DarkStar One Coming...
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DarkStar One Coming to Xbox360

Illustrious Member Admin

Hmmm looks like someone might have picked up the rights of DarkStar One from Ascaron Entertainment. Looks like a remake of DSO coming to the Xbox360 it will be called 'DarkStar One – Broken Alliance'. Here is the full preview here: http://previews.teamxbox.com/xbox-360/2 ... liance/p1/

What I like about it is that the visuals have been updated and hopefully it is a bit more polished. Would look good in 1080p 🙂

Topic starter Posted : February 18, 2010 18:38
99 Star General

Its A good choice to port Darkstar1 to the 360,as basically just an Elite clone with nothing

too complex about it.The only thing they will have to get right is the joypod controls of

the game.

Posted : February 18, 2010 23:42
Illustrious Member Admin

But what I like about this most is that it is a space game and there isn't much of those on the console so hopefully it will sell well and make devs make more games like this on the console.

With the remake and the upscale in graphics I think the game will port well with a creative popup menu system if they put one in place. They could really do some good this with the two thumbsticks maybe use one to fly and the other to aim. This way you can fire at something and not always have to go in that direction.

I will be watching for some video on this one.

Topic starter Posted : February 19, 2010 07:11
Trusted Member

hmmm...will keep my eye out for this one!

Posted : February 27, 2010 17:52
99 Star General

A bit more info about the 360 version of Darkstar.

http://gdc.gamespot.com/story/6253496/d ... first-look

http://www.joystickdivision.com/2010/03 ... liance.php

Posted : March 25, 2010 06:02
99 Star General

Trailer for the Darkstar1 on the 360.


Posted : May 5, 2010 00:38
Illustrious Member Admin

Not bad at all, you can definitely see the gfx improvements. They didn't show much but the 1080p touch is nice facelift. Would like to see a Wing Commander, Freelancer and Freespace releases in HD 🙂

Topic starter Posted : May 10, 2010 17:19
Trusted Member

Been nice to have a space game on the 360 just hope the controls are all good

Posted : May 15, 2010 22:50
99 Star General

new Darkstar vid for E3.and a release date of 20/7/10


and they also have a site for the game now.

http://www.kalypsomedia.com/en-us/games ... ndex.shtml

Posted : June 15, 2010 09:15
99 Star General

Got the date wrong the game been out since friday.

Posted : June 22, 2010 06:37
Illustrious Member Admin

The videos look good and nice to see the gfx updates to 720p but it is a shame it is only on the Xbox360 would like to see this on the PS3 or the PC as well.

Topic starter Posted : June 22, 2010 19:44
99 Star General

So any one played it yet. ❓

Posted : June 25, 2010 08:22
Illustrious Member Admin

No Xbox 🙁

Multi-Platform development for all the devs out there.... there has been plenty of games that have come on the Xbox live and now full games that I wouldn't mind playing but not going to spend another $200+ on a Xbox360 to do so. But maybe the PS3 will get more attention soon with that deal with steam?

I thought this DSO release was console only right no pc?

Topic starter Posted : June 25, 2010 10:14
99 Star General
Darkone wrote:

I thought this DSO release was console only right no pc?

Yup as far I have read 360 only.

Posted : June 25, 2010 11:33
Illustrious Member Admin

Gametrailers quick review of DSO

[gametrailers] http://www.gametrailers.com/video/review-pod-darkstar-one/701884 [/gametrailers]

Topic starter Posted : July 20, 2010 18:37
New Member

I discovered this game yesterday but found out it hasn't been released in my country :S It's weird.

Well, at least I can buy it from the UK for just 19€.

¿Is this game good? When I look at videos of space games they.... are all very look-a-like, you have to play them each to know if you like them or not.

Posted : October 20, 2010 12:26
99 Star General

Not played the 360 version of the game but from what I have read it just the same as the PC one except with hi-re visuals and I don’t think you fly into the asteroids in the console version of the game.

Posted : October 21, 2010 23:41
Trusted Member
PINBACK wrote:
and I don’t think you fly into the asteroids in the console version of the game.

Are they not there completely, or do they have the retro 3d cube contact barriers(if you fly into one of the corners of its invisible box, it counts it as contact with the asteroid, so you crash)?

Posted : October 22, 2010 11:53
99 Star General
Rith wrote:
PINBACK wrote:
and I don’t think you fly into the asteroids in the console version of the game.

Are they not there completely, or do they have the retro 3d cube contact barriers(if you fly into one of the corners of its invisible box, it counts it as contact with the asteroid, so you crash)?

Don’t know it was some thing I read in a review of the game. ❓

Posted : October 22, 2010 23:34
Trusted Member
PINBACK wrote:
Don’t know it was some thing I read in a review of the game. ❓

Oh. Well, anyway, the game's out already! http://www.amazon.com/Dark-Star-One-All ... 660&sr=8-1

I'll be sure to get it when it falls to $20, if I still have the money when it does.

Posted : October 23, 2010 00:30
Illustrious Member Admin

It's a shame they don't port this update Xbox360 version to the PC. It would probably be worth the financial effort to do it. Because I think a few people would buy it.

Topic starter Posted : November 4, 2010 04:41
99 Star General

I don’t think there would be any point porting it back to the PC, much rather see a sequel to the game.

Posted : November 5, 2010 09:42
Estimable Member
PINBACK wrote:
I don’t think there would be any point porting it back to the PC, much rather see a sequel to the game.

Seconded. By coincidence I've been playing Darkstar One. I've owned it for years but somehow never managed to give it a decent run through, dismissing it as just another average space game. It was actually better than I remembered, thankfully, but my goodness there's a lot of repetition in it. Although come to think of it that can be said about the original Elite, too, and people are still playing Oolite quite fervently, I hear (albeit with the benefit of a very creative modding community, something Darkstar One sorely lacks).

However it's biggest crime is succumbing to the X-series' town-square setup to a degree far worse than those games ever did; every system - and these number in the hundreds - conforms to an identical layout of planet, trade station, research station and warp gate, but with different skins and space scenery giving the illusion of change.

Combat, on the other hand, is the game's redeeming feature, proving fun if not overly challenging, although after about ten hours that gets a bit samey too.

I'd love to see a sequel able to build on the game's strengths and polish up those weaknesses because for all its faults it gets so much right you can't help but feel it deserves another chance to shine.

Posted : November 6, 2010 00:27
99 Star General
Stardreamer wrote:

However it's biggest crime is succumbing to the X-series' town-square setup to a degree far worse than those games ever did; every system - and these number in the hundreds - conforms to an identical layout of planet, trade station, research station and warp gate, but with different skins and space scenery giving the illusion of change.

I think that was main my problem with Darkstar as well.

After playing it for a few weeks the repetition really began to become noticeable as well as the feeling that you were not going to see any new in the game.

I also become stuck on one of the story missions and IIRC there was no way to bypass the mission and still continue playing the game.

Posted : November 9, 2010 07:53
Estimable Member

Totally agree with stardreamer. I've also had DSO sitting on my computer for what, 3 years now? For some reason I can never seem to muster the motivation to finish it. I'm probably 75% of the way through. The problem now is that picking it up again would feel like starting from scratch because it has probably been close to a year since I last picked it up.

It really is a solid game though. I can't see any reason to pick up the 360 version, I've been playing it on the PC with my 360 controller anyway so what's the point? I don't think the bump up to 720 will mean much, real world.

Pinback, stardreamer, did you guys finish the game?

D1, why not pick it up for PC? It's dirt cheap, I'm talking single digits. Well worth the money I'd say.

Posted : December 23, 2010 06:28