In 1994, Jupiter sa...
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In 1994, Jupiter saved humanity from a collision with a large asteroid

Janet Evans
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Jupiter is a great shield for the Earth, because the fifth planet takes on almost all the blows from space


It turned out that Jupiter annually protects the Earth from many space objects, but 1994 is of particular importance for scientists because it was during this period that humanity could instantly cease to exist, repeating the history of dinosaurs, writes "News of the Eastern Ribbon".

“On July 17, 1994, an asteroid with a diameter of 1000 kilometers struck Jupiter. The impact was so powerful that it released energy equivalent to 40 trillion tons of TNT, 2 billion times the energy of the Hiroshima atomic bomb. After the impact on the surface of Jupiter, there was a temporary huge dark spot larger than Earth, ”comments NASA.


After hitting Jupiter, the asteroid shattered into many parts, which emphasizes the power of the phenomenon. Experts note that such a blow was not disastrous for a large planet, but for all living beings on Earth, it could easily become the last. This is why Jupiter remains one of the most important and studied objects in space.

Janet Evans
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Posted by: @janet-evans

On July 17, 1994, an asteroid with a diameter of 1000 kilometers struck Jupiter.

That was Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9, and the estimated size of its nucleus before it fragmented (two years previously) was about 5km in diameter! For reference, the asteroid which created the Chicxulub crater was about 10km in diameter.

This post was modified 3 years ago by Cody
