has a way to auto-calculate them - he has certainly calculated several back-door routes for me in the past, and they entailed multiple sideways mis-jumps. The basic single mis-jump routes shouldn't be too hard for him... heh!

Posted : January 7, 2013 13:58
Eminent Member

So would this be why my only 'perfect victim' attempt failed?  There are only certain systems/destinations it works for?

Posted : January 7, 2013 17:23
Noble Member

How do you mean failed... you can mis-jump any NPC to any midway point - in many cases, that will leave you within jump distance of a third system (or more) that wasn't previously reachable. The specific back-door routes apply to isolated sectors (ie the Riftworlds) - and the exit route differs from the way in. As for multiple sideways mis-jumps - that gets very complicated.

Posted : January 7, 2013 17:30
Eminent Member

Ok.  I think I know now what I did wrong.. the mid-point was not in range of my intended destination.  We also got hit by a rather large group of Thargs.. I was too busy trying to stay alive to look out for my 'victim'.. by the time the dust settled, he was nowhere to be found, which left me feeling pretty bad about what I'd done to him.. 🙁


So.. double-fail..

Posted : January 7, 2013 22:34
Noble Member

... by the time the dust settled, he was nowhere to be found, which left me feeling pretty bad about what I'd done to him..


Yep... it can do that! I tried for ages to get a pirate in the role of the ideal victim, but it ain't happening.

Posted : January 8, 2013 03:51
Eminent Member

I admit it's not the kind of thing I'm usually watching for, but I don't think I've ever really seen pirates jumping out of a system.. other than a RH mark, at any rate..

Posted : January 9, 2013 00:37
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