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Pioneer Mods on SSC

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Noble Member

i know i have meanwhile two models threads and this will be the third, but i think it's best to do so to avoid confusion.

anyway this thread will be related to all kind of mods, not only ships.

also there is a "mods" thread on the new Wiki...

but i'm convinced a "living" thread here on SSC will attract far more (might that be as confusing as it will; "something is going on - it acts, it bites - LOOK, IT'S ALIVE!")

reason is also that we can debate here, you can ask questions if something is not clear and whatsoever.


again for a third time a short intro where to find or where to put the mods.

nothing as easy as this <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

just save a game and in the text output window (that's where the scanner is locatet to) will appear the path to the savefiles folder in your "local pioneer" folder.

that will look something like this,

[attachment=1450:Bildschirmfoto 2012-10-22 um 18.35.56.png]

that's a shot from my MACbook using OSX, so if you use a different OS there will be written out of course something different.

nonetheless it shows the proper path to the "savefiles" folder and if you step one folder back you're in the "local pioneer" folder.

there you will find the "mods" folder (drawer, directory, "schuber", "chäschtli" however you like to name that <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' /> ).

mods are zipped folders containing data to replace installed data, a simple thing.

i don't like to repeat everything i wrote before, so here's a link to another fred (sorry, thread), where i explained how to create one (under construction)


that's it so far


Topic starter Posted : October 22, 2012 12:00
Noble Member

edit: philbywizz, it looks you solved the problem already, i will try the new build, thanks from far.

else i would simply have waited for the next release, but nice, thanks.

Topic starter Posted : October 23, 2012 04:00
Noble Member

ok, one little mod i have to offer already.

it's a little bit of music, no you don't have to like it, but perhaps one or two?

it's all "free" (from times when there wasn't this heck meck going on) music, so don't worry.

next thing you have to expect here are my FE2 (plus the models from "uncle bob" and "sparks") models in "alpha28dev" state.

[attachment=1464:Bildschirmfoto 2012-10-24 um 18.48.49.png]


greez to nina paley, i love your work and pride.

Topic starter Posted : October 24, 2012 07:47
Noble Member

<img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':O' /> Oh no! Not more music! That stuff is similar in style to some of the pieces I have in there, but the ones in your 'space' folder aren't ambient enough for me so I put them in other folders. I now have 2.7gb of Pioneer music. Thanks! <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':biggrin:' />

Posted : October 25, 2012 19:16
Noble Member

NCC 1701A "alpha28dev"

scale is close to 1:1, slightly smaller as she should be, 300m length (305 - 320, depending on the source).

performance is mediacre, but good for giant the size of the ship.

you will find a "model_scale" on top of the scripts (model and ship specs), though you can easy resize her.

things like bounding radius and position lights will be scaled together with the ship,

means, you just enter a scale and it will have the proper bounding radius.

(in reverse scaled for position lights, the problem is that the billboard lights get scaled unproportional with "scale". means a "billboard" sized i.e. 1 will be scaled overdimensional with "scale = 2", i suspect it ends in a exponent of 2 e.g POT <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />, but i'm not sure. for slight scaling this won't matter, but if you have a "scale = 9" it ends in giant oversized lights, same issue for thrusters, but we haven't such on the "enterprise". no, yes, i don't know if i have reported a issue ever about this, i think so because it's a old problem)

only one gunmount, but hmm, another "issue", i reported this one for sure, rear guns work only in rear view, besides i don't know where to mount them on the ncc1701.

that the lasers only work in view direction respectively only the front lasers will work in outside or siderear view i reported once, else i would have fitted both as front mountings, one on top and one on bottom of the disc. i assume such "lunatic" setup would work if the rear lasers would work at all in any else as rear view.

yes, i could have used "VERTICAL", but this count's only for dual lasers, but i guess my idea was to have a second gun mounting facing front, to fit a mining laser, this will be anyway the most used purpose for rear guns, firing backwards on a enemy is not only hard, it's useless imho.

because it's already hard to hit in front view, i would like to see one hitting something else as a asteroid with the rear guns, especially because they work only if rear view is active, i guess you will never switch the view in a fight, this costs to much time and makes also little sense because such a situation will rarely happen and if the enemy is really behind you, well then for such a short time that if you change view, he will be in "coocamongo" meanwhile, so no use for rear lasers except for mining, at least this is my experience.

further, even if the rear lesers would work in any else view as rear view, i suspect you won't hit anything if you didn't see it. this because of "clipping", i'm not sure but i noticed all objects which are not in view angle are "clipped", that's somehow proper and ok, it only makes "blind" shooting impossible.

but i would need some more experiences with that, i.e. to make a "snapshot" with GLXtractor to see what is realy present. actually i only suspect a clipping because of triangles used shown with CTRL-I, now i'm not sure if a ship will "clipped" completely or if LOD1 will stay if it's behind me, simply because i don't see what i don't see.

Topic starter Posted : October 27, 2012 13:44
Estimable Member

<img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':dancer:' /> VNice goin' Potsmoke

Beauty of a model! I took it for a brief drive - awesome detail. I guess there will eventually need to be capital ship docks for ships this size (an bigger) to avoid getting those scratches on the paint and when taking off from cities ect.

Hopefully soon, we will be able to just park such a massive starship anywhere safe and reliable - then ferry needed supplies/cargo to it, via the ship's shuttlecraft bay. (oh ya)

<img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':imsohappy:' />

Edit: Not that I don't get a rush flying the 1701a... but perhaps it is ALSO worth having this re-scaled to the actual sized Enterprise and offering it as an alternative to the presently existing (but less detailed) "LongRangeCruiser is Constitution class Starship" mod on the wiki.

Posted : October 28, 2012 17:19
Noble Member

Wasn't someone wanting to do a Star Trek mod for Pioneer? It's probably getting close to possible now!

Posted : October 28, 2012 23:44
Noble Member
'Vuzz' wrote:

remenber , pionner is a Open source project ( for the moment) , everybody's free to add any sort of Mods .

It'll always be Open Source <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> If anyone felt strongly enough then they could Fork the project on GitHub and create whatever they wanted to right now.

My post was more that with the Mod system now in place it'd be easier than ever before to do a Star Trek version. I also couldn't remember who wanted to do it and am hoping someone can now prod them <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' /> Especially if Gernot is interested in making lots of federation/klingon/etc ships.


Posted : October 29, 2012 03:19
Prominent Member

The licence under which you use Pioneer is the GNU General Public License. Once applied, it is perpetual. It guarantees your freedom to use and mod the software forever. It will not, and more important can not, be later turned into something that isn't exactly this free.

This is not to say that it cannot be made commercial, or that people cannot charge money for it. They can. Even if they do, it will still be free. You will still be able to share the very latest version with each other, and mod it and improve it, for free, even if it goes commercial.

That's how bloody fantastic free software is. We can't take these rights from you.

So, feel free to contribute. Because then you become one of the owners, in a very real legal sense as well as in the moral sense.

Posted : October 29, 2012 05:45
Noble Member
'Brianetta' wrote:
That's how bloody fantastic free software is. We can't take these rights from you.

<nods sagely>

Posted : October 29, 2012 06:49
Noble Member
'Brianetta' wrote:

That's how bloody fantastic free software is. We can't take these rights from you.

<img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':fans:' />

Posted : October 29, 2012 08:36
Estimable Member

No pictures for mods needs a fix:

Okay this is the original lower detailed version that takes the place of the Long Range Cruiser. The scale comparison is what makes it look magnificent beside the piddly little shuttle.


This new one shows scale between shuttle and NCC-1701 a lot better <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />


This is the new model Potsmoke contributed - with oh so much more detail (a screen shot doesn't do it justice) - I've only been able to dock it with the wheel stations without - being reminded of a scene from "Galaxy Quest" only the result is a little more final. owch


Still hope to see it as an LRC replacement mod - I'm certain it would be impressive to see in the proper scale against other ships.

Posted : October 29, 2012 16:27
Noble Member


That is so cool <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Posted : October 30, 2012 00:27
Estimable Member

wow just wow <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':shock:' />

Posted : October 30, 2012 00:32
Noble Member

a spoiler to start?


i hope everybody knows that neither the ncc-1701 nor the ncc-1701a is my work, i only converted them to use it in pioneer.

but a readme is included for both, perhaps i should name it in future author.txt

it's a nice model, yes, thanks even to fluffyfreak who linked the the models page here. is down...

according to a comment on startreknewvoyages' forum it's a old one??? (late 90's, not confirmed)

perhaps i should make some own ST models?

but it's hard for me already keeping the existing models in shape.

i can't promise nothing, further nina paleys work inspires me very much and i would like to make some flash movies myself, at least one i have in my mind which i like to make for my daughter. if i can manage it to get it finished until 13th of december.

anyway, first some changes to my ships, stil even the FE2 ships aren't in a useful shape, but soon, maybe tonight.

unfortunately i have to check them one by one again.

nonetheless they will contain some leaks, that's because of changes i made already to them and changes that i have to make for alpha27(28dev).

formost i'm not yet satisfied with the pilots, they will stay how they are for a little while, this needs some extra time, i have changed a lot to them but the function didn't works yet as expected, they will have no helmets i.e. (the function is a mess), but i hope i can fix this in about a month or so, priority is now to prepare the ships for alpha28.

oh yes, perhaps one could help me with a little problem,

i posted once that i replaced the "ladybird" with coolhands police viper, it's a "static ship" now, so it won't appear in the shipyard, but to meke it really nice working i would have to modify the "BulkShips.lua" and "TradingShips.lua", the idea is to disable simply all static ships below i.e. 100tons hull mass, i did such once last year i guess, but first i haven't this scripts present, second it has changed a little since then and actually i don't know anymore how to achieve this, if one could perhaps give me a hint where to put the lever on...

that would be nice,

else it's no big problem, the "police viper" will simply appear as bulkship or trader sometimes, not really cool but deniable.

let that police ship lurk around stations if it likes to, i don't mind to much about this now, it's more important to me to let it disappear from the shipyard.

you will have vipers enough to play with, this because the ship variations are single models now and due to the fact that them are 4 they appear a little often, likewise the cobra mk3 will be twice, the conny will be twice and. i made this to get rid of the dynamic exchanged models/skins.

more ships will follow and i'm thinking already about to change the Eagle to a wavefront based model(s). ("hurt" <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' /> ) but not for alpha28.

i need my PC to make this or will wait for the LMR "exporter?", "transcoder?", whatever.

Topic starter Posted : October 30, 2012 06:52
Noble Member

[media] [/media]

i'm not responsible for the selected vids shown after mine,

i guess i never upload something under "games" on youtube, brrr....


got it?

while this is no joke!

damned why am i so poor and why am i so slow..


Topic starter Posted : October 30, 2012 08:12
Estimable Member

Potsmoke, you can thank me for the link <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' /> (btw, maybe you can edit your first post and add reciprocating link to Pioneer wiki - for convenience)

No slight intended but, I had some concern with putting a link here from the wiki in that it may end up looking disorganized and hard to navigate through for new visitors. So maybe we can ALL try to make a concerted effort to keep things a bit tidy in this particular thread?

- Perhaps it is even worthwhile having a separate thread for spin off discussions of featured mods listed here. That way people can ask questions and get answers, without cluttering up this area too much. (before I am too guilty of doing the same, I will cut to the chase) Maybe add a link to such a specific mod discussion area at the top of this topic? (or if a complex mod, a link beside the mod)

Insofaras crediting the model designer of the micro machine NCC1701. Potsmoke, If you can give me the relevant authoring info, I will be happy to add it to the mod. <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ok:' />

Posted : October 30, 2012 12:13
Noble Member

enterprise ncc-1701 hmm...

not easy to track down the genuine modeller,

edit: wrong one..

there are several similar looking ships on google sketchup, it's not confirmed that it will be his model <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':read:' />

i suspect they copied around from each other and now the original author is lost in the mists of google sketchup.

this is the one i used (i guess)

seems also to be the one from which all others are derivatives of.

author is, Ian West

yep, i'm pretty sure now it's his model because i remember the Dalek from him as well.

cool, a (really) smart (looking) bomb...

overall, his models look really good to me, nice spaceships, buildings, whatever.

@Vuzz looking for a higher detailed, better textured YT-1300? check his models then.

blender can import the .dae models.

it will certainly need some work to get it running in pioneer, it depends on how good they are made.

looks also like he feels more or less fine with a re-use of his models,

he states sometimes that others have used or re-published his models but never sounds angry.

anyway if one didn't likes to see a sketchup model spread, he usually will note this already on the download page.

which is no warranty, sketchup can't grant any copyright i guess, it's ment to spread models.

unlike "darksaber" who is the author of the "milfalc" i used, he didn't feels so fine about that at all, foremost because some sold his models.

but these times are past i guess, at least i didn't stumble anymore over such obscure sites where they sell models which aren't genuine.

no wonder if you can get them elsewhere for free.

anyway, i guess i send him a note that we used his model in pioneer, perhaps we can attract him to it, who knows <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

he really made a lot of nice models with sketchup, i like also his "space1999 Eagle", "Thunderbird" ships, of course "the counterpart to the ncc-1701" and like i said a lot of other things he made.


be aware that sketchup models usually have a huge polygon count. to render a CG model that might be ok, the only limit is rendering time and some have a lot of time to render a model or to make a little vid <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' /> but for a game it's often far to much. they also often don't care about "unseen" polygons. but the fact that sketchup models are made often only from materials and use no or less textures equals this a bit, at least this is my experience i had with untextured models in pioneer, you can waste a lot of polygons compared to the use of a texture. vice versa a texture can help, no better, should be used to replace many polygons. but like i said this is only my personal experience.

but take the NCC-1701A as example it has a rather high polycount, but due to the fact that i used no, not true, only one little nearly deniable texture it has still a good performance. as a extreme to that stands the "Shift" i made, low in polycount but due to the detailed texture less good in performance, still even if i combined the texture to one and lowered the amount of meshes i used and if i would like the full "crisp" of the textures i would need 2048x2048 pixels for the sheet.

something in advance, but you won't see my "vintage ships" so soon, the "ADC44" will have crazy ship specs, i added now some thruster nazzeles, but not many, just as much as was possible on this tiny ship, the ship specs will reflect this to and the ship can't do some maneuvres (it can't hover).

i thought about the same for "coolhands viper", since he designed it truely to FE2/FFE, it has only one bottom and top thruster, like the original.

this would mean in fact you couldn't dive/climb and in fact in FE2/FFE you can't do this maneuvre manually, strangewisely the autopilot can do this. you have in FE2 many such limited ships. i'm not sure how useful such is, especially if you didn't like to "cheat" for the autopilot/computer speed controlled mode. but on the other hand i like to give the ships specs that reflect the model or vice versa the model should reflect the ship specs. but in case for the viper and other ships which aren't genuine mine i don't like to change the model, i have done it for the "cobra mk3" (no reverse thrust is inacceptable, or would be a treat for the cobra3, i see no problem for a "rocket"), but in general i don't like to change them or as less as possible.

edit: i forgot i can't influence dive/climb (i'm a idiot), i thought about that, but i have no chance to influence this, as i remember right now.

except to disable all lateral thrust i guess, but "argh" NO! that won't be good. now ok, maybe worth a try, i wonder how that will end up.

if you could only hover, strange... would be a little like what i remember of a old freeware ST game from the amiga. if it works at all.

Topic starter Posted : October 30, 2012 12:57
Estimable Member

Edit: Whoa, beauty. Love that Thunderbird 2! Space 1999 all xlnt models. On the info about Ian West, I will re-upload the original NCC with credit to him. Thanks P.S. <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

I think we should all give reverence to "The Unknown Modeler" whenever such situ's arise and the author is in question <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':paladin:' />

I guess in this case, it may just not be practical to include uncertain info. (If we leave a forum link with each mod readme.txt- as is current practice -

any un-accredited authors will have an opportunity to correct the record. - But respect the creators for their hard work, we absolutely must (yoda-ism?)

Here is a possible format to help keep some order. (please improve if you see an omission or have a better idea)

[12 Mod Categories]:


2.Alternative Vehicles








10.Game Utilities

11.Total Conversions



Mod category: 1-12

Mod name: _ _ _ _ _ _ (preferably with picture(s)

Date added: ../../..

Version: (mod vers #)

Valid for Alpha vers: XX, XX, ect. (list or range of other versions mod is known to be compatible with)

Contributor: David Braben <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

Additional Important info: (authoring, technical or otherwise) Optional

Info & discussion area: Link(s) to relevant groups and information on that mod.

Download location(s): http://www.....ect

I think it's a good tag to be included with individual (or even a short series of similar mods, if by same contributor)

Also, I think it will help to minimize any wall of text issues if clearly marked page breaks (ie:tags) are used between mods.


Posted : October 30, 2012 14:09
Noble Member

uhh, a lot of things to fill out, and i always disliked "to complete text" already in school <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

(not true i always found this as easy as answer a,b,c, imo a stupid learning system)

no, looks good.

this would have to be included as text or attached to?

i'm asking because, my FE2 ships will be ready soon

if this little thing wouldn't have appeared:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'LmrModelNotFoundException'

i like this one best, i always have then no idea what exactly has happened or where to search for the error.

yeah, must be one of the 20 scripts...

Topic starter Posted : October 30, 2012 16:15
Prominent Member

@baobobafet This is the format I'm using.

If you look inside the zip you will find this: readme.txt

Posted : October 30, 2012 16:19
Noble Member

argh, even more text...

something else,

" will be enough to replace the ships definition (or replace it with a empty one to disable one)", <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':dontknow:' />

Topic starter Posted : October 30, 2012 16:48
Prominent Member

[background=rgb(33, 47, 58)]"argh, even more text..."[/background]

You take care of the art. Leave these things for bureaucrats. <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':punish:' /> <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

Posted : October 30, 2012 16:59
Noble Member

yes of course i could...

i guess the idea was this,

we post mods here everybody in the same manner, (of course one can still add the text to the zip)

this will help users to get informed proper about what they will contain,

further if they will be placed in the wiki, you will have a proper "data sheet".



Mod category: Spacecraft

Mod name: Ships FE2 plus sub-models alpha27

Date added: 31-10-2012

Version: 1

Valid for Alpha vers: 27, 28dev

Contributor: gernot

Additional info:

included to this mod are the needed new or revisited sub-models,

they will actually ONLY work proper in conjunction with this mod or future mods created by "gernot" (unfortunately)

this could lead probably to conflicts with existing ship-models (it's under construction)

the mod contains a "user specified" pilot, it might be you don't like a baldheaded guy in a black dress.

if you like to change the look of the default pilot open the zip folder and edit "pilot_style.lua" (it's located in topmost directory of the zip).

it should be "self-explanatory", just enter your choices in the table in the same manner as they are filled in already.

until i have a better idea, it will unfortunately change all "single" pilots to your choice.

Further Info & discussion area:

Download location:

ok, folks, this will be almost the last thing you heard of me for a few days maybe a week, i have to move to "Ulisbach" and i have no web access there yet. therefore i can spend a lot of time on my new PC and work on the rest of my ships.

expect perhaps for tomorrow some little mods like,

"cargo", exchanges the cargo model (it will show a always proper sized text on the cargo model, if one is able to see this at all)

and "specs up" the tombstone (just some rock texture and "RIP, Commander Jameson", a bit a smoother look also).

"buildings", a set of buildings how i use them already

"bodyshop", robns "bodyshop" script

"space & groundstations"

"custom systems", which i made once

"studcity shuttle", for "LEGO" fans <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

all of them are running already, perhaps i join some of them into one, if there is time left to do so.

Topic starter Posted : October 30, 2012 18:10
Noble Member


i had a little closer look at the screenshots of the ncc-1701 with the shuttle, do you used a different texture or does the shuttle appear to you in this way?

not that it would be a problem if you use a different texture, i was just wondering (this texture has to vanish anyway).

Topic starter Posted : October 31, 2012 00:52
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