Fallout 4 announcem...
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Fallout 4 announcement tomorrow?

Trusted Member

Fallout 4 announcement tomorrow?


Topic starter Posted : June 2, 2015 09:45
Famed Member

I wonder were it will be set this time. The Commonwealth perhaps? Europe?

Posted : June 2, 2015 09:58
Illustrious Member Admin

Hmmm will be interesting to see where the location will be and what will be in it. With the Witcher 3 and DA:I coming out and having large open world environments it will be interesting to see if Fallout really sets the stage for a vast wasteland.

Posted : June 2, 2015 10:06
Trusted Member

So it's fallout 4 and it's in Boston based on the theater name.


Topic starter Posted : June 3, 2015 05:10
Illustrious Member Admin

Yeah that's what I saw too.... but maybe its bigger than that and they are covering more area... whole northeast? Heh they come up to NH they can scan my house in 🙂

Posted : June 3, 2015 08:03
Trusted Member

I'm excited! It looks like Bethesda Ditched the idea to use filters; the world looks great! While I'm sure purists will want it to follow the 12newvegas storyline, I'd rather it follow the F3 storyline because the Enclave needs to be in it. Their armor is just too sexy.

My only complaint is the character animations (except for the dog). They still look extremely stiff. I hope Bethesda does work on them, so the people feel a bit more real.

Can't wait! More story and more mods! Woooo!

Posted : June 3, 2015 08:59
Famed Member

Looking promising although like with F3 and New Vegas I will wait for the full version with all the DLC that will inevitably follow.

Posted : June 3, 2015 20:43
Trusted Member

I still have never fully finished a Bethesda RPG game. I always get too greedy with mods. I add the big ones at the beginning. Then I find smaller ones to add and when I get around 150-200 mods things break! One day I'll have a computer that can run all the graphics mods I want too... Closest I've ever gotten is in Skyrim, Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I'll finish them all one day! When this comes out, I'll just add one more game to the list. I'll probably wait for a few if not all of the DLC to release, before I purchase.

Posted : June 4, 2015 20:45
Trusted Member

Oh and the game will be set in Boston. This is confirmed by some landmarks in the trailer.

Posted : June 4, 2015 20:46
Trusted Member

Hopefully the Oct 23, 2015 launch date rumor is correct. If it followed previous trends then it would launch on Oct 2016. Maybe they will let us know at E3 on June 14, 2015. 

Topic starter Posted : June 5, 2015 02:29
Illustrious Member Admin

I'll probably wait for a few if not all of the DLC to release, before I purchase.

Definitely agree there. I also have all the fallout games and never fully finished New Vegas (its on my pc though) and I am slowly going through Skyrim so until I get those done no Fallout 4 for me .... and then I will have Witcher 3 so I have time 🙂

Posted : June 10, 2015 03:24
Trusted Member

Release date Nov 10, 2015.


Topic starter Posted : June 14, 2015 20:03
Trusted Member

Fallout 4 to have player crafted bases, defenses, trade routes, etc...


Topic starter Posted : June 16, 2015 16:18
Illustrious Member Admin

Fallout 4 to have player crafted bases, defenses, trade routes, etc...



When I watched the weapon and armor mods and upgrade system I was excited and then I saw that you can create whole towns and outposts with recycled debris. This alone almost gives you hundreds of hours of play creating your own towns/bases. One of the small features that I liked best that I noticed is no loading going in and out of buildings... that is awesome. And that dog is great!



See the info in this clip



Posted : June 17, 2015 02:44