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Firefly game survey

New Member

Dear Firefly / Sci-fi fans,

My classmates and I are student game developers at Qantm Amsterdam working on a project to see the potential of a Firefly based game. Depending on the results we receive from this survey we might take this concept to the next level.

We are researching into the target market to see the potential interest for said game, so your opinion is very important to us.

The link to the survey is:

Furthermore, we want your suggestions about what you want to see in the game, what type of game it should be and why you think this game adds to the gaming market.

Please mail all your opinions, ideas, suggestions and comments to

Thank you for your time and greetings,

Asmus, Jonathan and Lucas!

Topic starter Posted : August 16, 2012 13:45
Eminent Member

I'd love to see a Firefly game made. I recall that there was a mod for neverwinter nights and currently there is a project that has been announced by Darkcryo. But, don't let that stop you from creating your own masterpiece.

I'd really like to see a hybrid FPS/Space Sim/RPG. To me, Firefly was all about owning your own ship and trying to get paid. I think I would like to see a game close to the design of Freelancer but with a first person play mode. I'd like to walk around in ships and space stations and possibly be able to land on planets and explore a small city or outpost. Spaceflight and the ability to salvage other ships and do missions to make credits are high on my wishlist.

Good luck with your project

Posted : August 16, 2012 15:01
Illustrious Member Admin

Survey complete. Some games have touched on the feel of Firefly but no one has captured it in a game yet to my knowledge. The closer you can get to this scifi/western the better.

Posted : August 17, 2012 16:49
99 Star General

Seem to recall there was going to be a online game, set in the Firefly universe.

Posted : August 17, 2012 20:59
Eminent Member

Multiverse supposedly had the licence to make a firefly mmo. As far as I know they never even started working on it. There where a lot of people that posted their ideas on the multiverse dev forum.

Posted : August 18, 2012 12:51
Eminent Member
'M0u53r' wrote:

I'd love to see a Firefly game made. I recall that there was a mod for neverwinter nights and currently there is a project that has been announced by Darkcryo.

AFAIK, the Darkcryo Firefly project is a lot like the delicious cake in Portal...

Posted : August 19, 2012 23:13
New Member

I nearly bought a copy of that a couple of weeks ago, only 78 meg I may be getting that from GOG

Posted : November 15, 2012 19:36
Trusted Member

I would analise the TV show and look what game type mimics firefly. The core characters are the firefly crew. Wich do smugling and other illegal stuff and are wanted. So personaly I preferer FPS but TPS wil do to. Single and co-op play. In a sandbox game.

A mix of red redemption and mass effected. Basicly the firefly has two roles. Be like a huge hoovering " helicopter" and a portal between the different worlds as space craft. And fire fly is little map on its own for salvaging and loting derelic ship. And boarding events.

Because piloting is limited the mechanic task is limited. The action crew is idle and wenn the action comence often the pilot and mechanic are idle. Or holding the fort the ship. Boring so these roles are better filled in by AI NPC. So for single player you are one of the 3 action chars. But could switch to pilot or mechanic role or even doctor. Coop op with 3 players the doctor is a optional 4 th support role. The smuggling and illigal jobs are quest missions.

So MMO well that totaly not the show. Its would be just a MMO with te show theme.

Its about a heroic crew of a old small freigther class ship surviving on the edges of space colonial border regions avoiding autority.

Lots need to be worked out but this is the core of translating the TV show to a game that equals the TV Show..

Posted : December 14, 2012 20:29