To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
The non-mythical STABLE release of Oolite, v1.76 was released on Friday 16th December 2011. This is the first stable release, which replaces 2006's v1.65. Numerous test releases were made in between, but finally we have a full stable release.
See the announcement including the changelog, on the Oolite BBS here.
Download from:
Yes and the stable version is so much faster. I have a PC and a Macbook Pro. Especially on the Macbook the performance is now better with large textures.
Furthermore this version has some nice surprises for added realism. Especially within the station Aegis. Also a nice feature is that if you install for example Thargoid Wars.oxp or any other Thargoid related oxp and the Thargs do manage to make it to the safety zone then you cannot dock due to 'red alert'. This is a new feature. You have to be much more careful which ordnance you use and on which moment because you cannot 'run' to the station and reload. Better install some carrier ox's then like ADCK's Behemoths or Liners.oxp.
Anyway. The new version is a lot of fun!.
I already snagged this but it's great that the Thargoids can now attack at the stations. Raises the "fear factor" in the game quite a bit 😎
As does the fact that if you decide to hyperspace your way out of big trouble, the bandits can now follow you through your wormhole in large numbers. The other night, a bunch of about sixteen aegis-raiders jumped me just after I launched from the station. I took some heavy hits and hyperspaced out, thinking I'd lose most of them... ha, at least thirteen of them followed me through and gave Rolling Thunder a right royal slappin'! I didn't quite get to the eject in time... c'est la vie! It can be harsh out there!
😯 Goodness, as if was the Thargoids not bad enough! 😆
Actually, this is just the way I like it, space should be a dangerous and even unfair place at times 😎
Oh so true!
Just had a good laugh. I was traveling along the space lane together with a King Cobra (OXP ship) see . I recommend that OXP ship as it is beautifull AND it comes with the Jida missiles which are cheap and good because they are fast.
Anyway the King Cobra was just flying in front of me and I saw that it fired a missile on a ship that had just appeared on the edge of the scanner. I decided to take no action but then the ship on the edge of the scanner locked onto me. Time to lock on. The Scanner Targeting Enhanchement showed a fugitive Cobra MK3 that had fired on the Clean King Cobra MKVI that I had traveled with. I fired a jida missile at it and it hit. Then 2 flashes of military laser where enough to dismantle the ship 😈
I saw the escape capsule launch which I scooped (after I jettisoned 1 ton computers). When docking at the station I got the following message:
''You captured a slave hunter. Because you don't like slave hunters you decide to sell him as a slave for 45CR on the open market"
😀 😀 😀 These sort of twists make Oolite brilliant!
As does the fact that if you decide to hyperspace your way out of big trouble, the bandits can now follow you through your wormhole in large numbers. The other night, a bunch of about sixteen aegis-raiders jumped me just after I launched from the station. I took some heavy hits and hyperspaced out, thinking I'd lose most of them... ha, at least thirteen of them followed me through and gave Rolling Thunder a right royal slappin'! I didn't quite get to the eject in time... c'est la vie! It can be harsh out there!
Are these aegis raiders an OXP feature or is it standard in 1.76?
The name 'aegis-raiders' is my own invention, but they're not OXP-induced... 1.76 itself did this to me.
Congrats on the milestone. It has to be quite an effort to develop for three platforms at once and also introduce enhancements to the gameplay. Soon as I clear up my queue of games I have to look at I will definitely have Oolite on my list it has been a while since I have personally played it and will be nice to see what is new.
Oolite 1.76.1 is now available from - this release fixes a few minor bugs in 1.76!
A giant congratulations on getting Oolite to 1.76. I've been playing this for a long time and was so blown away when I first discovered it which was close to it's first release. Now, much like Geraldine, I have Elititus, I have to play Elite in one shape or form at least once a week. 🙂
Elite has a special place in all our hearts and the expandability of Oolite is just amazing with so many wonderfully talented people contributing, not to mention the AMAZING development team that made it all possible. Amazing graphic add ons, new ships, missions, equipment and even HUDS. (Although I keep the original one because I am so nostalgic).
Damn good show developers and contributors, Absoolutely amazing !
I am still doing a run between Diso and Leesti (not always though of course). 😉