To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
By the time I finish with it there should be a surface for every one of them. Since the video I've made one for the moon as well. Pretty fun jumping around in 1/6th gravity.
I really like how that city looks. Reminds me of the old Chicago from all those Al Capone movies I used to watch 🙂
What will be interesting is how all these models get put together into the game and used. I personally cannot wait to see a nice city, with the lights.
All of the pics that were posted are from in the game. All of this content is fully available to be used thru the INIs or thru the in-game editor (which I prefer to use lol). Such as the Apollo models by Sol, that is on a moon based surface (which can be seen in the Apollo lander pic). Those maps are pretty massive and detailed on the order of 256k tris and 100km across. Here is the latest news on the game engine...
Sweet !!
That it is Sol. I am slowly getting all of the features built into the forward shader built into the deferred shader. Packing 20 different textures plus their settings into 8 render target textures isn't easy. I don't really want to push past 8 textures since it takes a complete rendering pass for every 4 textures (max 4 multi-render targets), in the forward shader it took 1 pass for all 20 textures. Then there is the issue of 7 different shaders (main, skin, loot, precipitation, clones, shadowing & skybox) that had to be rewritten to work with it. 6 out of 7 are working now, only deferred shadowing left to do. Shadowing is expensive since every light has to have a render pass of it's own, the most expensive part (time wise) of any rendering architecture. If I did shadowing on that map (now at 90 lights) it would take 180 passes to render a single scene + the other 6 shader's passes. No matter how I optimised that I could never get a decent frame rate considering a scene usually consist of anywhere from 100k to 300k tris per frame even with aggressive culling.
I really like the menu as it reminds me a bit of Freelancer, which is a really good thing in my book.
I made an interior scene using one of Sol Command's asteroid station models, check it out
Just looking at the asteroid vid above and was just wondering why not have the building on the walls and the roof of the asteroid as well as the floor.
Actually I didn't think of that. Placement would be a bit tough since only the floor is flat.
Little bit more texture work on the inside of the asteroid and I think it will be perfect. I am speculating here, that hatch/door I saw in the video I take it ships come in through there and during that process the outer door closes and the inner opens? If not you would probably have an issue of being sucked out into space unless you have some sort of barrier in place to prevent that 🙂 I know be picky. Any plans to have the internals be usable? Like going in a build to buy goods for your ship, etc...
It's actually an airlock. At this time it simply uses a scene transition to go from the inside to outside. As far as building interiors, that may come later unless Sol makes a few interiors for his buildings.
Haven't released a video in a while, so here goes. Purchased some content from Arteria 3D, they do decent work.
This is just basically going through various maps in the game.
some decent interior work with that pack for Galaxy Empire, and as always Sol Command's models are looking good in-game and the planets are looking a lot better than a few years ago.
Thanks, content making takes a lot longer than actually coding it. I did finally get around to getting the 3D hardpoint editor working last night, will make it much easier to load out the HPs.