To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
I just found some old screen caps and demo films of Genesis Rising and it LOOKS really cool.
I was just wondering if anyone has played it and has any input on if it's good or bad or worth buying it off Ebay for a few bucks?
Haven't tried it personally but there is a demo for Genesis Rising on their website.
Think I got this as part of a Steam bundle of games in one of their sales, must investigate.... Yes! it is there, organic ships? Looks interesting 🙂
Had a look over it .... it's not really my style so I can't really say if it's good / bad but it does look interesting enough to at least give it a try.
I played it a long time ago, I'd say its worth a play-though if your into games like homeworld or nexus. It has a dark story like warhammer 40k minus the magic and the orcs. It's a bit rough around the edges but you can get it extremely cheap now, gamersgate was selling it for $2.50 usd.
I agree with n-blade. I didn't play it much because those types of games don't hold my interest long, but it seemed to run alright, and have a decent storyline.
I played this for some time, I found it hard. You need to have patience as well, travelling about takes quite some time.