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PonyGen: the ultimate answer to facegen

Crewman Registered
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The PonyGen mod! -- Currently v1.0
Hi!!! I present unto you a little modification that I've been brewing for the last couple of days, that adds a new species. This was featured in its prototype stage on the official PSS twitter, so in case you have not seen it, here is a very useful URL:
removed link
The new additions, not seen in the video, are just a few manestyles, and two races: pegasus and unicorn!
I hope you enjoy.


o Optimize the *.png files, I forgot to do that in this version. Mouths need the 50% transparency though
o Species: Zebra, Kirin, Batpony, (perhaps donks), have them rarely generated (alicorns are never seen, they rule over stars perhaps
o Icons, e.g.: horseshoe for population, some in character creation

Not ToDo, perhaps in a separate mod:
o Celestia star system
o Pony name generation
o Missions.

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Crewman Registered
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Consider this v1.1. I have raised every layer by 20 pixels.
Sorry, it's not my intention to spam the download area like this, but I can't create folders or rename files.
I think I will do a Zebra species next, and then Kirin. May need look into a way to change species generation chance. I thought about making a ponice outfit for the police, or similar to the police uniform from Frontier.

Pioneer Moderator
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Posts: 185

Cool stuff.

Seems like the link to the pioneer twitter was (auto?)removed?

Pasting again:

Crewman Registered
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@impaktor Yes it was auto-removed. And I didn't bother fixing that... thanks!

I don't like leaving posts like these half-empty so now for some thoughts I've had recently:
The three races will be split up into separate species to overcome some limitations, especially regarding unicorn-specific accessories and armor. I may switch the accessories and hair layers so accessories that are in front of the mane are possible. The nose layer will be repurposed for accessories and features beneath the mane, like scars or adhesive bandages or whatever. Just so I don't forget, for that to not be so confusing, I would also change the little icon-graphics in the commander maker to be consistent with these changes..

More eye options. I got lazy on that front because they are a bit complicated to trace but there will be more.
More head colors. There are eight bright colors, next will be eight dark ones. Wanted to do these simple palette-swaps at a point where I'm satisfied with the heads.

This mod _may_ replace species_0 in the next version, if I can scratch together that many replacement files! Unless anyone has a better idea.
Additionally, I have decided to place Zebras and Kirins (possibly Batponies too) into a separate archive because not everyone is comfortable with them, so ponygenplus will be available... soon™. Dragons and cattle and griffons and changelings are not planned, don't worry. And neither are equestria girls for that matter.

This post is also a reminder that I should consult those with more knowledge about the (very obscure topic of) canon astronomy so maybe our own star-system will be made someday. Very fun and relevant topic and I think that would be a missing piece of the puzzle.
Please feel free to reply and share your thoughts.

This post was modified 5 months ago 2 times by ludovicus

Crewman Registered
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Consider this v1.2. I split the races into separate species, and have added unicorn armor, now that it was doable. I wish I could show you more than this, but I can't possibly work on this right now. Work on zebras have been started, and as mentioned earlier, will be released in a separate file.


I hope you enjoy!
