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New Thief game

99 Star General

Will it be any good?

Will their be a huge GB critical patch download on the day of release?.

Has Dishonored stole it clothes?.

Topic starter Posted : February 20, 2014 09:58
Reputable Member

I haven't played the previous ones, but I've been semi-following this one and it looks good.  That said, I will probably wait until when I overhaul my machine in the fall with the new Haswell-E and GTX 880 before I buy this, as the graphics seem like most of the draw (though they look a little disappointing in this particular trailer).


I doubt I will ever like this as much as Deus Ex.  Why use a lame bow-and-arrow when you can use a sniper rifle?  Please, please don't let there be magic...

Posted : February 20, 2014 11:48
Trusted Member

I haven't played the previous ones, but I've been semi-following this one and it looks good.  That said, I will probably wait until when I overhaul my machine in the fall with the new Haswell-E and GTX 880 before I buy this, as the graphics seem like most of the draw (though they look a little disappointing in this particular trailer).


I doubt I will ever like this as much as Deus Ex.  Why use a lame bow-and-arrow when you can use a sniper rifle?  Please, please don't let there be magic...

It's a stealth game, you aren't supposed to kill anything (generally speaking, anyway. Sometimes it's necessary).


The original Thief was great and the 2nd was pretty good. There was no magic but there were a few undead/zombies if I recall. Most weapons were medieval style with some twists like water arrows. Never played the 3rd because I heard too many bad things about it.


TBH though you could get the same feel by playing Morrowind as a thief and meanwhile having the option to be a fighter if you want.

Posted : February 20, 2014 11:56
New Member


On higher difficulties, you couldn't kill anyone and sometimes even knock out.

Posted : February 20, 2014 14:52
Reputable Member

It's a stealth game, you aren't supposed to kill anything (generally speaking, anyway. Sometimes it's necessary).


Oh, but there is nothing more satisfying than leaving a pile of corpses in Deus Ex on "Deus Ex" difficulty.  There are ways. 😉

Posted : February 21, 2014 07:48
99 Star General

Any one got it yet?. been looking at getting the PC version but I like to know if their are any huge patches which have to be download first.

Topic starter Posted : February 28, 2014 10:08
New Member

I got it, but I'm in Europe and got it from Steam. 😛

Posted : February 28, 2014 14:49
Famed Member

I have a boxed copy, but it STILL needs steam to run. :girlumbrage:   Little point then in getting a boxed copy, no manuals or other docs either, all are on disk. At least it has the Bank heist mission included though. Still have not had a chance to play it. :girlwacko:


The earlier games were excellent as is The Dark Mod, a free standalone Doom 3 mod.

Posted : March 1, 2014 01:43
99 Star General

I am going for the boxed copy as I still prefer to a physical copy of the game, I think most of the big publishers don't include manuals with their standard copy of games now. Not when they can get away with calling the manual a strategy guide and charging 20 quid for it.


Geraldine were their any big patches when you resisted the game on Steam?.

Topic starter Posted : March 1, 2014 04:06
Famed Member

Hi Pinback, yes an update was required, it was something around 100 to 200 megs not including the Bank Heist mission. That was 230 megs. The game thankfully installed from the disks into Steam (unlike Skyrim), which was just as well as it is 19 gigs in size! I cant be more precise on the size of the patch because other stuff I have on Steam was being updated too. Going to have a play through later.

Posted : March 1, 2014 06:11
99 Star General

200 MB not so bad it when it starts getting in the GB range that it drives me mad I already have a couple of games on my Steam account which cannot not be played because of 3GB patch/update which is required before you can even start the game.

Topic starter Posted : March 1, 2014 22:38
Famed Member

That is true for now Pinback, but I have encountered a few crashes switching between chapters, so expect more patches incoming. Damn good game though! As it is the same devs that did Deus Ex HR, you can see that game's influence all over this, although I hope they skip the silly boss battles this time around. Deus Ex HR was a bit buggy too when it first came out.

Posted : March 2, 2014 05:08