To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
In the modern world, space launches have become a necessity.
Every week, satellites are launched around the world, and research missions are launched a little less often.
Each mission requires a specific rocket. Do you have a favourite rocket? Small or Large? Why do you like it?
Saturn 5 and probably because I built the model as a kid.
Mine was the Airfix kit but that Lego one is impressive.
Ah yes, Airfix! I was keen on their warships and planes.
because I built the model as a kid.
This is how someone spent lockdown (no, it wasn't me).
Good job! Saturn 5 is popular.
I like that too.
Some space companies are now making their own products for fans. I wonder how much closer a manufacturer's model could be to a real rocket.
Especially if the manufacturer uses a 3D printer to produce a real rocket.
Oddly I had more Meccano than Lego.
Oddly I had more Meccano than Lego.
Same here! Lego never really grabbed me, but Meccano did. Had one of these too:
A thing of beauty, was the Mamod Minor 2 (which fetch a few quid these days).
The Parker Solar Probe. I like this space craft simply for getting closer to the sun than any other spacecraft so far and considering how hard it is to get that close. The space craft which is capable to take samples from the outer corona of the Sun really makes you amazed by it, because of the high temperature it can endure.
There is also one rocket by small space company but as for me this rocket is pretty good. It`s called SkyHy and it`s called hybrid because it uses ( as I have already mentioned ) solid Hydroxyl Terminated Polybutadiene (HTPB) fuel and 90% Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) liquid oxidiser.
My favourite one is Parker Solar Probe.
Because of the technology developing control, which is explained and familiar to me.
Also I’ve always admired the approach of the unite and cosmic environment, that can be used for simple math calculation up to going to the outer space.
I always has a soft spot for the Atlas series. Not only used during the Mercury program, but these rockets also saw lots of use in setting up early comm satellite network, an important place in history.
Of course, for the Russians, the incredible N1 series would have been amazing to see too. The engines developed for it are still in use today.
EDIT: Cody posted the Shuttle there. I am sorry it's launches stopped but I guess it had reached the end of it's service life, too many terrible accidents too. Also, I thought the Russian Buran looked very cool too, shame that didn't see more use. I hope space agencies around go back to reusable craft one day as there is too much junk floating around the Earth as is. The days of throwaway rockets must end or we wont be able to have anything in orbit without it being hit by something. It's only a matter of time before a terrible accident occurs up there.
Wernher von Braun in his NASA office:
I also wanna say a few words about New Glenn. I like the idea of reusable rockets as it is a huge step towards the future and it is a good method of avoiding the increase of space junk. New Glenn is a fully reusable first stage rocket and it is designed for a minimum of 25 flights,
@robert55 I agree that it is important not to increase the amount of garbage. For this task, reusable rockets are a great option, but they also save money, which is important. One rocket making company has taken it upon itself to reduce the amount of space debris since the largest one 30 years ago. I think in the next 10 years this problem will become much smaller, because many people are working on it.
Personally, my favorite Energia (launch vehicle) was an integral part of the Soviet reusable transport space system (MTKS) Energia - Buran, but, unlike the similar American MTKS Space Shuttle, it could be used autonomously to deliver cargo of large masses and dimensions to near-earth space, to the moon, planets of the solar system, as well as for manned flights, its creation was associated with Soviet plans for a wide industrial and military space exploration.