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To all SSC Station occupants

Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


World of Tanks

Illustrious Member Admin

Anyone playing this F2P (micro-transaction) game?

I started playing about a week ago and I have a blast playing it because its quick to get into a match and your playing against all human players. The tech trees are decent and it covers WWII tanks if I remember correctly and you can change out, turrets, comms, tracks, guns, ammo. You can train your crews and just have a fun time blowing people up 🙂

The maps are good and the game is still in its early stages of life and should only get better. I think a few months ago WoT broke the Guinness Book for the most users online on one server (90k+).

Topic starter Posted : June 28, 2011 08:11
Eminent Member

been playing it for the past few days. i like it, its a bit slow though. and a bit unbalanced, and the Pay to win seems to be quite obvious here...

Posted : July 19, 2011 16:49
Illustrious Member Admin

You get a slight edge if you play because you level faster and you have some different tanks you have access too. But the free tanks you can kick some ass in because I had a match last night where I killed 7 tanks with my M4 Sherman. It is really about tactics and aiming, never use auto-targeting and level your crew.

Topic starter Posted : July 19, 2011 18:08
Eminent Member
DarkOne wrote:
You get a slight edge if you play because you level faster and you have some different tanks you have access too. But the free tanks you can kick some ass in because I had a match last night where I killed 7 tanks with my M4 Sherman. It is really about tactics and aiming, never use auto-targeting and level your crew.

you can auto target? i didnt know that... shoulda read the manual lol.

7 is impressive. ima keep at it for a while.

Posted : July 20, 2011 04:39
Illustrious Member Admin

It's definitely worth it to keep playing because it is addicting 🙂

The game has some extra's you can add to your tank as well (3 slots) and you can add modifications for camo, ramming def, incr turret speed, incr reload speed, incr binos distance and more. And when you get your crew to 100% you can train them in some extra skills as well. Your crew is 'key' here in my opinion because you can just tell the difference from starting with a crew at 50% and having a crew at 90%, you hit more frequently, reload tends to be quicker and you can take more hits (depending on what hit you of course).

Only grind is getting the exp to unlock your equipment and next level tank it takes time and when your team looses the battle it just makes leveling slower is all. So I guess you just need to win all the time 🙂

DarkOne wrote:
I killed 7 tanks with my M4 Sherman

I just bought my M4 last night, I did this with my M2 (medium tank). Loved that tank I am hoping the M$ will be just as good because I cannot wait to get the 105mm main gun 😈

Topic starter Posted : July 20, 2011 05:10
Eminent Member
DarkOne wrote:
It's definitely worth it to keep playing because it is addicting 🙂

The game has some extra's you can add to your tank as well (3 slots) and you can add modifications for camo, ramming def, incr turret speed, incr reload speed, incr binos distance and more. And when you get your crew to 100% you can train them in some extra skills as well. Your crew is 'key' here in my opinion because you can just tell the difference from starting with a crew at 50% and having a crew at 90%, you hit more frequently, reload tends to be quicker and you can take more hits (depending on what hit you of course).

Only grind is getting the exp to unlock your equipment and next level tank it takes time and when your team looses the battle it just makes leveling slower is all. So I guess you just need to win all the time 🙂

DarkOne wrote:
I killed 7 tanks with my M4 Sherman

I just bought my M4 last night, I did this with my M2 (medium tank). Loved that tank I am hoping the M$ will be just as good because I cannot wait to get the 105mm main gun 😈

the game feels kinda grind-y but its not grinding if you enjoy it right?....

Posted : July 20, 2011 11:02