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[Sticky] What is your current PC config?

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Illustrious Member Admin

What is your current rig specs that you use for gaming and do you plan on upgrading soon?

Use this example to list your machine specs:

Gfx Card:
Snd Card:
Topic starter Posted : March 9, 2009 03:56
Illustrious Member Admin

CPU: Core2Duo 6420

Memory: 2GB

HDD: 1x 120 and 2x300GB

Gfx Card: MSI GeForce 8800 GTS 640MB

Snd Card: Fatal1ty Extreme 64MB

Input/Joystick: Mouse/Keyboard ... Joystick broken πŸ˜₯

I thought about upgrading this year but will more than likely do it next year after reading the min/max system requirements of some upcoming games.

Topic starter Posted : March 9, 2009 03:59
Active Member

CPU: AMD Phenom II X 940 Black Edition (3 GHz)

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-MA790FX-UD5P

Memory: 8 Gigs Kingston HyperX 1066 mhz (OC'd to 1333)

HDD: 1 320 gig Split in half for Dual Boot Vista 64 and XP, 2x 750 7200 rpm Game Storage Drives

Gfx Card: ATI HD 4860 1 GiG DDR3

Snd Card: See MainBoard (Latest Realtek HD Dolby Pro Chip)

Input/Joystick: G-15 KB, G-11 Mouse, Thrustmaster Cougar HOTAS JS Sytem

Posted : April 29, 2009 22:07
Illustrious Member Admin

Nice rig Omega. I have been debating whether to go with Phenom II for my next build is it a solid performer for you so far? And Kingston rocks for memory that's all I ever buy and there support is great.

Topic starter Posted : April 30, 2009 02:00
Active Member

absoulutly the best AMD since the the 486 dx4 120 - having been a system builder most of my career I've always used AMD (except for the K5 era that was a dark time for AMD) for gameing they've always preformed well for me and my clients AND most of the time they're significantly cheaper then thier Intel Counterparts - btw the x 955 BE should be out soon about 3.4 ghz and has been tested to stable OC @ over 7 GHz

Posted : April 30, 2009 23:04
Illustrious Member Admin

Safe OC up to 7Ghz that is truly amazing. You would think if they could OC it that high why not just step up the chip at the factory and come out with 5-6Ghz chips and get people snatching them up and put pressure on Intel. AMD has to do something innovative because there stock isn't doing that great and I think the only thing that keeps them really in business is the low prices on their chips and ATI gfx cards.

But I hope to build another machine for myself for Xmas, that's only if Santa can still afford it after all the kids πŸ™‚

Topic starter Posted : May 1, 2009 03:58
Eminent Member

CPU: Intel Core2Duo 3ghz

Memory: 2048mb Kingston 800mhz

HDD: Western Digital 320gb SATA2

Gfx Card: Asus/nVidia GF8800GT 1024mb

Snd Card: M-Audio (damn, can't remember which model... the basic one!)

Input/Joystick: Saitek X52 Flight Control System, Saitek Eclipse keyboard, Logitech G5 mouse, Wingman Formula Force GP wheel

I have yet to find a game that slows it down dramatically with everything maxed. It has breezed through Doom3 and Quake4, rFactor racing sim with a full grid, and EVE fleet battles of 50vs50 with all bells and whistles turned on πŸ™‚

Posted : June 1, 2009 03:29
Illustrious Member Admin

Well I broke down and going to upgrade my PC. It is a small upgrade from what I have now but this way the cycling of computers through the house please everyone. I picked out everything needed for the new PC and you will love the price at the end...

GIGABYTE GA-MA790X-UD4P Motherboard - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6813128387

Acer X233Hbid Black 23" 5ms HDMI Full 1080P Widescreen LCD - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6824009163

3.5 Floppy Drive

SAPPHIRE 100269SR Radeon HD 4890 1GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6814102830

Thermaltake V9 Black Edition ATX Computer Gaming Chassis - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6811133074

OCZ StealthXStream 700w PSU - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6817341019

AMD Phenom II X4 940 Deneb 3.0GHz - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6819103471

4GB G.Skill DDR2 1066 Memory - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6820231166

Samsung 750GB HD - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6822152099

Even came with a 4GB USB Stick all for the price of $1014 that's with the shipping. I couldn't pass up the deal almost every item was on sale. That AMD CPU was under $200 and only processor higher is the 3.2Ghz plus the AMD's can overclock like mad πŸ™‚ I will upgrade to 8GB memory once I get my hands on Windows 7 and if I have the extra cash come Xmas I might get another Radeon HD 4890 for crossover.

If I get some of the rebates back (which total over $50) I will have built this pretty good machine for under $1000 not bad at all. Oh I left out the sound because I already have a Soundblaster Fata1ty gamer board and a Lite-On dual layer burning going to use. I'll take some pics when I get it all, its my birthday this weekend so I bought a present I will use πŸ™‚

What ya think? Oh NewEgg you rock!

Topic starter Posted : June 18, 2009 02:09
Eminent Member

Yeah... that baby's gonna rock !!! Post some FPS tests when you get it πŸ™‚

Posted : June 18, 2009 15:23
99 Star General

At this time a very VERY small notbook with intergrated graphic and a mighty atom processor πŸ˜† (bet you all green with envy πŸ˜† πŸ˜† )so it looks like I will not be playing any games πŸ˜₯

Posted : June 19, 2009 23:32
Illustrious Member Admin
PINBACK wrote:
At this time a very VERY small notbook with intergrated graphic and a mighty atom processor πŸ˜† (bet you all green with envy πŸ˜† πŸ˜† )so it looks like I will not be playing any games πŸ˜₯

Pinback did you have another PC before the notebook? What happened to it?

r3dfiv3 wrote:
Yeah... that baby's gonna rock !!! Post some FPS tests when you get it πŸ™‚

What should I use to benchmark the system and I will post what I have. I haven't modified the new system at all and haven't tweaked anything all stock settings. Actually I think maybe my memory timings might be off but I need to do some reading on how to set them up just right to get the best FSB speed.

Topic starter Posted : July 10, 2009 04:28
Active Member

OS XP Pro Sp 3

CPU: Intel 2 Quad Q6600@2.4 GHz

Memory: 4GB of Corsair running 3.25 used


Gfx Card: 8800 GTS

Snd Card: none

Input/Joystick: S 52x pro

Posted : July 16, 2009 13:03
99 Star General
Darkone wrote:
PINBACK wrote:
At this time a very VERY small notbook with intergrated graphic and a mighty atom processor πŸ˜† (bet you all green with envy πŸ˜† πŸ˜† )so it looks like I will not be playing any games πŸ˜₯

Pinback did you have another PC before the notebook? What happened to it?

I have a big box pc,but it's not with me at the moment.Although it's in need of an upgade

Posted : July 18, 2009 21:26
Eminent Member


XP Home SP3


AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 2800+, MMX, 3DNow, ~1.8GHz


1024MB RAM

Hard Drive:

160 GB

Video Card:



Eh, it is my bro's thingy, from logitech, very cloned from the PS controllers, lol ^^

Just a q - Do you use a real joystick or a gamepad for space-sims?

Posted : July 26, 2009 10:33
Illustrious Member Admin

Since I haven't updated my specs since my new system build here they are...

CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 940 Deneb 3.0GHz

Memory: 4GB G.Skill DDR2 1066 Memory

HDD: 1x 750GB and 1x 300GB

Gfx Card: SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 4890 1GB w/ 256-bit GDDR5

Snd Card: SB Fatal1ty Gamer

Input/Joystick: Logitech Attack 3 ($40 cheapo)

Bas wrote:
Just a q - Do you use a real joystick or a gamepad for space-sims?

Joystick personally. But I would love to be able to play using my PS3 Bluetooth controller that would be great. I have too look into that to see if there is some hacks available.

Topic starter Posted : July 26, 2009 18:11
Trusted Member

Main Left:

CPU: iNtel Ci7 920
Memory: 12GB (6x 2GB)
HDD: 750GB and then some
Gfx Card: GTX285 + 8600GT
Snd Card: onboard
Input/Joystick: Razor copperhead mouse
nv 3D geforce vision + 120hz monitor

Right side:

CPU: X2 4400+
Memory: 2GB
HDD: 500GB
Gfx Card: HD2900XT + PPU
Snd Card: onboard
Input/Joystick: A Mouse

Upgrade oh yes.

Planning on replacing my HD2900XT for 5870 2GB, need something DX11 but aren't in a hurry next year or so. There isn't out a dX11 game I like.

Lookin for a windows home server.

Windows 7 family edition for all my 3 gameRigs. Waiting for a dutch verion.

So I lookin for a full native using DX11 Space game. But Aim afraid I wont find any πŸ™

Posted : December 15, 2009 09:37
Illustrious Member Admin

You running a 64bit OS on the first rig SuperG? Because 32bit OS doesn't support that much memory. There still isn't any DX10 space games πŸ™‚

JGE and BP will probably have modes for DX10 I would guess. I wanted to get the ATI 5870 but wasn't out when I built, so far my 4890 runs everything with settings on full without issue.

Topic starter Posted : December 15, 2009 10:52
Estimable Member

Isn't there a 64bit version of XP? If so, I'd like to pick it up. XP only sees 3GB of ram, not the full 4GB that I have installed.

I bought 2 Radeon 4850s when I built my rig several months ago because I read somewhere that, at the time, 2 4850s in crossfire configuration out-performed the best $600 cards. In hindsight I think I would've been better off spending the money I spent on 2 4850s and picked up something really nice, like a 4890 (How much were those several months ago?). Reason being, nothing in winXP is even capable of reading crosffire, so when I play a game it's as if it's running off one card only. And even on my Vista boot paratition, only a handful of games are crossfire enabled. What's the damn point?? Wish somebody told me before I built my rig...

Posted : December 16, 2009 02:58
Illustrious Member Admin

I build all my PC's and do lots of reading before I make all equipment choices for the guts of the system. But it has paid off, I never have system crashes and the PC's usually go through the house cycle without issue (me, wife, kids).

The 4890 I bought this year and think I found a great deal on NewEgg for $210 at the time. I probably won't even waste my time buying XP 64bit Shant. I would just get Win7 64 bit professional (has winXP built ito OS). I usually just get a single gfx card that is beefy and not go with the SLI/CF because the extra money would be better spent on more memory and a top of the line MB.

Topic starter Posted : December 16, 2009 04:11
Trusted Member

I build my PC since 80386 even put a weitec Co_PU in 80387 socket. I prefere to put full mem capacity upfront. So I wont have to upgrade that. So CPU maybe for a afordable 6core. And gcards.

For DX11 Gcard, TMSC has some problem producing 40nm chips. So AMD can't keep up with demand. but I don't mind as there isn't any DX11 game out yet that I realy want to play.

Don't like Raceing games. so don't care about Dirt in DX11. Wenn there comes a DX11 I realy want then i go look out for a DX11 card.

Maybe sooner if I want to fool around with the DX11 SDK with dX11 hardware.

OS used:

X2 3200+ X1800XL XP 32

X2 4400+ HD 2900XT Vista Ultimate 64

X2 5400+ Vista Ultimate 64 // currently disasembled

Ci7 GTX285 8600GT Vista 64 premium (W7 RC build 7100)

I think I was 64bit ready from june 2007. But I had just 2GB

Posted : December 16, 2009 09:43
Estimable Member
Darkone wrote:
I probably won't even waste my time buying XP 64bit Shant. I would just get Win7 64 bit professional (has winXP built ito OS).

I've been reluctant to mess with Windows 7 at this point because I've had so many issues with Vista. At least with Windows XP, everything just works. No crashes, no nothing. And I keep hearing about people having compatibility issues with Windows 7. Have you not encountered anything like that?

Posted : December 16, 2009 20:49
Illustrious Member Admin

I know I took Vista off my machine and put XP back on but I do have Win7 Pro at the house and will eventually put it on. Overall Win7 is a lot better product than Vista and hearing good things from people and reviews. XP is now starting to be feature limited and soon you won't see those nice visuals you see in game screenshots because XP won't support DirectX10-11.

Topic starter Posted : December 17, 2009 03:50
Trusted Member

There's not much wrong with early vista if you keep just these two rulez in mind, way back then.

1 ) It has a new driver model so every hardware vendor you use, need deliver or have avaible for DL, brand new Vista drivers. Some company do very well for some of there hardware early on. Other won't release one much later or never. And focus on new hardware. Also in very competing hardware the Vista version runs behind XP.

2 ) It has higher ( memory ) requierments.

So some don't

Don't put it on old hardware because you often will not comply to mem requierments.

Some hardware just isn't supported. That your problem and your first party that can help you will be the vendor of that hardware. if not. Solution is stick to XP.

Some do's.

Build your system after Vista release to decent Vista spects. Like 2GB no less And something DX9 ish GPU

Use Components with already steady Vista support.


Some OEM put Vista on cheap underspect systems like NEtbooks or real cheap PC or note books. With little memory and weak CPU's. That are just bad buys. A cat in a bag.

Falls bashing

Trow a Vista copy on old to realy old underspect hardware. But Linux and XP run's so well on it!!! Then stick with that.

Bad Vista experience garanteed.

Buy or build a cheap underspect PC but you took heavy weight Vista, that is just bad OS choice.

Today there SP2 for Vista. Driver support is high Os is mature.

W7 is just a name chance to avoid the bad name Vista is brandmarked with. W7 is a Vista refresh. A SP2 extended a second edition.

Vista paved the way for W7. the chicken egg problem with drivers has taken on Vista.

W7 has a OEM Netbook version. A light version for light spect hardware. Not in retail avaible. For Vista there was later a special XP OEM deal.

So i did my homework and with that have a good Vista experience for Years.

I would go for W7 for new bells and whistles. Better SSD and multitouch support.

Mem prices are low for some time so comply to mem spect is currently no problem, compared back in the early day's of vista.

Vista game performce. nV ruled the marked in those days. But have also Vista driver problems. And demanded from MS to make some DX10 Features optional. Like Virtual video memory architecture driver support. Because nV was the main dX10 target market. MS complies. ATI(AMD) was better Vista and DX10 ready but out of sight R600 disaster. The retail GPU market is hard and unforgiving. And XP vs Vista game review where exclusive nV only. Until one took ATI also into play and was suprised.

Now Vista has it's market share and AMD and nV are up to level for vista driver support.

Have nV for PhysX and 3DGeforceVision,TWIMTBP games. And a AMD rig for GITG games

That's my argumentated opinion about Vista.

Posted : December 19, 2009 10:26
Estimable Member

I have a dual boot system so I had a great chance to compare/contrast XP and Vista. Games do look/play better on Vista, that much is beyond question. It could be simply because Vista has dx10 and XP has dx9, not sure.

Vista has way too much garbage programs running in the background. Before I upgraded my fan, I couldn't play games on Vista because my system would overheat and crash. And it wasn't just games. If I tried to run a resource heavy program, it would overheat and crash. Same games/programs in XP? No problem.

XP starts up much faster too. Probably because I've widdled down the startup processes to around 16 or 17. In Vista, the lowest I could get the number of running processes down to was in the mid 30s'.

Posted : December 19, 2009 11:44
Illustrious Member Admin
SuperG wrote:
I would go for W7 for new bells and whistles. Better SSD and multitouch support.

I want a SSD drive for my next system since the price on them now is just a wee bit to high for my blood. Vista was a resource hog on my machine for a while but I had a lot of crap installed on the machine. I have Win7 64bit waiting to install I just haven't found the time to off load all my crap unto another drive.

I did run into some 'microsoft certified driver' issues with some of my older hardware which was a pain sometimes but I hear Win7 is really good and hope to put it on my machine during the Xmas holiday sometime.

Topic starter Posted : December 19, 2009 17:16
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