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To all SSC Station occupants

Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


BBS News and a new ship

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Trusted Member

BBS News and a new ship


These are a few small things i have been working on to add a bit of extra content to the game. They are still very much a work in progress and will need a lot of fine tuning and fixing but i felt that they are at a stage that others may be interested.


BBS News


Galactic News Network

This is just a way to get some interesting background story's in to the game, at the moment there are around 40 story's including some about trading so they are worth reading. The scripts for this are filled with comments for others to add more story's or alter the way that it works.

There are spelling mistakes and i will get round to sorting them soon.


to instal unzip into the modules folder of your pioneer data folder.


New Ship


Deep Space Miner

A very slow and heavy beast of a ship, made 100 years ago for the rich mining industrialists the Deep Space Miner failed to gain popularity as a self sufficient mining vessel because pirates saw them as easy pickings. Despite all this they can still be found on the market.

Built in 3DS Max using the new model system


Hi res textures (just copy them over the ones that come in the main download for the ship)


Source files (contains the 3DS Max scene file used for the mesh's and the Photoshop files used for the textures(layer 0 is the UV template))










If any one comes up with any story's or updates to these please let me know so i can update them here.


All of my work here is free to use and change as you like but please try to give credit where its due.

Topic starter Posted : December 30, 2012 08:06
New Member

Nice work!

Posted : December 30, 2012 08:10
Noble Member

Excellent work Fish! 😀

Posted : December 30, 2012 08:34
New Member

Beautiful ship! And I like the BBS News idea. Downloading... :prankster:

Posted : December 30, 2012 09:27
Reputable Member

Wow that looks great 🙂

Posted : December 30, 2012 10:28
Trusted Member

thanks for the comments guys


the ship floating problem has been fixed with the new pioneer release


have a good new year all

Topic starter Posted : December 31, 2012 02:47
Prominent Member

have a good new year all

It's 3201 already?

Posted : January 1, 2013 03:07
Trusted Member

well i can tell its a new year now i only ever feel this bad on new years day ughhh

still not sure what year it is but i can tell its definitely a new one

Topic starter Posted : January 1, 2013 12:11
Reputable Member

Took it for a spin in the local neighbourhood :







Posted : January 1, 2013 12:24
Prominent Member

Looks awesome. Really fits the game mood.

Posted : January 1, 2013 12:39
Trusted Member

thanks for the pics i realy liked the second one . is this using your new shaders and things? and im glad to see the reduced texture size hasn't reduced the quality of the ship.


by the way if people want the higher res textures (2048x2048 pix size) let me know and ill post them somewhere.

Topic starter Posted : January 1, 2013 12:44
Trusted Member

Updated the Deep Space Miner:


Attached nav light points

Created new LOD mesh for the hull

Attached label nodes

Fixed the collision mesh to include open landing gear (fixes floating above or sinking in to the landing pad)

Topic starter Posted : January 3, 2013 02:49
Estimable Member

It's a neat ship, I would like to have it in the game after you are done with it.


For your next model, I would recommend using lighter/whiter textures so the ship is more visible. It also allows us to better add colour variations.



by the way if people want the higher res textures (2048x2048 pix size) let me know and ill post them the way if people want the higher res textures (2048x2048 pix size) let me know and ill post them somewhere.

Yes, you should always post the high-res originals so they are not lost 🙂 The original .max files too.

Posted : January 7, 2013 17:59
Estimable Member

Hi all, I have not been around for a while due to various issues that happens when life throws its weight around but I am back around now and must say that I love the look of this ship. And if this is an example of the new model system then I am very excited and impressed.


On a little side note, I have not had a lot of chance to play the new a30 version yet but with my new laptop that now has more power than an astmmatic hamster and the new a30, Pioneer has never looked so good.

I have a lot of catching up do....

Posted : January 8, 2013 04:34
Trusted Member

flashing/animated lights are not ready yet what i meant by "Attached nav light points" is that the empty nodes are in place and ready for when we can use flashing lights

Topic starter Posted : January 8, 2013 07:58
Trusted Member

Updated the DSMiner:

new LOD mesh

packed in to a .zip folder for easy use with the pioneer mod system


And a quick peek at the up and coming Lathen Siege Barge (be warned it still has a lot of textures missing or incomplete)



Topic starter Posted : January 18, 2013 08:03
Estimable Member

loving that barge fish.


To me it looks like someone drove a B5 earth destroyer right up the backside of a tie interceptor.

Posted : January 18, 2013 22:36
Estimable Member

@Vuzz, did you get your Star Wars afternoon? The way Disney are going you'll be able to have a Star Wars Day.


@fish, is there and ETA on the barge?

Posted : January 20, 2013 06:20
Trusted Member

well i was hoping to have it done already(or at least in a state ready for others to play with) but started a few other models so it got put back a bit as it stands it needs new textures and a few LOD meshes added to it befor its ready

Topic starter Posted : January 20, 2013 06:53
Estimable Member

started other models too. nice. I may get my flying box done by the end of the year lol

Posted : January 20, 2013 08:09
Trusted Member

keep at it dude your not far from having it sorted from what i saw and UV unwraping is as much an art as it is a skill (from what i have found out) so just keep it up and you will soon have it looking great.

Topic starter Posted : January 20, 2013 08:38
Estimable Member

Hello. How can I translate your news, the names of the goods it is impossible to translate? Can you integrate your script with pioneer-30datalangRussian.txt Help me please.)

Posted : January 26, 2013 07:17
Trusted Member

Hello. How can I translate your news, the names of the goods it is impossible to translate? Can you integrate your script with pioneer-30datalangRussian.txt Help me please.)

i know just what you mean give me a few days to add that stuff to the language file (i think that there is an example in the goods trader script that i can use)

and thanks for looking in to translating it

Topic starter Posted : January 27, 2013 06:26
Trusted Member

Updated the Galactic News Network:

added translate for commodity's

added some translatable names in the language file ["GNN News Anchor"] and ["Galactic News Network"]

Topic starter Posted : January 27, 2013 10:42
New Member

I still have the deep space miner, comes withe ne newest pioneer, but i can't find a trader who sell ist.

How can i find it ?

Posted : October 20, 2013 05:21
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