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Retrieve old saved games in Scout Plus

Prominent Member


"I can not load the savegames from Scout 21f.

Is there any way to recover the information into 22f? "


This is not possible for now. But with the help of a small script called console.lua, you can start a new game, recovering everything you had before.


Let's try to make it, as an example that others can use.


You must tell me what you want to recover:


Name of ship:

Ship equipment:

Date and time of the last game:

The data included in Personal Information:

Credits ($) available:

Last Space Station:

Topic starter Posted : April 6, 2015 06:12
Noble Member

I have your last console.lua but I see that more can be accomplished.


I'm interested in recovering;

Name of ship: I named my ship Oregon. Her number is xD-3000. What can I change?

Edit: That's funny! I liked the fact that my number was an emoticon, but I didn't expect it to show in this post!

X D-3000, OK?


Date and time of the last game: I play Pioneer in real time. I keep the game date and time synchronized with the calender date and time. Yes, I'm that crazy. I often spend a day or two docked when I'm not playing the game and have to fast-forward to my current time. This would be useful.


Last Space Station: This will also be useful. Does this mean that I won't have to go to a start up position to continue my game?

Posted : April 6, 2015 19:39
New Member



"I can not load the savegames from Scout 21f.

Is there any way to recover the information into 22f? "


This is not possible for now. But with the help of a small script called console.lua, you can start a new game, recovering everything you had before.


Let's try to make it, as an example that others can use.


You must tell me what you want to recover:


Name of ship:

Ship equipment:

Date and time of the last game:

The data included in Personal Information:

Credits ($) available:

Last Space Station:





Hi Walterar.

Thanks so much for your reply!

Indeed what I wanted to recover was:

- Name and type of Ship, Equipment, Personal Information such as Name, Rank, kills, Affiliation,. Also Credits available, current location, Missions completed.


In the meantime, I tried the console.lua for the 21f, and did a r2() in order to acquire the credits to get my stuff back, but my other stats are messed up, and it feels like I am cheating.

So I would really apreciate if you could help me!









Also, I would like to congratulate you on this amazing piece of software modification.

I've tried a lot of sims (Vegatrek, VegaStrike, oolite, Evochron, Freelancer, FFED3D), but none gives me the feeling of "space exploration" as good as PS+ (and Pioneer) do. At least for me.


My other candidate was Elite Dangerous, but after having battled with Frontier Dev regarding what I perceive as shortcomings of their product, I decided to take it as a loss and delete it from my disk.

Unfortunately I don't have much time to play (with work and family fighting over my time), so I can only play properly once or twice every two weeks. And having to wait for 1 hour for ANOTHER update for EliteD, was seriously annoying me! :O) Not to mention that every time I get to play, the "universe" has moved on...


PS+/Pionner are my favourites, I just have to spend a little more time learning to do combat properly (without using autocombat, ahah).

I'm also trying to contribute with a ship design, but that, as everything else, has to wait for free time!

Posted : April 7, 2015 00:21
Noble Member

Hi Pedro!

I thought I'd help Walterar by giving an explanation of how this works. English is not his primary language. You may have figured this out already, but it may help someone who reads this. Lua is a scripting language and the game will attempt to read a file that ends in .lua and put it into memory. Console.lua creates functions that can be called from the Pioneer console by pressing the [~] key. It works as a handy shorthand. Typing in the full commands for each thing is very tedious and error prone. You must edit console.lua to set your stats to what they were before. I put a double dash -- in front of lines that loaded equipment that I didn't have. Run the game and enter r2() or the name of the function you want to execute. Hope this helps! I don't know the .lua to set the name or time or place.

And it's not cheating if you earned that stuff! 😀

Posted : April 7, 2015 18:09
Prominent Member

Hola Pedro!  :hi: I'll build a Console.lua to retrieve saved games easier to understand.  :mole:


Marcel, can also reconstruct the date and time.  :nyam:

Topic starter Posted : April 8, 2015 16:30