To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
I follow this project and like what I see. I'm an avid Oolite player and also like the Vanilla Pioneer. Scout + looks like a nice enhanced version of Pioneer and I want to ask if it is also possible to bring it to Mac. Or can I play it on Mac already and then also how?
Anyway keep up te good work :).
Thanks! @pagroove
Only Linux and Windows, for now. :unsure: But gladly include executables for Mac if I find a volunteer that compile. :prankster:
Thanks! @pagroove
Only Linux and Windows, for now. :unsure: But gladly include executables for Mac if I find a volunteer that compile. :prankster:
Ok thank you walterar :).
This actually highlights something with the main Pioneer build too. There has not been any updates to the Mac version since the 2nd of February because someone is needed to compile it with the latest updates. If there is anyone out there who could help with either Scout Plus or the main Pioneer build then I hope they see this. I had previously put out the word in ModDB but no responses so far I am afraid. I will do so again with the next update I do on there.
Geraldine, I desire to build a "hackintosh" machine to compile, too, for Mac, but my psychologist disagree. :crazy:
Mac contributors are hard to find all round - even at Oolite lately.
Geraldine, I desire to build a "hackintosh" machine to compile, too, for Mac, but my psychologist disagree. :crazy:
Thats totally ok walterar. No one can say you have not done enough already. In fact you have already managed impossible things with Scout Plus. Rest easy my friend. :queen:
EDIT: A request to Fluffy, nozmajner, Robn or any of the other Pioneer regulars. If you folks could also add this to the end of the month changelog that could also help get the word out. This would mean both sites for Pioneer will be covered. I know many more people just download direct from Pioneer's own site so perhaps it will have a better chance of catching a visiting Mac wizard's eye?
Add something about the Mac version?
What would you like adding?
Just basically a shout out to any Mac fans if they would like to get involved in creating a build using the latest assets. Simple and straight to the point. That's what I am planning to do and not just on ModDB either but also on a range of forum threads about Pioneer that I maintain in various places. I will cast the net far and wide and see if I can catch me any Mac wizards! :girlcrazy:
The changelog isn't quite the correct place for it, it's parsed by a script robn wrote so you can't just put whatever you like into it or it breaks the script since it's looking for things to be correctly formatted.
So I think it will just need some prodding and explicitly mentioning rather than going in the changelog.
There is already a Mac specific Pull Request aiming to fixup the Mac build but the two people working on it are both busy with their lives and so aren't around to finalise it 🙁
Ok Andy I will drop that link into my next update and ask around some forums and hope some kind Mac user steps forward.
Is there any development on a mac release? Just wanted to know. :).
Hi pagroove :hi:
For now there is no Mac version compiled in. Have you tried to run the Windows version (.exe) with Wine?
Yes tried that but I am getting the following error through Wine:
OpenGL extension GL_EXT not supported. Pioneer cannot run on your graphics card as it does not support compressed DXTn/S3TC Format textures.
Normal Pioneer is running fine though. I'm on a Macbook Pro 2011.
I not found problems with Windows or Linux; it seems that Mac does not like some models of Gernot. I hope I'm wrong.
The DXTn/S3TC part in the error message is refering to the .dds textures. But Pioneer uses the same format, so it should then throw the same error I think. Could be that some textures use other compression methods.
You could first try to remove the pattern files and see if that solves the problem, because they usually have transparency and for that you need to use DXT5 compression.
Converting them to .png and updating the .model files might help. But it would be easier to do some batch operation for that, because of the enormous amount of ships in scout+
Along with the .sgm deleting of course, in both cases.
I could try giving this another bump on ModDB and appeal to any MAC fans if any would be willing to help?
Thank you for investigating. I have a normal install of the latests vanilla Pioneer and that runs fine. Would love to try Scout Plus one day :nyam:
Edited to add. I used Winebottle to make an app of the exe and run it through Wine. But then I got the above error.
@pagroove I need to confirm whether last Pioneer vanilla for Windows works in Mac with Wine. If this is so, I think I can do some tests following the suggestions of nozmajner. Your help will be very important for Mac users. :mole:
ok wil try do download an vanilla Pioneer and try to run it through Wine. Will report back.
Nope same error on vanilla.
That build works. It starts and shows the intro with the spinning ships.